Guys, do it! =D

As someone whose government was socialist from 2003 to 2015, you are making a big mistake.

What is d5BHFFsa?

Being a socialist.


No, I mean what the fuck does name mean?

>No, I mean what the fuck does name mean?
Is this a serious question? I hope this is bait.

*does your name mean?

You have to go back

A name is not its meaning. If I call you an idiot, that does not make you an idiot, right?

Back to what?

Nice try amigo, but get the fuck off this website or lurk for at least 6 months before you even think about posting something here especially your own thread.

as a czech who's family fled from communism, you are lower than dirt and i would kill you to avenge my family's suffering as a direct and necessary result of your ideology


That does not look like a question, would you like to try again?

thank you

Do you hate niggers and Muslims atleast?

Why, are you a nigger or a Muslim?

You're welcome, my dude

>doesn't understand my question
fuck off and sage

it's not gonna get you laid mate

Sometimes I'm able to hate niggers. I don't hate Muslims, since I never met one. Why do hate niggers and Muslims? How do they hurt you?

You're asking naive, bright eyed and bushy tailed questions

I'm trying to motivate you to ask better questions.

Well that's called critical theory, and it's a defunct school of thought.

Why do you want to control every aspect of my life?

Your mom (or someone else) must also be a defunct school of thought, or she (or other person) would have taught you to ask better questions.

Sort yourself out, Bucku.

troll? it an ID number for individual threads

Why haven't you ended yourself yet?

Good question. I believe I have a mission to educate the masses.