I should have never browsed this board, even though I only browsed Sup Forums for around 6 months, and even sparingly.I used to be a centrist.
>Wtf now I hate liberals
Now I want a traditionalist wife who is Christian. So much so that even though I could easily get with this pretty girl, and she has even hinted at it, but I am simply not interested, she is too liberal. She doesn't care about our old values or culture. I haven't even been in a real relationship yet. Wtf do I do? I want to discipline myself in our old values but how can I instill them in someone when I am still teaching them to myself?
red pill her
Not for me
I don't know if it's normal but I started off pretty conservative around February when I first got on pol then I slowly went Further and further right politically.
But then around Early March when all of a sudden a ton of leftists came in to Sup Forums (or at least that's when I started to notice them) I quickly went centrist.
>settling for a woman because you think you have no other options
Stop. Forget about her.
Lift weights, save money, go out, and meet the wwoman you want.
If you want a traditional woman, be a traditional man.
Here is a pic of her
The ultimate red-pill is reasoning with women, last weekend I had the first real debate with a rational women, and it was sparkilng, most wonderful experience to change my mind on women ( Now I think they shouldn´t be denied the right to vote... out-right). She was a leftist that wanted Germany to be replaced by turks (she had german ancestry btw) and I ended up changing her mind from that to "Islam is anti-western".
If you can find a woman with 115+ IQ and rational instead of emotional you don´t need to look any further.
(Pic is my own hierarchy)
>wife who is Christian
Why the fuck would you want That? She will always value the Church over you. She will always put more stock in what the Church tells her than what you tell her.
Her husband should be the ultimate authority in a woman's life but if she is a Christian that will never be the case.
>that thing
Here's another redpill brah.
Not only must men "guide" women into being and taking on the roles they are supposed to take...
If what you are saying is true. And this chick does dog you. She'll follow through to what ever end your will is strong enough to go(IE become a Christian, embrace traditional values, etc).... As long as she respects you.
But don't expect it to happen all at once... And the feminine is sly. Your own values and lines will erode like the rain on a mountain if you are the beta in this relationship.
Life isn't a anime. No wafiu is going to fall out of the sky into someone's life, and nor would they deserve it for wanting such a thing.
A husband will lead this wife straight to the clutches of Modernism if he himself does not submit to the Divine Biblical order.
She looks like the person that believes in homeopathy and crystal healing
It's a bad picture because I don't have Facebook or anything, just snapchat and I took it from there.
what are you 15
just don't worry about getting married and focus on something that makes you happy
youre weak and are susceptible to manipulation.
>kill yourself, immediately.
Because she won't sleep around like a whore.
>Wanting more of Jewish religion foreign to a European man
>Jesus does nothing except lord his superiority over you
BTFO Christcucks
How else do we save our civilization? We need to raise to make many, well disciplined children.
Haven't been on here long, but it's definitely changed my views.
The man is the head of household. He should not submit to an imaginary character.
this shit is on point holy fuck
This board is mostly satire you retard. Be yourself not what Sup Forums says you should be.
Get over it, Christ has guided Europeans for 1500+ years. Now you start saying it is foreign? BTFO pagan, Christianity is the only way to save Europe from the Saracens.
>6 months
Nigger I've been here for 7 years. Just accept the redpill and move on.
Don't regret the fact that you can see that many women are not wife material. You have an advantage here.
How do you know I am not being satirical?
>this thread
pic related
Paganism guided us for much more than 1500 years, and still guides us. All European values are pagan, the concept of honour is pagan, fests like Easter are pagan. Christianity only ruined what it is to be European man and continues on that way.
Christianity IS a JEWISH religion. It will never be European.
this 100X
user this makes me feel autistic