Finding Shia

Apparently Shia is in some Alaskan rural community called Matanuska-Susitna

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would he go there? There's small towns and shit, but ultimately it's just a giant retracting glacier you can walk on.

To hide the flag you dolt

round 3

Round 4 you godamn leaf

He might win this time.

round 5 you retards

He will never win we will crowd fund a flight to Alaska if we have to the left must never win especially a white Hollywood jew like Shia LeBeouf

this will be the third flag

what if Shia hides it over HAARP?

Its round 3 but season 5

Where my alaska bros at?

Has anybody hacked the gay digital flag? I thought that would've been the easiest for Sup Forums

I don't count the non affiliated didgital bullshit
>1 - New Jew
>2 - cousins fucking country
>3 - Middle East
> 4 - Mooses antler?

we have agents in the military ill ask alex jones to get trump to find it

le Sup Forums hackers xD

Third round of CTF, fifth round overall.

No we can't count just flags as rounds. He'd just paint it on an igloo or something and derail our fun

how much mudslime cock do you take on a daily basis?

WAtch some russian does it and schiff has shia come before the committee alleging Sup Forums is a russian website and hiro is really a 57 year old kgb agent with surgery

@ Yor're fake news! Sad!

my god

we can't be stopped

I remember when that idiot moonman though their fame for this would last forever and people would crowdfund parties for them to hang out in. Boy that idea died fast.

> @
@user kill yourself you faggot

Currently contacting a store on the confirmation

>Apparently Shia is in some Alaskan rural community called Matanuska-Susitna
Where did you get this information from exactly?

can we take him down before he puts up the flag


reporting in

matanuska susitna is a borough, aka the alaskan version of a county. It's a big place (for you) but he's probably in Palmer, Eagle River, or Butte if he's hanging out with his rich liberal pals innamountains.

Everyone check if you think its fake news

haha butt

Answer the question how did they find him in that location specifically?

Willow reporting in. Should I stay out of town if this is real?


I was copying the twitter format dipshit.

Nah, I don't fuck with obvious honeypots.

Good luck though.

Mods need to start filtering discord shilling

I hope you are ready to play some CTF my dude.

There was a reported sighting. Tihs source may or may not be creditable. We are calling on all local hot spots to confirm.

>on Sup Forums

Just bomb it now
With love, love bombs

so many fucking redditors


>There was a reported sighting. Tihs source may or may not be creditable. We are calling on all local hot spots to confirm.

Is that image a recreation of this image?

lmao why does that creepy bowlcut faggot have fingerless gloves on?

Really, I'm not.

However, I suggest to anyone who is going to play CTF (there are lots of us in the vicinity) to shoot the flag instead of just taking it down. Maybe even paintball it



God hes such a bae

HWNDU S1 was so good.


i want to troll him to insanity

first kiwi ive seen here for a while

>new mexico
>tennessee field

Round 5 now

honestly there are plenty of austrailians.

way too many if you ask me

People from fucking Svalbard, Zimbabwe, Nauru, etc. browse Sup Forums.

He cannot run from us.

has shia been using social media after all the Liverpool stuff? we need to get rid of the digital flag whats the site ip Kappa

You faggot. They are the niggers posing like a battle star galactica picture. What that picture has to do with Shiria lequeef I have no idea. Is Sharia a battlestar galactica fan?

The new mexico one was found via contacting stores, right?

So hence we are contacting people around Kalifornsky, Alaska.

who? any links to who these people are? i just remember the arabian guy doing bane impressions on HWNDU stream?

they might be disguised as ossies


And also Cohoe


I think they're gonna start calling the cops if we keep this up.

This time around, maybe not, because Alaska doesn't want that fucker. But beyond that...


International autistic warfare brigade needs to be formed of high command preferably long time Sup Forums Sup Forums vetrans

If he really wants to win he would put in a sand nigger land

>giving him ideas

Would he go into the hear of the sand nigger land as a finale?

Damn that looks so comfy


>Shia crying movement dying
>Jackies laughing won't stop chaffing
>Fags divided and one sided
>Mods can't hide it they deny it

>Destroys antifags with one blow
>They tried to dox him don't you know?
>He doesn't care because he knows
>They'll have to reap what they have sowed

>He stayed there when no one lse would
>He drew what no one else could
>Here we are talking about the man
>Yes, the legendary Jackie Chan

It will never happen. Shariah laqueef doesn't have balls big enough to enter a mudslime country.

One could only hope, because he would be instantly be beheaded for being a cuck degenerate. The only good thing about sand niggers, they find degenerates and behead them or throw them from the rooftops.

its all good if the flags in a sand nigger area as I have a guy I know who flys to Syria to kill Arabs because he hates them I could put a bounty on the flag for 100 dollars mercenaries have no boundries

He is being driven to insanity while we all think it's a fun game of cat & mouse.

Shia needs to put the flag in some brazilian favela, Sup Forums would never win

You ever wear fingerless gloves? They're kind of awesome, as long as they fit well.

The taliban use a plain white flag so that might not be much of a stretch.

Hm? Why not?

Sup Forums would win because he wouldn't make it to the flag site

What happened to HWDU, bong edition?

Well boys, you know what to do

Launch the snow frogs!


Bullshit. Brazil niggers are posting here all the time. All of them are off duty cops.

More like an underground bunker

the guardians

Is the flag streaming again yet?

Someone might tear it down and use it as a blanket desu


I.A.W.C activate Artic Autism Special Pepe brigade

Twenty bucks says that if it is in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough it's up Hatcher Pass somewhere

Does anyone other than Sup Forums/10-2chan even know he is still doing hwndu?

what if Sup Forums is compromised and the cucklord goblins are watching

Is Sup Forums really playing a worldwide game of capture the flag with Shia LeBeouf?


If shia goes to the middle east we will spread rumors that he is gay

Yes this is life praise kek

We will steal the whole fucking igloo if we have to

>New York.
>New Mexico
>Bumfuck Tennessee
>Middle of nowhere Alaska

Nope. Sariah Laqueef is just autistic. Pol is causing him to waste money traveling all around the world.

2 or more flags are required for CTF. Where is our flag?