Sup Forums is Libertarian.
Fuck off trumpkin nerds.
It was fun watching you crash.
Sup Forums is Libertarian
libertarians and trumpfags are the same newfag trash
Libertarianism is dead asf, mezzito.
Who the fuck is raiding us?
Also Sup Forums isn't even right wing or liberal, we're literally memeing for the happenings. I only support Trump for the comedy, it's the greatest show on earth and I get to laugh on here with my bros while it all burns to the ground. It's all for the lulz faggot, Trump is /ourguy/ as long as we get the amusement of you sjw fags being triggered.
plot twist!
ur all newfags
t- old fag
You mean, like Gary Johnson? What is a Leppo again? Maybe pick a real politician next time. Rand Paul, actual libertarian, ran for president on the Republican ticket.
epic meme
Gee ok plebbit
Back to /r/eddit, nigger
>mad little trumpkin
mommy didn't buy donut holes today?
At least get a decent picture. That fucking movie was shit. To be honest, all of his movies are shit
>hurrr...kurt rubssles sux
>Kurt Russell is libertarian
*libertarian socialists
Don't care
How much does Shareblue pay? I'm looking for a job where I get to shill online all day.
Based Stickman was a Libertarian too.
"Cuck" Johnson
NATSOCs are the true socialists.
>implying Stormfront and Shareblue aren't both shills.
I joined the Libertarian party for a short time and watching them debate convinced me to go back to being a Republican Libertarian. They are literally fucking retards that usually start sperging out at each other. They really could have taken the throne in the 2016 election, but they blew it by not being serious.