>no wall
>failed muslim ban twice
>deportations aren't actually increasing
>raised price on home ownership
>failed healthcare bill says he's just gonna leave obamacare since he didn't get his way
>failed military raid
>no 30 day plan to defeat isis
>"wiretapping" claims are all false
>fbi and cia closing in on his russia ties
>cut funding to education and healthcare
>cut funding to food programs that help the elderly
>increased the defense budget for absolutely no reason
>suggests we may nuke north korea
We've been fucking conned, folks.
No wall
Should have voted for Jill (((Stein))) like I did.
He doesnt have russian ties.
>nuke north korea
Doesnt sound that bad.
>wiretapping claims are false
Did you even see the leaks?
fun fact i was a non voter this term but leaned heavily toward trump in the election even after all the BS after winning i was optimistic cause trump wasnt a politician and maybe things would turn out good....boy was i wrong
Mane since Trump won I made millions off of the stock market. You been conned boi...
Drump betrayed us.
Finally, you see the truth.
nuclear code
I'll add an Anti-Trump meme to bump
On to tax reform. Healthcare is stupid anyway.
>Less than 100 days into presidency
>Says wiretapping claims are false yet are very clearly true
>We got fucked guys
>Title of pic in OP
these are hillarious, because he hasn't done anything at all.
it's literally a meme about how whiny you lefty fags are
you fat slobs really fucked up didnt you?
>hasn't done anything at all
Besides embarrass us all.
People who actually thought Trump would fix everything are retarded.
I voted for him because I wanted to see delicious SJW tears.
I got my delicious SJW tears.
Seriously lower your expectations when it comes to the political world and everything becomes better.
Stop expecting a politician to improve your life for you. That will never happen. Learn to play the hand you are dealt.
uh yeah guys trump uh said we don't.. uh need health care yeah or education just work in uh coal mines is better right
so far he's kept for promises than Obama has, he's done more than Obama did in 8 years LOL
>executive orders that almost immediately get shot down by courts
Don't judge to early he wasn't even in for hundred days all the other lazy politicians hadn't done anything at this time but still I thought he would be better. Don't expect from him to be a super president.
This guy stomped you before I could mr
>illegal border crossing down 40%
>lots of illegals deported
>added $3.2trillion in household wealth via stock market rally
>best jobs report in years especially in manufacturing and construction
>wall about to be built
>didn't last shit hold ryancare, might get ryan outed as speaker
>travel ban upheld 2nd time, probably stopped many terrorists attacks
>less drugs from mexico
>keystone pipeline will begin transporting next week
>is a fucking entertainment goldmine
>got lots of fat feminists to exercise by marching against him
>met with HBCU leaders, Obama met with dumb nigger rappers
>proved right in wire tap claims
>not importing islamic terrorists
>is really funny
>calls cnn fake news all the time
>i like him
i can think of more this is just off the top
>increased the defense budget for absolutely no reason
You know damn well your Democrats and their globalist friends look forward to 2024 when they get power over all that military that's being build now.
stomped? making stuff up is "stomping"? makes sense to you people
>we said he isn't our president, ahah stomped!!!! hilary won!!!
>didnt even bother to change the file name
>Stop expecting a politician to improve your life for you.
This. It's good to stay informed and be passionate about the issues, but personal responsibility is far more important when it comes to self-development.
fucking include me in the screencap hahaha
hope this is a shareblue shill
>4 more years* of this
* actually 4 more months until blumph gets impeached for treason
kill your self.
>Citation please
>Stock market doesn't count as actual wealth, thats just rich person money trading club.
>Horay look at all these dangerous and shit tier jobs
>The wall was "about to be built" a month and a half ago moron
>"Ryancare" he signed off on it retard
>The travel ban never passed and even if it did it didn't stop anything
>implying we can track illegal drugs going over the border
>Yay more dependence on fossil fuels, thats what we need!
>Maybe because of how retarded he is?
>The first valid point you had
>and proceeded to embarrass the entire country
>Nothing was ever proven and only the tabloids gave a fuck
>Who the fuck ever imported islamic terrorists
>hes funny because hes an idiot
>acting as though squealing "fake news" is an argument
>thats because you have a very limited mental capacity.
It's not like he's exactly had the best cooperation.
Too early for wall.
Travel ban means any future terrorist attacks will be the direct fault of the Democrats.
Deportation rates demonstrate the accusations of his Hitler-esque polices were indeed hysteria.
He SHOULD keep Obamacare to punish the Neo-Cons who won't let him switch and instead just want to go full Ancap.
Your other points are either lies or good things.