Hello I hope I don't trigger you but:

Your all a bunch of traitorous class cucks who whine and moan all day long and project your fragile little fe fes on others calling them snowflakes while the real fragile, special little snowflakes are you!

Sing it with me "if your a fragile little nazi clap your hands!

If you're in need of validation because you cant handle your situation and you dont understand exploitation clap your hands!

Other urls found in this thread:


go outside faggot

t. Potato nigger

I'm ok with you punching nazis if they van punch back.

I honestly wish I'd get punched so I'd have a legal excuse to fire on them.


it's what I picture when you say ''healthcare is a right help me gubment''

Antifascism isn't liberal, liberalism is a mask worn by the bourgeois in order to disguise the undemocratic nature of capitalism, fascism is the removal of the mask, the open dictatorship of capital and reactiin against the workers, the battle of class struggle laid completely bare.

More projection from a man in the same time zone also on 4 chan of a Friday night. Well colour me suprised!

Re-read your posts man, look how butthurt you are

Potato contains 210 kcal.
Desk work expends 150 kcal/h.
Threads can be active anywhere from 10 minutes to a couple of hours.

OP is spending most of his daily quota on this people, have some compassion.

If you can't speak plain English I can't rebuttal your argument.

I have a job, I must work tomorrow
Only teenagers get happy at friday's
What's your point?


You shouldn't punch anyone, nazi or otherwise.

Everyone has a right to their beliefs and opinions, even if those are gas the jews and kick all the shitskins out of my country.

Shit thread btw, sage

Kill yourself you snowflake.

>claps hands

Alt rightists are degenerate. I hate them equally for different reasons.


>Your all a bunch of traitorous class cucks who whine and moan all day long and project your fragile little fe fes on others calling them snowflakes while the real fragile, special little snowflakes are you!
couldn't agree more. the rest of your post is real tryhard though

I couldn't believe this was real, until I googled it. Jesus Christ, Ireland.

i just think if you dont believe in free speech for your enemies, you dont actually believe in free speech

You won't understand exploitation until you're first in gulag desu


the commie sentiment from ireland is so cringy

>Sing it with me "if your a fragile little nazi clap your hands!

Oh I'll sing it!

>"If your father left your mother clap your hands"

*clap* *clap*

>"If you're mad that you are shorter clap your hands"

*clap* *clap*

>"If you wanna LARP as marxists, and you really hate your parents, If you wanna beat up elders clap your hands!"

*clap* *clap*

I got some new boots today, but they aren't Doc Martens nor black.

what bothers me is that this post is plausibly serious

Yes leftists, everyone is a Nazi. Punch everyone. That will surely get people to vote you back into the house of representatives, the senator, the presidency, governorships.. Keep doing what you are doing BUT MORE!

Antifa licks corporate media's boots all the time.

>fight for the "working class"
>be unemployed and on welfare

the lefties are the only ones engaged in class warfare. every single time
>stupid poor and working class stop voting against your own interests
top lel. they are so fucking stupid

>"w-workers of the world, unite!!!"
>dont actually work

the bootlicker meme has about as much oomph as calling a white person a cracker because these types of insults always come from people who white people hold in contempt, eg liberals and niggers

How does these beyond retarded threads keep, not only getting made, but mods refuse to delete them.

Lol, real worker movements really can work when it is ethnocentric. Races tend to stick together even in multicultural society. Multiculturalism is just a way for capitalists to divide nations. There is no racism. There is only racial preferences.

>an irishman is proud to waste his nights being a degenerate
well colour me surprised

I didn't sign any class social contract how can I be a class traitor.
Class traitor is just a term taken from race traitor.

>capitalism is when someone scratches your ass while holding a bag of money


Communism is actually pretty outdated. The left wing faction of fascism is its most recent form. Communism always leads to bureaucracy.

Is that what turned you into a nazi you poor little thing? There there. Do you want us to call your mam to make you something nice for your bedtime snack? I know you've been badly let down by your father figure

I'm surprised you're not a bit potato nig no one really cares what you think Sup Forums being the most radically diverse 'nazis'


1. Nazis per se don't exist, therefore your designation of someone as a "Nazi" is entirely ad hoc and discretionary
2. Violence against opinions is unacceptable in civilised society, even if they are deemed immoral or unethical. Debate or boycott are valid, however

So when you say "punching a Nazi is okay" it can literally only be interpreted as "physical violence is acceptable if and when I deem their opinions unacceptable"

This is the same thought process that justifies violence against LGBT people, and religious/sectarian violence.

But having said that, this attitude is entirely consistent of Left Wing politics historically.

>Stevan Molymux
>Nod an adgument :DDD

Why are communists so disgusting?

Aww look at the little marxist!

You mad that daddy didn't love you enough? Well for those of us grown ups, we don't project our own insecurities onto old people and beat them up because we were drug addicts.

Some of us even study real post darwinian social sciences and economics as well. Weird right? Don't worry sport you'll get there eventually.

Wow wow WOW.

You guys still don't get it, do you?

Real Americans WILL punch Nazis.

Republicans are now Nazis as long as you support an orange Hitler sex offender President.

Stop fucking crying.

You literally ask for a broken nose every time your votes, your money, your voices are raised against Muslims, women, and immigrations.

You literally beg for it every time you tell us Donald Dumbfuck "isn't really racist," or "doesn't really hate women."

You literally scream for it every time you invade a sane campus, demanding far right pantshitters be given a podium for hate.

We are in an EMERGENCY situation.

We are DONE playing games.

Nazi fucks, prepare to be punched. Prepare to be kicked. Prepare to suffer bruises, broken bones, and worse every time you openly preach hate outside rural redneck America.

We are not your pussy ass tax protesting tea party. We are true Americans, and we are going to take action against all enemies of our fellow citizens and friends.

All are welcome.

No one is illegal.

Love always trumps hate.

Literally expect us.

>that b8