Trump's endgame is Single Player

You've been played.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw no multiplayer

but i wanted a mmorpg...

I had hoped but not expected this to be the case. Pleasantly surprised if true.

>Trump endorses Ryancare: You've been played
>Trump modifies Ryancare to be more conservative: You've been played
>Trump doesn't pass Ryancare: you've been played
>Trump says fuck it and goes full bernie: you've been played

Are you libs ever satisfied? Also, source?

Fuck :|

Well my point still stands.

Did you know that Trump attended the Sega Genesis release party?

Its from his book "The America we deserve"

Also this would mean Trump is a Civic National Socialist.



At least we have a free market for healthcare. LOL


You don't understand. Trump supports here on Sup Forums actually want single payer healthcare.

Can we compare our stats to other players?

Its a typo. Relax.

No need for a Reddit-tier response.

He's been asked the question several times. Trump's response just played off his pragmatism.

>"When the book was written single payer was doing great things for Canada, but over time we're beginning to see the disaster that single payer is and I no longer endorse it."


Single payer is great. Good for Trump.


>Trump's endgame is Single Player
I've long maintained that health care should shift to one extreme or another. Single Payer Socialized is better than a halfway solution, even if I would prefer a "handle it yourself cunt" solution.

>"I didn't get played, I actually woudn't mind this"

LOL, get comfortable saying that shit for the next 4 years.


>implying Trump doesn't have experience with good single player providers

Watch the debates. I paraphrased his answer. He's been asked this in plenty of interviews as well.


>tfw former Bernout voter turned Trump voter in General Election

I'd be happy as fuck, and it'd be a great way to unite the the non-regressive liberals around him.

There is nothing wrong with that. We weren't going to get that with ryancare. Ryan was set up to fail to get rid of him. Even he realizes this now. Breitbart is boasting about bannon doing just that

>implying he's not waiting for shit to hit the fan for the ethnic cleansing to begin

Honestly at this point we dont have an option. Insurance companies demand to much profit as middlemen.

As much as I hate the idea of it, I don't see how we have a choice.


Just imagine how much that would shit on Obama's legacy of Obamacare - someone like Trump completely 1UPing him with universal healthcare.

>I don't see how we have a choice.
Demand hospitals and primary care physicians stop gouging their prices. A tablet of Tylenol at a hospital should not be $10. Giving birth to a kid shouldn't cost you $100,000.


Can you explain this to me?

>Down with evil corporations and banks! Stop deporting illegal immigrants! Stop demonizing Muslims!
>nah jk they should be deregulated and build that wall, also ban muslims.

1) Not gonna happen. Both sides don't want it. Only Bernie and his people wanted it.

2) Trump is fucked. He promised a free market and a single player system at the same time. Neither can be passed through.

That's what happens when you promise the world and don't know fuck all how to deliver.


>Another "le drumpf got u lelelelelel ur fukked" post


Yeah, if America was 90% white/white-hispanic with a 100ft impenetrable border wall and not inundated with illegals maybe.

All you need is a little competition and the price gougers won't have any customers.

You zipperheads can't even find your own airplanes. Stop pretending like you even have a handle on anything

It's pretty straightforward.

Good. Every other developed country has nationalized health care for its citizens. That's basically what Trump promised. Insurance companies will find every chance they can to screw you out of more money. I'll trust govt to be more generous about taking care of me than I will trust an insurance company.

At least I have some say, with my vote, in public health care. With private companies they make the rules and can change them to fuck me over at their will just to save a couple bucks.

Wtf I love trump now

Fuck Off, The US tried to help and they couldn't find it either.

nailed it

No i haven't leaf, this is one of the reasons i voted for him.


Nobody lives day to day in fear of getting sick. Not even in developing countries such as Brazil. Even less in a first world country like the US.

This is bullshit.

thanks for the flag, now fuck off

We have competition, you can get the same procedure from one place for a fraction of the price as you can another place, right now, today.

It doesnt work because most people dont even pay attention to medical prices because they have insurance.

Trump is the lesser of two evils. Actually, Trump isn't evil at all, just misinformed on a few issues. While I think the Muslim ban and border wall plan he has is mostly scapegoating the main issues, some things are more important. Trump's not an evil Fed puppet like Clinton is, so it was a pretty easy choice toward the end.

I would've voted 3rd party, but they weren't allowed in the debates. It sucks, I wish it was different, and I hate using the "wasted vote" reasoning, but it really would've been a wasted vote, especially considering I live in the swing state of PA. 3rd party candidates deserve a better chance of debate participation, but until that's reformed, I had to vote for Trump.

Me too but gop will try to fuck it up. He should really stop relying on them. I don't even trust pence.

Just cracked open Crippled America to see if this was from that book, but I guess it's from an earlier one he had ghostwritten. The healthcare chapter in Crippled might as well not have been written, I just reread it in a matter of minutes. He literally just says he's changed his mind on single payer (says it works great in Scotland, but wouldn't for us), and that we should lock the smartest people in the world in a room together until they've figured it out lol. He also mentions he would love to see more competition across state lines. He says cuts to Medicare and Medicaid are off the table.

Idk I love Trump, but there's no denying he's kind of a dumbass with no original ideas on these kinds of subjects.

Good, I support national healthcare completely. But first, the useless eaters need to be eliminated from society.

Kek wants us to keep sega making total war games and decent sonic games

Is dis nigga srs? It was common knowledge Trump was for single payer. Quit acting like it's a sudden revelation.

Boo hoo. Go cry to najib razak - your bastion of integrity, decency and transparency

>He also mentions he would love to see more competition across state lines.
This is what we really need. As it stands, there's no competition.

>Nobody lives day to day in fear of getting sick.
I do

I would rather go free market but it would be a massive blow to the dems if a republican president was the one who did single payer.

And it would shut them up so it's be ok

OP btfo

How would that help? The problem has nothing to do with insurance providers, it has to do with medical costs.

I dont understand how people on Sup Forums are perfectly happy to keep stupidly insisting it is an insurance market problem when we pay twice as much per citizen as canada for medical care.

The cost of drugs needs to come down. The cost of procedures need to come down. Thats it, that is the solution. Dicking around trying to manipulate how insurance coverage gets assigned is just wasted time, it wont fix anything.

it's what hitler would have wanted

You are probably a pussy. Your tap water is (relatively) clean and your poor people don't live in slums with no lack of basic sanitation.

I have nothing to fear about getting sick, you should too.

Unless you have a top notch insurance policy, you're one cancer diagnosis, heart attack, or car accident away from going deep into debt.


You dont fear getting sick because it doesn't cost you thousands of dollars to see a doctor. You probably just go down to the local medicine man and get given some herbs to drink or something.

my reply

>thousands of dollars to see a doctor
What kind of fucking doctor are you going to?

i wish

I singleplayer experience is much better than any multiplayer.

anyway nobody would play with me

Really nigga?

If you factor in tests and such it can add up pretty fast. I dont go to a doctor for a cold, im talking about getting sick, like whoops there is an endocrin disorder, or darn ive got a defective heart valve.

We're already spending so much on the poor with medicaid and the old with medicare I don't care what we do with healthcare. It probably would be more efficient and cheaper to roll it all into one program. I wish we could just get rid of it all but that'll never fucking happen.

Gotcha famalam

I do agree, you either die or you go in debt.

Cancer is a problem, yes. I will definitely get a PRIVATE health insurance once i have enough money to do so. As for car accidents and heart attacks, those are accidents yes. You don't have any control over them. And that's three factors among a million others, those other which I don't have to worry about because I take care of my health.

Well meme'd. As for the first part, yes, I actually do fear one thing about getting sick: the public healthcare system. Socialist policies made by people who think the country could afford treating several good-for-nothing, poor-as-fuck negroes means an overloaded public healthcare, even though it's free it's not worth it.

How are your cartoons these days Mike

The problem is burger insurance companies are too powerful to implement any kind of meaningful change. Your options are get jewed or get jewed harder.

people criticize their healthcare but i think maybe they have not really experienced the alternative. I realize this statement could be turned around and used back against me, but from where i sit seeing people occasionally produce horror stories about national healthcare as some justification in their own right just doesnt work, because ive got ones from here as well.

I personally almost died from a misdiagnosis when i was a kid, and just recently a distant acquaintance died because the dermatologist misdiagnosed skin cancer. Our system has its own problems, doctors trying to push drugs and treatments on people they dont need or which might not be ideal, the FDA being horribly corrupt when it comes to approving things, and covering things up.

At the end of the day the only doctor i feel 'safe' with is my regular old family doctor, whos not even a doctor, but a PA. Anything more serious happens to me im going to go off into a maze of a system which could end up killing me, only it will charge twice as much as anywhere else in the world.

I would be perfectly happy if instead of sitting here paranoid that the things im not sure i can pay for will kill me or not, i could sit here being safe in the knowledge that at least the very basic medical care and drug costs are taken care of.

I hate Ttump but if he managed to wrangle single payer out of the Republicans I'd support him on it completely.

>Trump, Night Court, and vidya in one clip

I can now RIP in peace.

How the hell are bongs so unhealthy given their allegedly excellent care?

>tfw I couldn't get snacks energy drinks and play halo 5 multiplayer on my friends giant tv like we did when halo 3 came out

I support single payer. Simplifies the tax code and makes us more economically competitive.

Dude, that was the greatest launch in gaming history I swear.

this. also thousands of people would lose jobs if they went single payer. Like people with no other career than healthcare finance and stuff.
fugg it makes me scared of all the actuaries that would flood the data science industry

Sup Forums would literally support anything so long as Trump told them to do it

This is why the political pendulum swings back and forth every 8 years. The president's followers become too stupid and obedient to actually think critically. They flip flop on issues, they make fools and hypocrites of themselves. The general public sees this and they vote for the opposite party.

8 years until we have an open borders DNC shill, redditors and 4channers will make sure of that

I want single payer, so it's all good.

That study heavily favours efficiency and access. Bongs system is highly efficient and accessible to literally everyone but does not offer the advanced tech/rare expensive medical procedures available to many other nations.

Healthy lives metric focuses on deaths from conditions that are considered amenable to medical intervention and aged care (60+). UK systems efficiency means they dont blow $$$ making geriatrics breath for 2 more months

>not an evil fed puppet

Damn you must feel like a retard

We should have universal healthcare only for income tax payers

I mean, you're right, but I think its more complicated than that.
I don't think its surprising that a board full of alleged Nazi's are cool with single payer. But I think even a lot of normal republicans and less autistic libertarians want the government to shit or get off the pot as far as healthcare goes. That's kinda where I am, and I know a lot of other republicans feel that way too.

>france is first for healthy lives but 9th for overall score.
>UK is first in overall score and almost every area
>10th out of 11 for healthy lives.
>NZ, 7th place, has the most cost effective expenditures.

its almost as if the main problem isnt coverage.

seriously that charts insane.

I'm ok with this.

Wouldn't this lead to more government regulation to the point where the health care system becomes single payer in everything but name only?

I've always been ok with decent healthcare reform (not Obamacare), but I'm also not a fucking hypocrite unlike most of Sup Forums.

You can post this exact same topic in a number of different ways. If Trump wants privatized healthcare, Sup Forums wants privatized healthcare. If Trump wants socialized healthcare, Sup Forums wants socialized healthcare.

This board is full of intellectually stunted hypocrites who will come up with whatever reasoning they need to shill for Trump. People will see through it eventually and you're all just going to ruin any chance of right-wing politics taking flight. We'll be back with the liberals in no time the way things are going.

I feel you but I think that's more of a bias on who's responding in threads they want to talk in.
'Sup Forums is not one person' is a true meme.

>Smoke like fucking chimneys
>getting fatter
>no sunlight
>Traditonal British food is NOT healthy (lots of cram and lard based, jacks up the cholesterol a lot)
>British dental issues
>Chavs being Chavs (accidents, drunk driving, drug overdoses)

This is true. I remember about 3 years ago two parents were going to be arrested on reentry to the country because they dared to sneak away to some literal third world Eastern European country to get cutting edge technology on their son's brain cancer.
That was unironically their crime. They had dared to take their own child away to get life saving treatment without the government's say so. They had a problem with the technology being "so radical" it could "cause the child harm". The same child with fucking brain cancer. They didn't get put in jail, but that was entirely based on the huge outrage that they were even being fucking charged.
This "cutting edge technology" by the way is often used in third world countries, but not here because it's "too expensive". Seems odd. And the child with the brain cancer was inexplicably cured.
We can't afford technology other countries that are much poorer can afford because they aren't spending their budget on fucking diphtheria medications, cholera medications and every other fucking disease we had rid of since the 1800s, but have made a comeback just as we (((coincidentally))) took in a suspiciously adult looking bunch of children with beards from Syria which appears to be located in sub-Saharan Africa.
I will guarantee right now that the likes of Sweden and Germany had massive increases in previously unheard of illnesses too.