Great ancient culture that is still preserved

>great ancient culture that is still preserved
>spiritual people with moral values
>big and powerful military that can fight off just about any country
>winner of 4 consecutive wars, back to back
>among the most advance countries in technology
>among few countries with a very successful space program with satellites reaching moon and mars
>shielded from outside propaganda and influence
>has its own very large movie industry that is dominant and bigger than hollywood in the country
>among top 5 cars and truck industry, dominating foreign companies in auto sector
>Hinduism is most redpilled yet spiritual religion thrieving for thousands of year
>fought off many Islamic invasion, hinduism still being dominating religion at the end
>peaceful people with no ill will against anyone generally speaking

1. Is your country as great Sup Forums?
2. Is there anything you would like to say without the boring "pooinloo" and "toilet"?
3. On which of these points is your country better and/or as good and Indian can improve?

Other urls found in this thread:

Other POO thread? You are attention whores.

why do you feel the need to defend your nation with a bait post

nope. worked for an indian dude. despite ruining the bathroom for the rest of the night after he used it, he was based as fuck, pretty damn rich, voted Trump, had a hot wife who i know wasn't banging niggers, and was almost as business-savvy as a jew.

Shit he browsed stormfront and Sup Forums. What's good Alpesh, get the fuck off Sup Forums and stop playing candy crush.

Indians are a-okay in my book.

i will say his american born brother-in-law is a little spoiled cuck though. goes to show how America is fucking up big time.

They'll be okay with me once they fuck off back to their country.

>great ancient culture that is still preserved
Is that why you guy's refuse to poo in a loo? You wanna preserve your great ancient culture?






Opinion disregarded.

Also 4 of these is same guy, probably a no life loser.

I'm only curious.

What was his profession/business?

Wow, all that and yet you still can't come up with rudimentary plumbing and toilets.


>india is just no god man

People there are so very ugly, even the "models" look like they are dirty all the time
Also the leanguage sounds like shit, I speak brazilian portuguese, and hearing me talk is a delight, but I can't stand hearing Indians speak

India is the overachieving fat ugly kid in school that is going nowere in life because it is a weardo in the worst sense

>Everybody has a unibrow.
>Poo in the streets
>Majority of people without electricity
>Poo in the water
>Archaic caste system
>Poo in the house
>Most cars pulled by goats
>Poo in the food
>Pakistan's bitch
>Poo in the missile silos

Superpooper by 2030.


I mean, portugese sounds like spanish, and spanish is fucking disguisting. The only place i could hear to those without repulsion languages is songs




no way, spanish sounds like bad raping in broken portuguese

listen to this southern accent from brazil


Opinion disregarded, again.

>average Indian people.
I'm ok with how they look.

Portugese is inherently inferior to Hindi. Sounds bad as well.


>pakistans bitch

Only bitch in the subcontinest is pakistan, having being fucked turn by turn by India, US, Rusia, China, Afghanistan etc.


I'm guessing you don't have anything to refute any points in the OP? I accept your defeat.

>Portugese is inherently inferior to Hindi. Sounds bad as well

fucking Hindi souds like you're on your last breath even while you're singing, portuguese sounds like you're singing even when you're on your last breath

That's not your flag, poo people.

lol what do you think? he owned a couple liquor stores, despite his degree in aeronautic engineering.

set up shop right in the middle of niggerville and made a living off of corrupting blacks with cheap cigarettes and brandy

Then stop calling me as Windows Tech Support telling me I have a virus on my Windows PC.
You sound desperate. Makes your country look stupid as fuck tbqh senpai

i like you india and i wish you the best of luck

You are both swarthy as fuck, stop arguing.
I don't give a fuck about India as long as their people all of a sudden don't try to get proud of their heritage by posting stuff like OP did it.

>brazil is 40%+ white, not much but I'm gladly included

huh my id changed.

I really don't get why Sup Forums hates Indians. They are smart and tend to be right-winged. Most of the ones I met don't like niggers or arabs. They come legally and pay taxes, and they don't tend towards degenerate lifestyle.

Redpill me on indians I suppose?

What Hindi are you listening to? Hindi sounds better than Portugest in all honesty, better than european, persian/farsi, east asian languages. Probably only enlgish sounds better.

Listen to this song and tell me its an ugly language?


you lost.

kek Indians don't tend to open liquar shops. He must be a Gujarati, they business people don't give a fuck what kind of business it is.

Your opinion.


Nothing wrong with being prideful. It makes you preserve what you're proud of when someone tries to destroys it, like you know, what muslims are trying to do in Europe.

>Delhi, we discovered, is quietly suffering from a dire pediatric respiratory crisis, with a recent study showing that nearly half of the city’s 4.4 million schoolchildren have irreversible lung damage from the poisonous air.

> “If Delhi’s readings aren’t the highest ever, they’re among the highest ever,” he said. “Certainly no city in the United States, including Los Angeles, has ever come close.”

>About six months after we moved in, one of our neighbors reported that her tap water suddenly smelled like sewage. Then the smell hit another neighbor and another. It turned out that the developer had dug open channels for sewage that had gradually seeped into each apartment’s buried water tank. When we pulled up the floor tiles on the ground floor, brown sludge seemed to be everywhere.

>I was in the shower when this sewage mixture arrived in our apartment. Sounds horrible, but I shrugged and toweled off because that smell is such a frequent presence here.

>For much of the year, the Yamuna River would have almost no flow through Delhi if not for raw sewage. Add in the packs of stray dogs, monkeys and cattle even in urban areas, and fresh excretions are nearly ubiquitous. Insects alight on these excretions and then on people or their food, sickening them.

>Most piped water here is contaminated. Poor sanitation may be a crucial reason nearly half of India’s children are stunted.

But then you have shit everywhere and you're petulant about changing that.

>WHO also says that close to 100 million Indians don’t have access to improved sources of water, which is not surprising because our waterways are filled with filth. According to Central Pollution Control Board’s (CPCB) 2011-12 annual report, about 60 percent of India’s water-sources (which are routinely monitored) have poor “bio-chemical oxygen demand”, an indicator of organic pollution, and about 68 percent have faecal coliform — bacteria from shit.

>All major Indian rivers are polluted by industrial effluents and untreated sewage. In its report, the Pollution Control Board even specifically mentions how under-capacity sewage treatment plants let out raw filth into the rivers at various places.

>Without stopping open defecation, the spread of coliform and other parasites cannot be stopped. Without cracking down on crony-capitalists, including big corporates, the dumping of effluents into rivers and toxic gases into air will not stop. Without providing reliable public transport, the ambient air can never get clean.

>In the end, India’s filth is a metaphor for its overall ills that include poverty, inequality, castes, corruption, poor development policies and greed. It’s not a question of aesthetics, but a question of fundamental social change.

yeah actually he was. how are those from gujarat not indian?

the Hindi people talk, even in the song. It's harsh there are a lot of interrupted souds like ru ma ca ni, they don't flow toguether nicely, in portuguese words flow like there is no effort to say them.

Too many people. Kill half of your population and then we can talk about great countries.


Are you trying to lose again?

Opinion discarded.

Oh no Gujaratis are Indians, I didn't mean they are not. They are just more business oriented than other Indians. They're based as fuck, probably most based people in India. Our prime minister Modi is a Gujarati for example, and is loved all over India.

>tell me why my country is terrible
>difficulty: if you list any of the reasons my country is terrible you lose

You are born and raised with portugese language that is why you are conditioned to think that way. I think portugese has more interrupted sounds than Hindi, and sounds way harsher and ugly.

Also that song is mostly music hiding the language.

Over population is a problem. but better than being under populated, for being outnumbered by alien immigrants thats for sure.

You are losing because you don't have any points, one you are using has been memed to death.


sikhs make it great?

Why can't Indians handle the banter?

It's not like the poo in loo meme was Sup Forums's fault.

it's not just me, it's the world, listen to how magnificent our A's and S's sound

You guys still shit in the street. Buncha savages


Posting with same ID was more obvious?

You lost, btw.

Anything on the OP? Nothing? Alright.

World thinks portugese is ugly? I wouldn't disagree there.

Listen to normal people speaking, like news. you'll know.

I agree with many things in the OP and I can't comment on shit I don't know like the car industry thing or Hinduism as a religion. Your space program is pretty cool.

However that doesn't change the fact that a lot of your people and customs are dirty.

>You lost

UNICEF says otherwise...

India's Border Security Force is something like 200k strong, and is a hybrid police / military force. India makes the US seem like a bunch of cucks in this regard, what with the USA's porous border and all. India is not likely to get cucked like the US or Sweden ever.

this vid in the post up there, that's how people talk

साले तू क्या चूतिया है? पहले ढंग से अंग्रेज़ी तो सीख ले

Nice you agree on some points.

India has a decent auto industry with many native brands. In production its just behind Germany

Outdated customs will be fought back and will disappear eventually.

>still on the meme

You're only validating OP.

Ok than. still not convinced.

Angreji chutiyo ki boli hai. Tu sikh usko.

Btw, अंग्रेज़ो की मा की चुत

At least we don't have a Moslem minority!


>retarded ppl shitting everywhere
>no laws worth mentioning
>hindu dindu
>over a billion starving shit-breathing retards
>not even the occasional savant has ever been able to change all the stupid shit
>bollywood easily the most pathetic form of media
>murder someone for killing a fucking cow
>hostile batshit ppl always on retard edge

oh you are trying so hard
but your whole country is a literal shithole
why do you hate plumbing
why does soap scare you
why are you retarded thinking animals must not be killed
why let thuggees live
why let rapists run around all day without stopping them
why can't you build a train without climbing on the outside like a desperate sack of shit
why can't you into logic

No offense but there's nothing about India that I find remotely interesting or desirable. It's dirty, poor, polluted, unattractive, dangerous relationship with a nuclear Pakistan, very poor people, advanced society is less prevalent vs the peasantry, boring history, weak people that allowed a colonial power run them, a developing country, thinks it's going to be a superpower way way too soon, corrupt government and a lack of respect for human life. Sorry, India. No sale!

But that's the point that puzzles us all. Yes, you have some nice things, but the liquid human shit everywhere brings you down to Africa-tier.

And you still won't address it. Space program, great, good for you, but everyone wants to know what you're going to do about all of that shit.

You guys are alright, but man did you get fucked hard as time went on. Was it the caste system or the British?

it was the lack of hygiene.

Do you want to poo with me user?

indians pretty much fucked each other after independence literally and figuratively

it's unfucking itself slowly but it'll take a while

A billion people. Where are the novel prizes? Where is the contribution to humanity?

"toilet" as first point

You have already lost.

>no laws worth mentioning
Less crime in India per capita than USA.

>hindu dindu and other memes

Keep memeing, faggot. All of those are more your opinions than facts. Sleep tight.

Your opinion. Keep it.

Its on high priority, but will take time to solve.

Caste system is more of a meme than anything actual. Only thing it bashed for is it didn't allow low caste people in some high caste guy's temples.

Anyway it was a mix of box.

Nice fetish you got there.

Also noted you have nothing on the OP. Another post lost.

My opinion? Yet here you are trying to sway it and failing miserably and not refuting it. I have nothing against you but India's just not close to being what you think it is. It's like you're upset with my opinion when I'm just being honest.

Why is there a lack of hygiene tho? Though I haven't gotten around to reading more about India, and I will.
Jewed each other fucked or ended ip inbred fucked?

>Its on high priority, but will take time to solve.
Toilets and similar technology like outhouses have been around for a long time and India has had access for hundreds of years.

When? When are you going to bring the poo to the loo? Space programs are harder than toilet technology. I'm sensing a lack of will.

I was trying to be edgy, gosh.
I do agree with OP. Fascinating, long history of India.

>cant even shit in a toilet
>tries to brag about country

You don't find anything interesting, that is your opinion. Not here to try to change it.

It is like saving tiger program, having technology and resources like armed guards 24/7 and fences and the legislation is good and dandy and all but it will take time to save tigers. Similar to illigal whale fishing, we have technology can it be changed? No. Things take time in practise.

Do you have anything besides "toilets" and "pooinloo"?

Otherwise you're post will be ignored.

Np I'm dealing with many edgy people here :D


Opinion discarded. Good day.

It's a pretty big problem alright, but there are a billion people who can do something about it unlike with tigers and whales.

I bought a toilet for my house. If I was India/Africa poor I would build a fucking outhouse.

Again, it's a lack of will and not the problem of the government to fix in the short term. Your people are comfortable in shit, garbage and filth. They think it's normal. They also make NO EFFORT to change it.

How the fuck can that be "fixed"?

So dirty. Smell so bad. So ugly

Can either one of you muster any actual point besides "toilet" "poo" and "ugly"?

I find loads of things very interesting. You have no idea. You're not here to change it (my opinion) though? What are you doing here then? You asked, " 2. Is there anything you would like to say without the boring "pooinloo" and "toilet"?
3. On which of these points....Indian can improve?"

Don't backpedal. I have news for you. Sometimes the truth hurts. Don't take it personally though.

Can you and your ilk stop making excuses for open defecation?

Can you modernize your waste disposal system instead of throwing garbage everywhere?

Poo disregarded into the street


"pooinloo" and "toiler" memers strike again.

It is an acknowledged issue. Have been discussed to death. Not going to do that here again.

I should take none of you have anything on the OP then?


You lost again. Was this the third time?

You didn't say the ugliness of Indians was off limits. You also didn't say we couldn't bring up the utter lack of hygiene in India or the disease that runs rampant in your country. Just not the fact that your people literally just bend down and shit in the street in a time where we can send rockets through space and land them on asteroids remotely

>It is an acknowledged issue. Have been discussed to death. Not going to do that here again.
No one wants to discuss it. Fix your shit. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Never have I mentioned poo or anything related. You're done.

>same old same old

I think you have lost this one, pals.

Here is your first post

>No offense but there's nothing about India that I find remotely interesting or desirable.

That is okay.

>It's dirty, poor, polluted, ... very poor people,

Agreed to some extent, will be improved. All countries have goods and bads. These are our bads.

>unattractive, ....boring history, weak people...


>dangerous relationship with a nuclear Pakistan,

No much of a negative, and we have don't well on this one.

>advanced society is less prevalent vs the peasantry,....
> that allowed a colonial power run them,

Well that was past.

>a developing country,


>thinks it's going to be a superpower way way too soon,

That is, believe it or not your opinion. I don't think that.

>corrupt government and a lack of respect for human life.

Corruption is everywhere in the world. India is not anymore corrupt than average. and will improve.

>Sorry, India. No sale!

You didn't mention any point from the OP. I will take you agree to those points. Bye.

>I think you have lost this one, pals.
We're not the ones living in shit with no idea or will in how to fix it.

We haven't lost shit. We have the good thigs about your country with more AND NO SHIT.

Sounds like you lost, pajeet.

Read the OP, then read your post.

Now fuck off.

You, you fuck off. Go dig an outhouse for God and country, Op.

Don't sit here and make Sup Forums your designated shitting site.

>9 posts in this thread.

Still managed to not provide anything I can argue on. Well you were easy. Kek.

Buddhism and capitalism are a potent mix. Stay based, toiletphobes

You're not playing with a full deck guy. Take your rose-colored glasses off and join the world of reality and truth.

>Still managed to not provide anything I can argue on.
How is that my problem? What the fuck is wrong with your culture that you live in filth and shit everywhere? Explain that.

You Japs are Buddhists and you have robot toilets that clean your assholes.

He's Indian. They don't think shit and garbage everywhere is a problem.

I should have added Buddhism in the OP.

I am playing with the full deck. I recognized that issue first hand, don't deny it at all. Its you who has glasses on, and can't recognize the points mentioned in the OP.


This was your 10th post btw. I would have stopped on the third.

What, you can't handle facts now?

Who does something as bad as your shit and garbage problem? Name something.

Best india

I wish Europe would convert to Hinduism and then create an Aryan alliance to wage war against abrahamic subhumans.

>13th post

I was wrong, you are doing way worse user.

>those legs


70% of everything in history india is proud of, is persian. They just claim it for themselves

>t. persian in amsterdam

That is persian claiming Indian history, not the other way around. You think hinduism is persian or what?