What are your thoughts on Alex Jones, disinfo agent? Who owns him. Whos suppressing him.
What are your thoughts on Alex Jones, disinfo agent? Who owns him. Whos suppressing him.
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Why is he bowing down and sucking James's cock.
Screenshot of the video.
Already #30 on trending, seems like Googles pushing this hard.
he is most likely a child rapist himself
Has anyone got footage of Alex talking about Mossad or (((them))) in general?
Imagine if he got brought down too
not a stretch at all, these alt right bandwagon fucks love jews, niggers, and pedo's
blackmailed most likely, although i never took Jones seriously at all
Sounded very scripted today. Someones yanked on his leash
he's got kids right? then he's got reasons to shut up.
>Alex Jones give formal apology and invitation to appear on his show to those involved in pizzagate by calling James Alefantis out by name and what he allegedly did not do. *wink*
>JewTube yet again has the lack of foresight and places the video into YT Trending and exposes normies to pizzagate.
Going after the ones you love is always the most effective route. Look what they did to David Brock. They're tying up loose ends
it feels like they lost a lawsuit or settled or something and had to read some lawyer's note to legally retract their broadcasts
I predict David Seaman will be next
Semen is a Shill.
Fucking lol
And just like that I unsubbed. No comments, no rating. Fuck that.
I guess you could call these "seaman leaks"?
Me too. Im done.
God dammit Carlos!
Ill fucking stab you cunt
This makes me like him more. This obviously shill shit being pushed on here all day. I thought Alex Jones was irrelevant? Why are they attacking him now?
You're a faggot, cocksucking shill and I hope you die in a dumpster fire.
>investigate pizzagate
>youtube buries it
>post this video
>youtube posts it at the top due to jew algorithm thus drawing more attention to pizzagate
he threatened to sue.
Comments and likes disabled. Looks like he's really pissed off Juden this time.
I did it a while ago after I watched a clip where Alex Jones shut down a caller who brought up the jews. He just went off and started blubbering about how the globalists are the enemy. Well no shit you fat retard.
Infowars are complete hacks. I don't think they're controlled opposition though. Just greedy, spineless hacks.
The media set up a straw man that there were KIDS IN THE BASEMENT and then TPTB coordinates James Welch to come in and shoot a door and then they called it fake news, and that was that. Normies stop paying attention. Go back to sleep.
But we still know about Jeffrey Epstein. We know about Laura Silsby. And we know about Frank Giustra. And we know about the NCMEC. And we know about Dennis Hastert and the Podestas.
They can bury the truth, but they can't destroy it.
he didn't want to an hero by two gsw to the back of his head.
Why are you shitposting
You're an idiot.
If alex jones wins, humanity is free
This user right here is attempting to slide every thread on this, filter the id and move along.
I hope this finally redpills the newfags about Jones. HE'S NOT ON OUR SIDE.
Youre a transvestite
fuck off leaf
I always thought he controlled opposition because he told the truth most of the time but he went out of his way to also be over the top and mix in some crazy stuff too to deliberately make himself look silly so in the end it would discredit anyone who believed the true things he actually talked about.
The problem that (((They))) had was that people believed himanyway even with all of the over the top stuff and if backfired on (((them))).
Now after this I'm certain he's controlled opposition.
Hopefully the Streisand Effect will wake more people up
Very interesting :)
Definitely controlled opposition now.. Unless he addresses this in the future I wont be watching anymore.
My bad just trying to get attention
Globalist's BTFO
Im bangkok ready bro
Stuffed in a duffle bag ;)
Shooter who was an actor with an IMDB page shot one bullet and it destroyed a hard drive in a computer. Fucking kek
"globalists" have become his strawman argument. Do you think he's trying to refer to them as (((globalists's)))?
Reminder: Today Alex Jones reads his lawyer-advised apology to viewers about Pizzagate, as...
>the Pizzagate "shooter" pleads guilty in federal court; faces three years in prison
And yesterday...
>David Brock, ex-longtime BF of Comet Pizza owner James Alefantis, has *heart attack*; Brock being Hillary's top astroturfer; Shareblue; CtR
>FBI officially investigating Jones/InfoWars for "Russian ties" that helped get our president elected
>Dr. Phil airs episode w/ former child sex slave who flew worldwide on "elites' private jets"; Michael Flynn Jr ties ep to #Pedogate on Twitter
>MSM reports on Trump's Labor nom, who let billionaire pedo Jeffrey Epstein escape harsh charges; Epstein was owner of "Lolita Express" and "Pedo Island"; Clinton Foundation player
>Sup Forums reportedly posts forewarning of London terrorist attack
>white supremacist who murdered black man in NYC was "member of alt-right"; subscribed to InfoWars/Stefan on YT
>Republicans sell out supporters; bill allows Internet providers to share browser data to "advertisers" (or NGOs like the ADL / SPLC, bet on it)
>alt-right Twitter user is charged with felony assault and hate crime for *tweeting a GIF,* setting precedent for "alt-right trolling" as criminal behavior
Sup Forums is kill? There is an agenda to remove InfoWars + Sup Forums as "alt-right/extremist hate speech."
alex jones never gives new information, he will only discuss what has already been circulated , not very infowarish
God fearing Christian and humble supplement salesman, nothing more.
I hate that little con artist faggot
Seems like a pawn. If there is an illuminati I'd imagine that they're playing all angles to funnel the outcome. For a conspiracy to be real it has to be inevitable.
9D chess
So, (((somebody))) is trying to frame Sup Forums as a cesspool of terrorists.
Nothing new, but I don't think Sup Forums can win this war being on the defensive.
Could this explain why FBI user said not to come back to this place after March 15th?
>Terrorist posted on Sup Forums the day before with a gun and coordinates to Westminster Bridge
>Terrorist attack with stabbings and running people over with a car, no gun used.
That was pretty much someone pretending to be FBI user, the 'verification' he used was never used before by FBIAnon
Was he always a pawn?
They don't realize Alex is playing 4D chess. All of this just makes it painfully obvious pizzagate is real.
Yeah that guy didn't sound anything like FBIanon either.
I really hope so. I want to trust him. His energy makes me less depressed and is a good motivator. Trying to not buy a water filter :| I dont know what to do.
Fake fucking newwwwwwwws
>tfw people think the conspiracy theorist is part of the conspiracy
Notice how shills are desperate: this dude has nearly 20 posts in this small thread.
Same happened to a recent thread about GamerGate, two people has 15 posts each, and they were shilling HARD against the topic.
>Do you think he's trying to refer to them as (((globalists's)))?
I really don't. I think he's found a niche market and trying to make money and feed his enormous ego at the same time. He's LARPing some spooky truth-seeker with "insider sources" just like David Icke and that UFO-tard David Wilcock.
How can Infowars twats go on and on about SJW's and feminism and leftists day in day out without even hinting at the Frankfurt school?
How can Alex Jones proclaim himself such a righteous truthseeking warrior who uncovers conspiracies left and right not even touch all the lies about the Holocaust?
They're terrified of saying anything about jews because then they'd lose money. Blaming globalists, like it's some fucking natural phenomenon, is spineless. Just as it's spineless to brush off pedogate as if that's too nutty for Mr. Reptilian Overlords From Another Dimension.
Nah, fuck Infowars.
ITT: no one watches Alex Jones
he even literally said on Joe Rogan's podcast that he didn't want to attack Comet Ping Pong, but was still a 'pedogate' person based on the podesta emails
You low IQ potatoe heads know he would have been sued out of existence, yes?
The apology was prepared by his lawyers to settle the lawsuit most likely.
Labeling it in negative context? Yes.
Better question is why do it?
he talked about how pizzagate was an easy way for the media to attack those seeing to arrest the pedophiles and distract from the subject matter of the emails released and instead frame it as mean internet trolls
He is getting sued for libel you fucking retards.
He called someone a child raping child killer and one of his deranged listeners showed up at his pizza shop with a gun he fired.
He is trying not to get raped by this big ass lawsuit he is facing.
Too little, too late.
I'm still on the fence about him. His demeanor makes it very obvious to anyone who has ever watched him. He's doing this because he was going to get sued into oblivion and would have to cut back on Infowars.
It was the same type of thing he did when he had David Duke on his show. He claimed to disagree with him but he let him speak, uninterrupted for over an hour and lay out how everything that Jones talks about regarding "Globalists" is basically the exact same thing Dr. Duke talks about with Zionist Jews.
Jones is basically slightly below mainstream media tier celebrity at this point and has to follow certain rules to not get shunned and become a media pariah like Dr. Duke.
Unfortunately Biggs took the bait and Alefantis probably sent an army of lawyers after him, along with his ads being revoked.
Shit's going down.
>29 trending
what the actual fuck
For once I agree with you Sven. I'ts been weird seeing the constant Jones shilling on here since the election. It's like half the users forgot that Jones is a CIA plant.
Shouldn't the prospect of getting Alefantis under oath be a good thing?
yeah, like seriously that's suspicious
how? You are not autistic enough to think their was a child rape/murder dungeon in the pizza shop are you?
He's fucked if this goes to court. Was he betting on quick arrests?
Im the OP, of course i'd post the most?
I've actually watched Alex for years. And time and time again he was proven correct. I was proven wrong time and time again when I doubted him. I didnt believe the surveillance state at first. 9/11 was just terrorists on a plane at first. False flag attacks. Pizzagate was just some wild 'conspiracy' theory. Flouride in the water. Islam in general. Ive completely switched on the political scale.
Episode #911 on JRE was amazing. (Fuck Eddie Bravo tho)
I kind of think he's making it just obvious enough that this isnt 'him' speaking. It'll bring more attention. Dr Phil, twitter hashtags with the DC girls. Its gaining traction. David Brock having a 'heart attack'.
Thats a good point I remember that now.
We were very lucky with the coverage we got on those emails.
Where do you get your news from?
For fuck sakes, you guys have the memory of a gold fish.
Alex went on Joe Regan and talked about pizzagate with A LOT OF ENTHUSIASM.
This whole apologize MAKES ABSOLUTE NO SENSE.
They probably have his kids, Alex Jones is probably fighting for his loved ones now while you all turn your backs on him.
They just tried to kill Dave Brock, you stupid monkeys!
Fuck you shills.
well we know who doesn't like Alex Jones. you're not helping your case
is Brock still heading up Shareblue now that they tried to kill him? Who's going to pay them? how does this work?
>So, (((somebody))) is trying to frame Sup Forums as a cesspool of terrorists.
Exactly lads. InfoWars has redpilled normies since the RNC primaries.
Sup Forums has redpilled youth and BTFO of their "millennial outlets" like Buzzfeed, Jezebel, MTV and and Vice. The HWNDU flag-grab coverage in MSM and all the "alt-right" Nazi Pepe coverage is how they tell the public Sup Forums is a force, and the recent alt-right arrests, including the Pizzagate shooter, are how they convince the public that InfoWars + Sup Forums are producing radicals.
Remember the law Obama passed before exiting, handing over Internet regulations to parties outside the US.
Note: for anyone alleging InfoWars/Jones is controlled op, you are /x/-tier. Andy Kaufman and Daniel Day-Lewis combined couldn't run a deep cover operation of this magnitude and consistency for two decades. Yes, like any media owner, Jones doesn't reveal his entire deck. He turned off comments on his apology, because it is part of an ongoing lawsuit. The video is not reportage, it's a good faith contingency.
The apology video, as others have suggested, is also a dog whistle to his viewers, who know he 1) never reads transcriptions verbatim in legal speak 2) never turns off comments/likes 3) never praised Comet in past 4) ripped Podesta and DC "vampire" pedos a new asshole on Joe Rogan Experience, the top podcast in nation, while drunk and baked
Like Pewdiepie, Jones has lost revenue due to alt-right and "hate speech" accusations and new YouTube guidelines. Give him the benefit of the doubt.
Delet this
To be honest Alex Jones always seemed fishy to me because he never names the jews.
But this character destruction of people directly vinculated to "alt-right" sphere is a common pattern lately.
I don't know what to believe anymore
>>alt-right Twitter user is charged with felony assault and hate crime for *tweeting a GIF,* setting precedent for "alt-right trolling" as criminal behavio
Where's the source?
>Dr Phil
Reminder guys, Dr. Phil's show was produced by Harpo, and only got to where he is because of Oprah. We all know who Oprah has ties to. Just saying.
I grew up listening to Alex Jones. I took the redpill on 9/11 in my teens by accidentally getting a conspiracy documentary while trying to download porn on limewire (lol, some based dude was posting the documentaries with porn titles). So I've known about Jones for 10+ years.
As a former listener of Jones (he's really the only real conspiracy guy out there unless you really, really dig into the depths of alternative media), there is no doubt in my mind that he is controlled opposition.
The damage he has done to the 9/11 truth movement is, imo, the #1 reason it has sputtered out and gone nowhere in society.
Alex getting heart attack gunned over James Alefantis isnt worth it.
We just need to make a link with the beef industry then.
tl;dr guy sends reporter a gif that supposedly caused him a seizure, got arrested and charged with attempted murder
He is a CIA Mockingbird agent, was probably trained at Jesuit Fordham U like Trump. His company Genesis Communications (sic) is a subsidiary of Disney-ABC.
I dont think Alex Jones ever directly stated that there was a rape/murder dungeon at Comet Ping Pong, that guy that went in there with a gun was likely operating under his own impressions.
And we are probably talking about a libel/defamation suit here, meaning people can be brought in to testify under oath and Alex's lawyers can gather information that wouldn't normally be available during the discovery phase.
I think Alex is just a pussy and doesn't want to risk his gravy train over the small chance that there isn't a fire among all the smoke spewing out of Alefantis's ass.
Weird ain't it.
They need Shareblue and they also need Brock dead.
Shareblue can run by itself now, they don't need Brock at all.
I've seen no evidence that ABC owns them, or Time Warner.
Oh okay, I remember that one.
there is no smoke you retarded autist
On Joe Rogan's show he said how attacking comet ping pong was based entirely on hypothetical and you couldn't really prove any of it but you could prove the podesta emails.
that is why he said in the same show that he is staying away from talking about comet ping pong
Alex Jones was saying things about pizzagate he didn't mean to say on Joe Rogan because he was high.
When he got home he got the call and probably cried when they threatened his kids.
>some based dude was posting the documentaries with porn titles