What's the worst European country?

What's the worst European country?

Other urls found in this thread:


Turkey or Germany

Sup Forums must read

How do I get a job? Srlsy, I'm starving.

Income wise, Moldova.
Culturally, Albania because it's majority Muslim. France has the most Jews so it's edging in close.

For me in Australia it's:
"how do i find my tax file number"

nessun problema pablo, i got you a sandwich

Germany. I hate what this country has become.

Damn, that actually worked?

fucking kek

moldova and bosnia

>Kill without being caught
They keep trying but sure ain't working

The closest was probably Sergio Dias

Alabania and Germanistan

>how to stand up to my wife
kek i bet my aunt's husband looked that up

Only Portubros will understand this coincidence

I just find it amusing really.



Thanks, Pavarotti. Now get back to your grave.

A guy just killed 4 people (one was a pregnant woman) there.

For the world I'll never understand why would anyone give a fuck about shilling on Sup Forums.

>how do I breathe without choking?
take your mouth off of muhammad's cock

That's sad.

>How do I travel through time

Back to the good old famine days...

>american humour


In no particular order:


Rare flag spotted. Why is Jersey a country even

Moldova or Albania because Kosovo is not a real country

All of them.


Why would the brits want to come here?


thousands of poles here

>OP asks for a EU country
>Says Turkey

Yep, that is definitely your average american.

It's Pakis and Poles that are searching it mate. We've already sent over a few million without you noticing.


Turkey is an european country but it's not part of the EU. Read the OP.

Danskar. Seriously, I can't even.

For those that don't get how useless this is. think of it like this: If 1 person in country X Googles one of these things and no one else in the world does then that question could be slapped on this map. In other words, the shit can be presented biased in many different ways