Congratulations, Sup Forums, it's a beautiful baby girl!
Congratulations, Sup Forums, it's a beautiful baby girl!
No. Put it back and try again.
please refer to it as babyself until it can make a conscious decision about its gender
Yeah, no thanks.
>wakes up screaming
uyo can keep her
I'm sorry, where's the trashcan?
We shall name her Erika
honestly my worst nightmare
Just gotta go make a boy this time, and make sure to get him circumcised
And? Daughters are wonderful. Mine is my world. If you are lucky enough to have a daughter, pol, you will become a better man
God gives you a child, who cares what it is?
this. my daughter is the light of my life.
I would hate to have a daughter. Unimaginable love up until she is 16, then knowing she will turn into a BBC loving slut at college and university no matter what you do.
No thanks. Wouldn't want a son either actually. Children fucking suck
Thank God.
My gf is Chinese. Hapa grills are 10/10 cute whereas hapa boys will definately go psycho and Supreme Gentleman everyone.
i wish
>baby is white
you know wife, i'm not even mad, well done.
>he doesn't realize Sup Forums is just the political version of /r9k/ now
>being too much of a beta cuck numale to properly raise a child with conservative values
why did you assume xer gender, you cis pos?
My wife's daughter looks just like her boyfriend
In the trash it goes
hate to tell you, but all the conservative women you see still took a mile of multi-coloured dick between 16-25.
not only are you, guys, racists, but also your moms twerked on my dick last night alternately
You can keep it.
This. My daughter's pussy is much better than my wife's ever was.
so edgy
Not too late to abort
Yeah, I didn't shell out for sperm sorting and pre-natal testing for it not to be.
It's not edgy. That's what having daughters is for, to replace their mother as primary fun receptacle.
Kill yourself.
this thread really shows how many edgy teenagers infest Sup Forums
Raise her right and maybe no college if you are a failure at fatherhood?
I want a daughter, maybe not firstborn, but still.
And you'll wonder why she rides the BBC at 13.
I'm hoping my next one is a girl. I got two boys and a girl would be nice.
Wonderful, I would love to have a daughter. Or a child in general, although I need to graduate from the educational jew first.
>this thread really shows how many edgy teenagers infest Sup Forums
Gee boss I sure do wonder why a bunch edgelords would go to an anonymous imageboard and post edgy things on the "POLITICALLY INCORRECT" board. Maybe we need the gang to investigate. Call up Scooby and his pals.
Great! Is it another Jude?
>not black
No, my girls are good and loyal. They wouldn't never let any man touch them sexually except me and, once she's married, the husband I arrange for her.
Honestly Id like a daughter up until about 9 or 10 because they are really cute, but after that its gotta be constant stress of worrying about her being kidnapped by a nignog or her bringing home a steady stream of retarded boyfriends.
Seems like sons can basically take care of themselves, even if they are virgin neets into their 30s they dont expire like women do and still have time to turn it around.
You said you would circumcise your son. Why would one believe that Jew myth? Why would you force a cosmetic surgery on a newborn without adequate pain medications/sedation? Watch a video and do some research before you think your sons cock had to 'look' like yours.
>check if she has soul
>proceed accordingly
Prolly better to kill your wife if she get's jealous, lads
I'm not circumcised first of all.
Second circumcision is mandatory for Christians.
Genesis 21:4
And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old, as God had commanded him.
This is a commandment from God, it is mandatory that sons be circumcised on the 8th day. Even Jesus himself was circumcised
Luke 2:21
And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
Now I know what you're all going to say, this is the Old Testament we don't have to follow that, well Christ would like to have a word with you.
Matthew 5:18-19
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
To teach against circumcision is to go against what Christ has preached, those who practice and those who teach it will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.
I know what you're all going say, but Paul said you don't have to! That's correct, Paul said you don't have to but he never mentioned your son
Galatians 5:2
Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.
What he is saying here is if you are circumcised Christ shall profit you nothing, you meaning you the reader. The issue at the time was the Jews claimed to become a Christian you must first convert to Judaism and be circumcised then you can convert to Christianity. This was obviously a big issue but it was solved.
1 Corinthians 7:18-20
Is any man called being circumcised? let him not become uncircumcised. Is any called in uncircumcision? let him not be circumcised.
Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God.
Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called.
What this is saying here is if you became a Christian when you were circumcised, don't become uncircumcised. If you were uncircumcised, do not become circumcised. This is what it means when Paul said if you're circumcised Christ shall profit you nothing, it doesn't matter come into the church as you are, do not listen to the Jews who are trying to lead you away from Christ all are accepted into the church just the way they are.
What is important is you obey the commandments of God, one of these was to circumcise your son on the 8th day.
Genesis 17:12
And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger, which is not of thy seed.
Notice that it says he that is 8 days old shall be circumcised? The Jews corrupted this by saying everyone must be, not true. It's essential to have your son circumcised now that you have this knowledge but you yourself don't need to be circumcised.
Mad respect Bulgarbro, I like how you keep those little skanks naked all the time
>sun dresses
Thirdly, I've seen videos, I've done my research. I fell for this anti circumcision meme being pushed on Sup Forums but I grew up. It's a part of our Anglo culture and heritage I want to preserve. An Anglo being uncircumcised is almost as bad as an Anglo using metric.
Jesus did not say we have to cutnour cocks. We also eat pork and shell fish after all or just cherry picking from the Old Testament?
I don't eat pork, I don't eat shellfish yes I suppose I'm cherry picking you know all about me. Tell me about how I don't follow the Old Testament.
gotta have white children if you want a future with white children. its good with me
Whoops I droped it
Whoops I stepped on it
Aren't you afraid she will grow up and burn coal? Honest question.
Praise Kek they don't.
>Sup Forums: *has baby*
>Sup Forums: Is it white?
Read Leviticus and you tell me what laws you are breaking. I personally don't give shit. I just don't get why you would do that to a child without proper pain management. I would be more understanding doing it when the boy is older and chooses this for himself.
>don't let them go to public school
>arrange their marriages so they won't mess around with boys
Not hard.
Fuck off, you piece of shit. Don't try to use superstition to justify mutilating infants. You should be killed.
The best thing about being a dad to a daughter is the dream of grilling her future boyfriends on the barbecue if they harm her.
>He doesn't know that literally no one on Sup Forums is actually white.
>adequate pain medications/sedation?
You can't give anesthesia to an infant.
Standards are pretty low.
>Sees flag
Kek, Mexico asking to be cucked.
Circumcision isnt mutilation retarded Euro nigger, I hate Europeans so much we should have banned you from Canada. Euro homos are the reason why women can vote, we changed our flag and almost became a republic.
Are you a communist? Communists outlawed it, I'm a freedom loving Anglo who loves Christ. Jesus was circumcised, Jesus compared healing to circumcision, Anglos are circumcised.
If you don't do it for your son you're probably a Euro commie atheist
Yes they do, besides God commanded it
>Circumcision isnt mutilation retarded Euro nigger
Yes, it is, you walking garbage.
>Yes they do
No, that's why it's done without anesthesia.
> besides God commanded it
Nobody gives a shit what your imaginary friend wants.
Maybe she will grow up to be a herpetologist and find a cure for gay frogs
Talk to me again when you turn 18 and finally grow out of your atheism
Your making a lot of weird judgements about me that are pretty idiotic.
1. American (5th generation)
2. Registered Republican
3. Right wing (constitution capitalists)
4. Christian (have not missed church in over five years)
I guess the maple syrup really lowered your ability to think outside of muh stereotypes cause religion.
Circumcise it, labia is fucking disgusting
you madam are prime rake material
This is a commandment from Satan in the Koran, don't do it.
You're prime Hell material Achmed
fuck off, labia is disgusting, also
>Atheist since 10
I dont care where im going as long as its somewhere
In the trash it goes.
You mean butt hurt want to be a Jew but just a pedo Arab war lord?
>Circumcision isnt mutilation retarded Euro nigger
This goy is right, there's nothing wrong with chopping off parts of your body to appease YHWH
Gal 5:1-6
Alright time to arrange a marriage
Set up for home schooling
Buy clothes for the next 18 years as conservative as possible
Buy a gun and taser to give her when she turns 4
Should probably just move innawoods log cabin out of the way would be the best to avoid this degenerate society
Labia are delicious. Just wait to you lose the v card and go to town on a woman.
So, yesterday? Fuck off.
>not wanting a sexy, red pilled daughter that you can benis when your wife goes to visit her "friends"
>mutilating male infants is holy
>mutilating female infants is evil
And somehow this makes sense to you.
>I've seen videos
convert to islam
I already discussed Galatians, Paul was talking about converts. God didn't say "when you convert before circumcised" this garbage made up by the synagogue of Satan, God just said at 8 days old. Older than 8 days? Don't have to be cut, simple as that. Why does Sup Forums take the simplest thing in the world and makes it so complex?
Better circumsize
>being this butthurt about worshiping an imaginary faggot
God commanded male circumcision, it's not mutilation it's not damaging. Pull down your foreskin walk around. Nothing bad happens, that's basically it.
Cut off your clit (the most common form of female circumcision) and tell me how that feels. Satan mentions this in the Quran it's not mentioned in the bible because it's cruel, god never said to remove your glans.
>go to town on a woman
Disgusting. Little girl kitty is only cunt good for eating out.
>not giving your daughters the benis while your wife watches so she can see how old and sexually unappealing she is.
You know I thought of a super hero
Captain Labia and the Bull Dyke Bitches of Justice.
A man born with a labia, just a labia. He teams up with his twin sisters the bull dyke bitches to fight crime. The Labia can come off and split in 2 to form a shield.
The villains start off as cock man, Cardinals, abortionists, etc. All leading up to the revelation that Labia's are an alien species that latched onto women and are now ready for their uprising.
Turns out the bull dyke bitches don't have labia so aren't controlled as their families labia is passed down through generations and only became active because it's on a male this time.
Final battle has the Labia splitting in 2 going to both sisters to rest at the conclusion.
Would Sup Forums read this? I can get an artist?
You cut off the clit hood - same as male circumcision
A baby does not have the ability to say he believes in Jesus and accepts him as his lord and savior...soooooo you are just doing it cause muh tradition, muh pastor said so, and muh I want to be a Jew.