How do we split up the United States of America?

Living with shitlibs and POC is unbearable. We must separate ourselves from them. How do we split USA into The Conservative States of America and The Liberal States of America?

Pic is my idea.

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San Andreas just needs one good earthquake.

Try to implement race seperating laws to make everybody lose their shit.

>Split up
>Implying we're not going to physically remove all of them

How is the US coasts being one country a legitimate plan

No. We'll lose a lot of population and money that way. We must brainwash the youth through social engineering. Then the old bluepilled people will die out and the redpilled youth will assume control. Neglect no state.

You're a fucking retard.

Your really made Berks and Lancaster county blue?

Just based on that I bet the rest of the map is shit.

The Constitution provides every remedy needed to the liberal plague but no one cares enough to take the time to study it, you think enough people will care enough to spend the time to take actions separating conservative states from liberal states

>california and new york leave
>shitservative states of america collapse within a month

I live in eastern washington, thank you for not fencing us off with the liberals. It really is just coastal cities.

Only if they kick all blacks out of the south and dump them in Manhattan. And we can keep mainland New York, that area is still red.

Why don't we... just kill them all?

It isn't. LoL

>Shitlib states get all dindus and spics from Conservative States
>Turn into South Africa

Would never happen not a real solution at all.


Over half of Americans hate their president. Land mass ain't shit. That map could also show land value. Fly over states have no clue how the world works.

>they think they get to keep federal land

Huge agriculture in the whole left Coast and a straight trade route with Mexico and Canada. Between, silicon Valley Microsoft, Boeing, and Hollywood; the rest of America would go bankrupt.

Shitlibs are too scared to secede because they know they need gibs from whitey.

Tell yourself that faggot.You'll be Brazil in five years. You need us, not the other way around.

Spokane and tri- cities is where meth comes from the costal areas would do well to ditch you. Just as long as the big government damage system continues to provide socialist power to the left of Washington easterners can drown in brown.

That would be the perfect storm to bring about Idiocracy.

what is this map from?

>giving up almost all of the coast

>wanting to keep all the southern blacks and detroit/chicago.

I made it based off the 2016 presidential election.

All shitskins would move to the shitlib states.

>pretends east side isn't crawling with lice-ridden catholic latinos

i guess you don't get out much
This is a race map of america based 2010 data. Does anyone know a more up to date one?

It seems like you could split into a mostly white area and a mostly black area? Providing you can deal with the spics

That's still way too culturally disjointed.

Offer the shitlibs the part of the nation starting six feet under the ground.

just wait a few years

I need someone to talk to please.

I was recently released from prison after a 2 year + stint inside and I'm feeling hopeless and unironically considering suicide.


do it fagggot

>That band of nigger population all through the South

God damn I hate living here.

We already tried this around 1860

Move to to Colorado or Montana.

red areas are white, blue areas are nonwhite

Remember the teachings of Yuri Bezmenov, the Russians WANT civil war in America

We don't. We don't need to.
You need to learn to live with others.
Fucking seditious commie bastards, they should all be hung!

LOL The Conservative States of America. Can you imagine a bigger clusterfuck of stupid that would be. We've literally been watching what would amount to a preview version of that with Trump, a Republican Congress and Senate...UNLIMITED CONSERVATIVE POWA!!! ....and in 2 months its been the biggest disaster and pathetic shitstorn of treason, corruption, and inept retardation in the history of the USA.

You'd all die within a year from various forms of obesity, environmental toxicity and general violence as you shaved chimps turn on each other like the white trash nation of idiots led by the inept and corrupt conman cabal elite you would be. Keep waiting for that trickle down and the jobs to come in the CSA as your town becomes a toxic waste dump of indentured servitude to some dystopic corporate government and you all betray each other because the very foundation of your politics is self-importance, ego and greed.

I have been considering Colorado, it seems nice enough and I don't mind the cold.

Living in TN is fucking awful. The blacks that live in Memphis and Jackson are fucking animals. Thankfully I live in a mostly white city but I have to go to those cities on business and they are legitimately crazy. You see at least 2 shootings on the news every night on the local news, and it's always either blacks killing each other or robbing someplace.

yeah seattle washington is really nonwhite you fucking dumbfuck

dont act like you actually have a job that requires you to travel you red state dumb fuck

Liberals are always hyper exaggerating drama queens.

Very few true Liberals exist these days. Most of them are resigned to being Centrist nowadays because of he cringe factor that is the modern day DNC (which is just as dysfunctional as the GOP if not more).


Obviously we'll give the west coast and northern east cost to the blue communist party, keep the rest, we are guna have to take Illinois Chicago is going to be first to be eradicated


Actually I voted for Hillary and Obama before her. I was most certainly #WithHer, and despise Drumpf.

Just because I don't like niggers doesn't mean I voted Republican.

if true, what were you in jail for?

We need a civil war. Shitskins will all go back to o where they came from because they have no loyalty and don't want to be killed fighting for the future of the USA. So then it will be white conservatives vs white libtards and the white libtards will be genocided. Problems solved.

Except the youth are 75% non-white.

So do we. All is well then.

>Implying it isn't

>Free state of Detroit
>no where near Detroit

>Free State of Detroit
That's Chicago
>Amerifat education

whoops your right, meant Chicago.

simply wasnt paying any attention to where it actually was, i should not attempt things after only just waking up.

>captcha: buses

Fucking Russian shills destroying to split up America.

Fuck off

We're not. That's just retarded.

>miami is blue

>Understands the youth are 75% non-white
>Still wants an civil war in the US

Fucking retarded white supremacists.

Oh well, we will be so happy getting rid of stupid uneducated fags like you.

i checked, there isn’t one.
Also, national census is usually published every 10 years.. next one for the US is scheduled for 2020.