What does Sup Forums think of Shias?
What does Sup Forums think of Shias?
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le synthol mane
Iranians are pretty damn crazy....
Shias are the One True Religion.
Saudi will collapse soon so Murrica had better switch dance partners to Iran soon.
Even when you apply the finest curry seasoning to a piece of shit, its still ultimately a piece of shit
That guy is fat and 99% of women would not find him attractive. Lifting is a meme and only virgins will defend it.
Oh my god, I'm a female these savages turn me on oh I'm so wet right now i want to breed with them whyte bois are so cucked i wish they die off in the decades to come
curry and shit
most indian post ever
Sunni was traditionally the more tolerant branch, and it was also the most liberal branch after Shia, and the most traditionally conservative, Ibadi. it was only since the 1880s that Wahhabi became the prominent school.
Shias have a tendency to lose flags...
I've just had a micro orgasm and as suck decided to convert to islam
They use the same source book right?
>What does Sup Forums think of Shias?
they are a sadistic cult of death
>what does Sup Forums think of Shia
>cunts have to ask the question
Pretty much this. It's actually a very interesting history of the 2 if you're to put aside the whole Iran-Lebanon-Saudi conflicts of today which make us "choose" a side.
if i were going to be beheaded, i would ask for that guy
...another american idiot. Now wonder they hate you the most.
They are the best of two evils.
Most people seem to hate him, but I genuinely like the guy, he always makes me laugh.
Top Kek. Missed this post
Actually, we tend to hate Canada more because they are Muslim apologists.
Its all greek to me
i liked the first transformer movie and holes. after that, hated him
>What does Sup Forums think of Shias?
I don't.
Shia's are based as fuck, but the guy in your picture is a Christian Iranian.
Ya Zeynep feda olsun
Fidaki ya zainab
Ali AliAli
Khaybar Khaybar ya yahudi
Let them kill the sunnis and vise versa.
It will always boggle my mind how he went from fucking Pic related in her prime (she sdmitted having an affair with him)
>ya yahudi
>amerifat who doesn't think
Well color me surprised.
Barack is that you?
To being with this bitch for years. Wtf does liberalism make a man forget how to score chicks?This guy is so famous and losded he could fuck literally any girl in the West, and he chooses this 4/10 with no eyebrows to stay in a 5-year relationship with.
khaybar khaybar ya yahudi means kikes will experience another khaybar which is a battle where mohammad killed a lot of kikes.
No, Obama sucks Saudi cock and funds takfiri wahhabists.
You Lebanese? We have quite a few Lebanese here, a lot also came during/after the civil war.
No, but I admire Lebanon and Hizbillah for fighting kikes, and wahhabists. Shia's are based.
The only muslims I have any measure of patience for are the Alawites and we'd still be better off without them.
Pls b my ai gf .. Pls
Maybe she's just really nice. Or is into anal. Or, more
Ikely, is so retarded that she puts up with his obvious meth habit because something
Decent. At least in all of mudslims level. Alawites are higher tier tho.
Why is that faggot constantly wearing some sort of military apparel?
shia originally invented suicide bombers
the only differences between them, they can tell apart
to non muslims (actual humans) its all the same shit
may they all burn in hell
its for the greater good
assholes who invented suicide bombings than plagued the muslim world with that shit and later it came back and bit their asses
Hello Singh Ali.
Some guys store fat on there chest and arms so they look buff when there really just fat.
But guys like this would be A BIT stronger due to having to carry all that around.
I'd be very surprised if any of the families get a single fucking penny from the Saudis.
They need to lose weight?
Shias BTFO kikes and Saudis. They also make USA look like a cuck.
We like those with the oil. That's all.
we need help. if you hate Shia come help discord.gg
DESU Shia's don't really carry out any terrorist attacks in the West but plenty of Shia rapefugees are pouring into Europe.
Sunni are scum so I'll pick shia anytime
Reminder 100% of terror attacks committed on Western soil were done by Sunni scum aka true Muslims™
Shia are heretics so based
Everything that strays from Sunni insanity is good
>A 2011 Pew Research Center estimates that 51% of Muslims in Iraq are Shia, 42% are Sunni
So it's 50% Sunni still
There is a 50% chance the iraqui scum in Europe are sunni , which jumps up to 90% considering virtually all other raefugee rapists are sunni generally
the essence of india
stop larping
he thinks it makes him che guevara or something
much like black people+bling think it makes them rappers/gangster
it's too bad their role models are degenerate waste
They still worship a goatfucking pedophile, fuck 'em.
Show me more characters in this fighting game.
you sound like you're speaking from experience
Allah hulkbar!
Whichever one shows up on MemriTV more is the superior one.