>he's trying to "save the white race"
I seriously hope you don't do this
He's trying to "save the white race"
Wtf I love the Jews now
The white race will be just hungarian-slav in 50 years
Why does that bother you, kike?
pick none.
>saving the white race
>being a 4channer
Kek. Stfu Chingchong
pretty much this is why. you guys have no influence on people outside Sup Forums. not one white person outside Sup Forums is sitting around thinking "wow my race is dying, and I need to save it".
It's literally in the middle of ancient east vs west crossroads.
Every single hungarian got mongol'd and kebabed.
Epic bro i wish i could a be a cool nihilist like you fuck caring about anything XDD
Austria-Hungary proves you wrong.
You'll be dead long before the 'white race' is dead.
So why do you care unless you're just a stupid mouth-breathing racist?
The best way to help the white race is for you to remove yourself from it
>brazil doesnt take into account the bulwark of whiteness, Ireland
Okay lad
Uh yeah they fucking do lmao they just can't say shit or they'll be ridiculed, labeled racist arrested for hate crime or raped by likely blacks or Hispanics and have a little mut rape baby
You'd be wrong about that assumption.
You're so completely wrong and so completely out of touch that it gave me hope. Thanks for the morale mate.
Just look how swarthy he is.
If you told me that Orban was a turk, i'd believe you.
Because whiteness is all that existed in my gene pool up until this point and I don't want that to be destroyed by kikes and muh dick. If you really believe the "everyone is from africa" BULLSHIT then i don't blame you for not caring about race. However you would be wrong and terribly misled
>he's not part of the white race
I seriously hope you enjoy the gas chamber