This is the projected asbestos fallout from the 9/11 attacks.
Asbestos fibers can cause a deadly form of lung cancer known as mesothelioma when in haled, which can have a latency period of over 20 years. Winds were blowing from the southwest that day.
>which can have a latency period of over 20 years. So in about 4 years, a shitload of liberals are going to get cancer?
Nathaniel Diaz
I drove through the day after and huffed the smell of it. I might be OK I guess. Plenty of other things to worry about.
Some senpaitachi on the island do have somewhat mysterious lung problems.
Easton Collins
Levi Robinson
Good thing it stops at the border
Daniel Thompson
Levi Sanders
I live in commiefornia so I'm safe.
Nicholas Moore
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to compensation.
Camden Stewart
>tfw i thru hiked the at in 14 and spent ~7 weeks outside in the yellow area, drinking the water unfiltered from springs/streams
how fucked am i?
Ethan Green
Am I entitled for legal compensation?
Brody Cox
But seriously if you or a loved one is suffering from Mesothelioma call
For your structured settlement or annuity
Lincoln Hall
Orange, so a little I guess.
Digits says I'm FUBAR'd.
Eli Bell
wouldn't it be a lot more patchy in appearance than that? i can't imagine that all of the asbestos would settle in the period of time that the wind was blowing north east, or that the area upwind of NYC would not have different wind directions.
i watched CNN daily during the election and i'm fucking triggered, give me legal compensation
Owen Ortiz
feels good man
Jackson Lewis
You do realize that the WTC was constructed after asbestos was banned by NY building code , right?
Levi King
Robert Smith
Damn I was in the lighter red. I also have issues where I'm constantly clearing my throat and coughing
Jaxon King
Lived in Hunterdon co from 2001-2008...Guess I am fucked.
Joseph Turner
Beaners confirmed worse then cancer.
Julian Peterson
"It's my money and I want it NOW!!"
Henry Mitchell
I actually have a legit lung disease from the 911 dust. It's called sarcoidosis and it makes you have kind of a small forever-cough. Most people don't die from it but it still sucks and destroys you organs. I was in the city when the towers crashed and fell and I actually saw it all in real life, not on TV. Crazy shit.
>only lived in that area for about two years after 9/11
probably fine
Jason Bell
>it's been 16 years >no study I'm aware of has reported any increase in mesothelioma in the region.
We fine.
Bentley Green
I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook and I can assure you it really happened.
Hudson Gonzalez
I live in Boston. I already get cancer from my neighbors.
Nathaniel Scott
>fallout 100 miles to the west Nice fake map OP.
Is this a snowfall map you changed the file name of?
And the wind was hard out of the NW that day
t. LI surfer
Asher Wright
Well I was in south new Hampshire so I'm pretty fucked
Angel Nguyen
>Sandy Hook was fake
Not this stupid shit again.
Liam Nelson
lel last time I was in the city the first thing I saw when I dropped into the subway was a gay nigger and a gay numale both cross-dressed and holding hands.
It didn't used to be that bad.
Carson Peterson
You guys do realize that exposure only increases your chances of developing the disease, it doesn't mean you will get it.
Parker Myers
>Americans still use asbestos >Keep sucking that corporate Jewish dicks >I'll be here without fucking throat cancer because some Jews needed some wars in the middle east
Examples of asbestos-containing products not banned The manufacture, importation, processing and distribution in commerce of these products, as well as some others not listed, are not banned.
How fucking backward can a 1st world country be, this is China tier regulation
Colton Anderson
those firemen who inhaled the vapors didn't deserve to die
fucking atheistic kikes
Easton Myers
>Non-roofing coatings >Roof coatings I bet the Jews did this
Nathan Ross
Sounds awful, let's hope you die soon.
Elijah Young
I haven't seen that meme in a while.
tbt to yung shitlord days
Camden Price
It's getting better every year so that's probably not going to happen retard.
Adrian Price
>Be me >1st grade >In NYC >Only remember mass panic everywhere >1 week after attacks >"Dad, why does it smell like a barbeque everywhere?" I didn't realize the smell came from burning bodies in the next bourough over until I was 13.
Lincoln Jackson
You know absestos is only a problem if its disturbed right? So unless you go up in your attic and start hitting your ceiling with a sledgehammer, youre okay.
liberal areas but the republican part of NY is safe
nothing of value was lost
David Smith
with the snowflakes down there you have a 100x bigger chance of getting cancer
Ryan White
Whereas if you step on the brakes and your asbestos brake pads start literally spraying out asbestos, then that's fine.
Parker Sanders
Long island Fucked.
Grayson Miller
>tfw 9/11 will soon be 20 years ago
Colton Brooks
>tfw Rochester, NY >tfw right outside the area
Simply ebin. Maybe some degenerate NYC people will die so I can get a nice apartment down there.
Eli Peterson
>moving to the Dark Orange part of Maine
Will I be effected?
Grayson Perez
>This is the projected asbestos fallout from the 9/11 attacks. lol, no it isn't.
Mason Hill
>Builders constructed the World Trade Center using about 400 tons of asbestos in the structure’s insulation, drywall, fireproofing materials and steel because of the mineral’s heat resistance and affordability. >400 tons