I'm so fucking embarrassed of my country right now

I feel so ashamed. The Germans, the Canadians, even J.K. Rowling who wrote f*cking Harry Potter are all making fun of us.

.. and maybe we deserve it. We've become a joke as a country and it's all thank to that cheeto-skinned moron that YOU all elected. I fucking didn't.

The only saving grace is that the Republicans are going to get destroyed in 2018 and Trump can kiss 2020 goodbye. That ship has sailed. Say hello to Madam President: yep, if Hillary doesn't run again, then Elizabeth Warren can will crush him.

Either way? Fuck all of you. I hope you regret what you've done.

Not voting on Obamacare won Trump releelection but lost him the house.

faggot detected.

i happen to like the guy

Go back to tumblr before we take over that format too

Retard, Clinton and Warren are the only people who could give Trump another term. I would vote for anyone that isn't them. The Democrats only hope is Tulsi Gabbard, if they don't recognize that or she doesn't decide to run they are fucked.

I hate Warren more than Clinton, and that is saying something. I've never encountered a more insufferable cunt in my life.

I would probably give him my hand and help him up.


The Dems now own Obamacare, which will collapse under its own weight. After that, they will come crawling to Trump for a deal. Trump gave them enough to hang themselves.

trump is the only good part of the government currently. wake the fuck up

Dude, this is all about your vanity, isn't?

Fuck off you worthless CTR faggot.

You and your fucking ilk are the real embarrassment to this country.

I'd jump off a building if Trump asked me to for his own viewing pleasure.

I'd suck his dick too

>say hello to Madam President

Bonsoir, madame la Présidente.

Im sorry rest of the world. I thought the Bush years were behind us, but we elected an even bigger retard

Trump approved the Keystone XL which as a
Canadian is all I really cared about

Don't forget I ain't paying for no shitty wall.
Taxpayers will pay for it lol.
get fuckd

That's Trump placing the last brick for the wall.

Cuck faggot detected. Kill yourself and you won't have to deal with the shame of trump being your President.

Shills are in fucking overdrive today

That reads like a Marc Maron rant.

Yeah, it's been absolutely disgusting lately, fucking Soros is really breaking the bank with all these fucking shareblue posters.

I'd be a bad enough dude to rescue the president.


Seriously, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

Trump is a cool guy he just needs to work harder

Trump says that if a deal is bad, walk away from it. People will get sick of Obamacare in 1-2 years and we'll get a new Trumpcare bill that's much better. This is how 12D Interdimensional Scrabble is played.

It will never happen. It takes more entry to get it out then it will make.
Los Vegas just shut down a oil plant and replaced it with solar, and the Solar makes more entry and is cheaper.
The age of oil is already over, it's only people that have been brainwashed that deny this . There is enough open solar land in Texas to power the entire country


20+ democraps up for election in senate......

10 in states Trump won by a landslide....


america has spoken

no one is gonna blame Trump for Congress' failures

Trump is not a republican, and the republicans who voted for him already understand this

This is Paul Ryan's loss, Trump voters are loyal to him already. They dont trust the media, period, and they've already been through much much worse during the campaign.

Trump cannot be stumped, figure this out already

>put a ton of solar panels in texas
>anyone running anything more powerful than a document shredder anywhere past Colorado instantly blacks out everyone past them
>sun goes away during night
>power instantly goes out
>Canadians become the richest cunts on earth as everyone in America buys power from them
>replace everything with batteries
>congratulations you have just created way more pollution mining rare earth minerals and obtaining lead than you would have just using oil in the fucking first place

do you know that the USS Nimitz, on paper a vessel capable of destroying entire nations in a few hours, is actually capable of being powered by a modest 12 volt solar panel? due to collusion inside the energy companies they have nuclear reactors though

>implying one of our PMs would get the idea to build a refinery up here
Fuck man I wish

You give him too much credit, he probably wont survive his full term.

we can always find a bigger fuck you if you keep it up

I would help him, he looks like a sensible man who wants the best for his country.



> The Germans, the Canadians, even J.K. Rowling who wrote f*cking Harry Potter are all making fun of us.


kill yourself you have no idea how lucky you are.


If you ever want to win on the national level again, you'll have to dump the (((progressive))) policies that got you guys voted out in the first place. warren definitely would guarantee a trump re-election (and many lulz/awesome Pocahontas memes) you'll have to nominate a non-progressive, pro-white democrat (there are a few of them) but it probably won't happen. Trump 2020!

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.