>campaign against Obamacare for 7 years
>have majorities in both houses of Congress
>have "expert negotiator/dealmaker" in Oval Office
>write the shittiest bill possible
>president backs it fully and can't close the deal with his own party
>try to throw Ryan and Dems under the bus
>Obamacare lives on
>Republicunts BTFO
>Drumpf BTFO
>Sup Forumsacks BTFO
You can't make this shit up.
Campaign against Obamacare for 7 years
Lol butthurt shillary supporter
let us know when you're tired of winning
*disgusting muddy sounding fudgey chocolate fart*
Fuck trump this is a sinking ship. We needed someone who could organize and lead this trust fund whiney faggot isn't cutting it. Get pence in there asap
Normietier. Bullshit. Does. Not. Work.
>haha republicans amirite
>wait since when do republicans have swastikas
how you want your first 100 days senpai
Hillary would have been an infinitely better president than this idiot you 85 IQ hillbilly
>he seriously thinks libs are the butthurt ones right now
I know you're a shill but I'll argue anyway. If you've read Art of the Deal, or even if you haven't and are just following what he does, you'll know that this is some 37d backgammon. The Democrats are excited right now, they've won a battle in Healthcare. However, they are distracted by this, and it will keep them from doing anything about it for at least a year assuming Trump keeps the pressure on Congress to like he did with this vote.
In case you haven't noticed, the ACA is going to start costing far too much in the coming months, the end of 2016 saw some of the largest insurance premium and deductible increases of all time, and many providers are leaving the market place. This time next year the ACA will be a huge issue, which is unfortunate for the Democrats because this will also be primary season. Because the ACA passed with 0 Republican votes, the Democrats own the ACA, and all the glory and grief that goes along with it. Once the voters notice that they will no longer be able to afford the insurance the Democrats promised them, they will turn on them for not doing their jobs. Only the hardest hardliners will try to rationalize it, while the Republicans and Trump will be tut-tutting the Democrats, saying "you could have worked with us last year, but you refused to even listen!" This play could result in the largest majority of a single party of all time, giving the Republicans the ability to pass amendments. This is the end goal, and the Democrats are walking right into it.
>wrote the shittiest bill possible
that's where i stopped reading
So you want the guy who puts his religion above his nation? Yeah i'm not sure if I want the religious extremist in the highest political position in the free world
>60 days in
>thinks this is going to end right here in now
lol okay cuck maybe for a loser like you it would be trump is a winner
>campaign on BAN THE MUSLIMS
>judges keep tossing out your Muslim Bans
>campaign on MUH WALL
>wall is never going to happen
>campaign on MUH JOBS
>doing Obama average job creation numbers
>your proposed replacement is just Obamacare but worse
>campaign on MUH ART OF THE DEAL
>can't get even get your own party to pass your bills
Can't take all this winning LMAO
lol, the fat orange man gets owned once again. laughing hard over here
This is bad for Democrats. Ryan was their best bet to save anything of Obamacare.
People will now ask what has Ryan done for the GOP?
He stalled Obama for the final years of his presidency.
He was good at denying Obama but Trump has done more for the GOP through executive orders in 2 months than Ryan has done for the GOP in years.
Ryan is ineffective.
He's going to get fired.
Too much shit coming up and Ryan can't close or mediate a deal.
My dad always said that he who laughs last, laughs best.
Trump will probably get the last laugh because time is on his side.
The bill itself was handled weird... totally off. Trump backed Ryan to be a team player but Trump said "fuck it" and called for the vote.
Ryan got his chance to offer a repeal but failed.
So, what's next?
They've got the budget and tax reform. Nothing is gonna get done with Ryan at the helm.
>He's going to get fired.
let's wait and see, but i trust that you'll come up with some bizarre rationalization when this doesn't actually happen
Time is not on his fucking side. Investigations are closing in all around him. His first 100 days aren't even over, yet his entire administration is already unraveling. The last laugh will be when he is impeached for collusion with a hostile foreign power and sent to prison for the rest of his pathetic, miserable life.
He dun screwed up
Well she might have actually gotten shit done in the first 2 months.
I wonder if she would have let Russian steel be used on keystone
Yeah man, Trump is such a winner that he's been defeated on literally every effort he's brought forth so far. What a fucking cuck. The worst day of his life (so far) was when he won the presidency.
As a Brit, I love Ireland.
Damn it feels good to be a liberal.
>trump gets voted in
>manages to pass anti consumer policies
>trump supporters pretend they're all great
>fails passing the other 95% of proposed bills
>blames it on the democrats
holy kek. Is this the end of Trump? I mean this is the most pathetic behavior I have ever seen from someone in a position like him. He's acting no different than your average tumblr tier sjw.
Sage retarded thread
funny you bring up that poll at the bottom showing how most people dislike ryan paul.
It kind of reminds me how Trump lost the popular vote by the largest margin in history and also managed to fuck over his approval levels faster than any other president that has ever lived.