Daily reminder that Slavs are white too.
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>Daily reminder that Slavs are white too.
Are they even human?
Are whites?
No. They transcend humanity.
Slavs are the starchildren
Another Slav thread so soon?
We are belligerent and numerous.
Yep. Gotta keep the threads going 'till my shift is over.
Slavs are white, but they don't have a European mentality. They're white men who went deep into the dark, dark woods and came out something different.
East European mentality is still European mentality. Somebody needs to do the dirty work.
TFW you have your soulmate who loves you and you love her and shes perfect but lives in moscow and you're poor and only get to see her 3 times a year :(
IDK what to do senpai...
No, they are not.
If that's the case it's almost certain she will cheat on you if she has not already. That sort of thing rarely works out.
You can either accept even worse poverty in order to be together all the time and build success and a beautiful family from dirt poor (this would be the slavic thing to do) or you can give up and find a more realistic wife (this would also be the slavic thing to do).
Prove it nigger
Anyone here ever been to pen island lol
Anyone got any up dog?
then why do they act like such shitskins, invade the first world, take all the menial jobs, sleep 10 to a bedroom and drive wages down for the natives?
Ask her to move
Idunno. Maybe they're just the stupid whites.
stop hating on us
It's 2017, stop inciting hate on the European ethnicity known as Slavs. Honestly, WMAF threads and even some BMWF threads appear on here, but when I want to learn Russian and get a beautiful traditional blue eyed/green eyed European girl, I'm suddenly the racemixer. Fuck you all.
who gives a shit about if slavs r white or not
Literally Hitler
Any poles on here that can translate this? I think it might be relevant to the thread.
No we're not, fucc off:
Just get her to move to the us or move there. Why are you not doing the obvious?
Slavs are the future of white people
They're the only ones that stand up for themselves and are not suicidal cucks like western whites
If it needs to be a daily reminder then something's wrong
If importing Jamal's for my women to enjoy is a white trait, then count me out , we aren't white
But why for fucks sake
God has blessed us.
What defines a country as a slav country?
Slav language
You have to be human first to be white
Also if the country is full of slavs.
>too poor
>visit her 3 times a year
nigger you're fuckin loaded if you can afford a trip like that 3 times a year. especially as I'm guessing it's on world holidays.
if you have that much to spend you might as well move or get her to move
No race ages as badly as the Slavs though.
The men go bald in their 20's and a lot of the women tend to look like babushkas starting in their 30's
No, Slavic countries are only defined by if they speak a Slavic country.
There are many Slavic countries where the people are not ethnic Slavs (Bulgaria, Serbia, etc.)
>Bulgaria, Serbia, etc.
>not ethnic Slavs
What are you a fucking Jew or something?
I speak English but if there were enough of us to form a force majeure then it would be a Slavic country. Learn some history.
Natalia is like 40 and looks good tho, easily better than any spic goblin that passes for female politician in the US. Poorfags worldwide age like shit obviously
They're not you fucking retard.
South "Slavs" are not ethnic Slavs.
>t. mad Balkan raging because he doesn't have Slavic blood
shut the fuck up. you're more related to those sand niggers in turkey you piece of garbage
Sarah Palin > Natalia
and Natalia does not represent how most Ukrainian girls age.
Quit cherry-picking you dumb faggot
But I'm not Balkan.
and she's human too
>Daily reminder that Slavs are white too.
>Race ISN'T a social construct.
>Be we can collectively decide who is and who isn't white.
She's an ethnic Russian, not Ukrainian. Ukrainians tend to be worse off like all Southern Slavs aka Ottoman rape babies. Easternmost Slavs in Russia tend to have East Asian genes though so I doubt it makes them age any faster unless they piss it away with alcohol.
Remove kebab again when.
Not if niggers are.
I'm so tired, haven't slept well all week. You must be tired too, so much to worry about. Let's get some rest, close our eyes and sleep.
We are like 15 % Slav.
Even if that's true, that's nothing significant.
stop trying to divide us
May I inquire as to your ethnic background?
Gerpole master race.
Then what's your fucking problem?
and a little distant Scottish
I'm a descendant of Scottish Catholics fleeing persecution in Britain
Then what's your fucking problem?
I got no problem. Just tired of all the morons on Sup Forums insinuating that everyone on the eastern half of Europe is the same race.
It's like saying Portuguese and Scots are the same because they're on the western half of Europe
Gopniks are the new age
Sleepyposting is the wave of the future user. Just curl up in your comfy bed and rest your weary eyes.
Man you sure got a lot of cuck from your german and commie side.
Reminder that if your both a Nazi and a Slav your are breaking your own ideology.
That may very well be the case if we were talking about a Western woman, but infidelity isn't nearly as much of a cultural phenomenon there.
Doesn't matter. If the dude isn't going to marry her and either move or take her home then it's just a waste and he probably doesn't deserve her.
It's so warm and cozy in here
That's very weird and seems like fake news.
Hitler is basically saying here that Poles are the most intelligent ethnicity and they should be assimilated to the German population.
Adding on to this, there were Polish children kidnapped and raised as Germans but the assumption was that they were just volksdeutsche.
Poland had more volksdeutsche than any other non-Germanic country
Slavs are white.
Christianity, Jews, foreign rulers is what destroys true slavic peoples.
Hashtag swag
This is correct. And the secret is that Slavs are the true bridge between Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Not some Jew World Order pope.
It's proof that Christianity it the force that will save the world.
>but they don't have a cuck mentality
Fixed and thank god for that
> there were Polish children kidnapped and raised as Germans
This is actually true. Germans basically wanted to do the same as Turks did on Balkans where they took christian children and turned them into Jannisaries. They'd be raised to either be warriors or to hold positions of power.
We know we're not all the same genetically. We can tell each other apart easier than you can. We're bros tho
Because slavs work, unlike you western degenerats