White Working Class Deaths of Despair

What does Sup Forums think of pic related?

It's from an article that is addressing that the mortality rate of white working class people has skyrocketed in recent years. This study compares white college educated people with whites without a college degree.

I find it sad that this is happening.

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can't blame them i nearly died that way too until i gave up on hopes aspirations and material desire

well if you're angry about this, you're not alone

What article?


Make it credible, you faggot.

Just look up the article title on the screen


I don't like sharing links

I've had three near death experiences in ten years working in a steel mill. I also make 140k a year, and every time it happened I learned a new lesson. If we become scared of progress, it will cease to happen. Don't safety yourself into a corner user because with that mentality we will NEVER stand up for ourselves.


As opposed to an uplifting death?

>past the highway
>and in those suburbs
>lives a terrible metal monstrosity
>who goes by the name of KILLDOZER

It's probably data entry error

>Steel Mill
>140k a year.

Yeah bullshit. Let's see that paystub bub.

I would like a link to the study please

That's not too unreasonable if some people are working more than a standard 9 to 5, 5 day week.

Factory jobs pay well, especially when employees have to be very careful do the inherent danger or the ease of which small mistakes can become expensive.

This isn't assembling an i-phone

That's probably right. He COULD be a senior mechanic or lead with a $32-$36/hr wage, getting 20 hours or more of overtime a week. That would do it. He could have also added in health ins. for kicks, or rounded up a little -- but it could be legit. My dad was making about $90k a year in the late 80s -- in that same kind of job but in a different industry.

>be forced to work your entire life to pay for social programs that you don't have access to

It's pretty common, if you don't mind OT or you have an incentive job. I work in a mill in PA.

desu this reminds me of russian men who also die at abysmally high rates of nothing
how did russia start raising their life average?

Article is surprisingly frank.

Bluntly put, white working-class men are being encouraged to kill themselves with prescription opiates.

Despair my ass. Niggers and beaners hate their lives too. They're not killing themselves with oxys.

Call this what it is. White genocide.

This isn't unreasonable for a senior foreman with valuable trade skills

It's like they're just rubbing it in our faces.

>See, goys, you're just as bad as everyone else
>hahahaha your race is dying out this century
>angry white males hahahaha
>deaths of despair, hahaha heroin junkies
>Uh-oh sounds like you're a hateful racist sexist bigot, like we care about your dead family! hahahaha!

Fuck these people.

>take all the opportunities away from whites and "redistribute" them to other races
>surprised when whites would rather die than be eternal wage slaves

Eventually it is others who will die

>Bluntly put, white working-class men are being encouraged to kill themselves with prescription opiates.
White (Big Pharma) on white (drugs; both legal and illegal) on white (European American) crime

>big pharma
Oh come on now, remember martin shrekli?

you got me there

It's easier than ever to see how men wanted to die in combat, since living wasn't really that enjoyable.