Other urls found in this thread:
im dying
Proof liberals are autisitc
Never thought I would see Trump burned like this... It is over... You didn't listen...
Is Trump the most hated US president in history?
Why the fuck do people hate him so God damn much?
Is this a Drumpdf'dd BTFO thread?
ok this is actually a funny one
>tfw all these years I thought liberals were normies and I was an autist
>it turns out that I was actually the normy all along and liberals are all massive autists
What the fuck. Furry uprising when?
EID, Mr. Pmurt :p
>tfw it's a great thread will hilarious prospects yet you have no OC to offer,
>tfw this timeline
How did kicking that plastic toy not hurt his foot?
why not both?
>The only person they're following
Like pottery
That's adorable
I'm worried, liberals are reaching dangerous levels of autism
get meme'd lmao
Trumptards are well beyond dangerous. Both libtards and trumptards are full nuclear autism.
They're trying to copy us, didn't they just discover blocking people in Club Penguin recently?
Audibly kek'd
oh god chris-chan
>why only the Toa Nuva?
>Exactly. Why? #AllBioniclesMatter
Normies are autists mate. If you have so little personality that you mirror more than 25% of the world's population then naturally you are trying hard to the point of autism.
in all seriousness, we cant let this guy get the nuclear codes...
Theyre going to kill all the cuckholds behind him.
The media told them to.
Fucking kek.
I liked bionicles though, but I got only the based first gen ones
Media narratives and social pressure. In short, most people don't have actual free will.
for fucks sake
for FUCKS sake
He's a white male and anti-Marxism/globalism.
That pretty much runs him up against 90% of Jews who own a disproportionate amount of media outlets and can brainwash the sub-85IQ crowd into believing just about anything. Witness: "Muh Russia"
Woah that really activates the synapses there
It's the sad state of the time where the mentally ill have become so prolific that they outnumber the mentally sound.
They're going to assassinate him I know it...
Most people I've met in real life either are indifferent or like him. It's just leftists are super fucking obnoxious online and have to make their presence known
Holy shit this is gold
i have a couple from each generation up to the 3rd one, I also have the golden mask movie, cant remember the name of it.
Anyone else remember that little disc in the ceral boxes that came with this bionicle game?
Post Rahkshi!
what happened to that bionicle game they took down
it was like an rpg
Mask of Light
meant to reply to you
wtf is this autism?
This thread has taught me what it means to truly laugh again.
NO. WHY DOES THIS EXIST? these faggots are soapboxing with my childhood!!
this, especially when I saw /r/equesting a pic of Ted "Teridax" Cruz
Crazy cat lady, holy shit.
>Dat newspaper covering what's probably vomit or something
Played that game as well, it was shitty though.
I miss all that innocent playing. all in your imagination. With Lego, Playmobil, Matchbox and Hotwheels cars and that other shit.
Or when you built smoke bombs as a 9 year old and thought that you would be a Ninja, so you would start random conversations with people just to throw the smoke bomb on the ground and disappear, thinking you massively confused and duped them
This shit makes me want to slam my face into my desk.
Why is the /left/ so cringy
Make the Solis Magna System great again?
me and my one freind always played with the medieval castle lego sets when we were little, good times.
I thought Bionicle died and was replaced by some shitty other lego things?
its just the jewish media running non stop propaganda.
It did die, back in 2010 (went out pretty spectacularly too, ending with a giant robot duel that towered over mountains), but it was rebooted in 2015, and then promptly died again in 2016.
When I was 8 I played a playmobil scnenario where I was the successor of Adolf Hitler, called Radolf Rittler, arriving with may playmobil Lufthanasa and having soldiers standing in honor guard formation at the jet exit door and police driving me to the ministery (police station).
was this the moment my path to Sup Forums was determined?