Lauren Southern

Is Lauren Southern the perfect conservative woman?

>brown eyes
Certainly not perfect, almost conservative, and barely a woman.

Take this back

She's a libertarian. She's my libertarian waifu. Fuck you don't fucking post anything about her.


Pffft. I'm A LOT closer to her than you. Imma steal her!

Ok pablo

She describes herself as a libertarian nationalist.

Everything and everyone (excluding me) in this thread is shit.

Libertarians are conservative. I didn't call her a Republican.

No, she has high testosterone. Only beta manlets think she's better than a 6/10

Lauren can you stop posting these fucking threads it's getting out of hand you attention seeking whore.

Burning coal is not good for the environment.
It produces more niggers.

Give her back Jamal.

nah, shes too fake

>looks 35


>perfect conservative woman

surely you jest

Lauren I'd let you slide a hot disgusting shit down my throat and ask for seconds

you wish Tyrone

The brow ridge and chin are that of a man. Post some conservative LADIES please.

Vapid attention whore that knows she can dress up pretty and spout the obvious to beta orbiters for $$$. Gets BTFO'd when her belief system is challenged. Sage in all fields.

Lol, even if you want her, she's way out of your league fagg. Poor mofo.

Lying kike whore who want to make shekels on unusual narrative. Much more repulsive than any degenerate coalburning bimbo.

>21 years old

day of the rake can't come soon enough

She's half my age but twice as mature as many girls of her peer group
She makes my small floppy middle aged soft cock stand erect hard and large.
All you faggots can "turn your nose up" lmao
She'll do for me...


a literal faggot
>did you just call me a woman, I'm legally a man

Nigger please. Like you could ever score pussy as hot as her.

nah, she's a shill trying to make money out of trendy alt-righters


She is not wife and mother material. A real conservative woman would not be single at her age as well.

*Green eyes, almost brown. But still green.

For some odd reason I believe this.. plausible chance it's Laurens left hand.

If you see her, can you tell her to do a little more than just a sideways smile at that guy next time she's in Melbourne? Also, why the blue contact lenses?

she likes brown men fuck that

is that the infamous ayy pic?


Worked for her. Gets to travel the world and cash in on those wonderful dollaridoos, never having to do a work she dislikes just for the money.

>even if you want her, she's way out of your league fagg
no way, Lauren.
I'm not sorry.
ok, Memel.
>*Green eyes
I don't think so. That's brown, my man.
Light brown maybe, not green, and definitely not master race blue.

All of western "conservative" women are like that.


holy shit the black girl on the right is literally the nigger shieeeet meme

Fuck no.

MyNameJosephine > Lauren Southern


Cute armpits

literally no reason to believe they fucked

There are no conservative women.





She's probably about a soccer field of dick away from being perfect

imagine her trying not to cry as u fuck her too hard

She is the perfect BBC receptacle.


Definitely not, she has many flaws. Her ideology for example (at least her public one, she may have beliefs outside the overton window she won't talk about, but that's speculation)

Overall I like her.

i could cum to this image alone

whom' did this



Wasnt lauren a man according to his youtube channel?
I remember him getting into doctors office and getting a rewritten ID card to get called a man.

She's unironically a retard who thinks she knows politics because she browses reddit.


nice waste of a get faggot



\o/ [praising intensifies]

It's all OGRE

Very nice

praise kek



gg kek has spoken lauren is a whore

brown eyes non-white? the fuck are you high on? i have brown eyes and can trace my family back to the mid 1300's and they are ALL white

That's not very nice, user.


BTFO forever

KEK knows
