I am pretty sure a majority of this board is Atheist.
Prove to me that God is real conservative cucks.
I am pretty sure a majority of this board is Atheist.
Prove to me that God is real conservative cucks.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would I care about you and your beliefs?
p.s enjoy hell
Prove to me he isnt.
Prove to me that (((atheism))) isn't literally a Jewish trick
If any of you by chance eat shrimp your going to hell so enjoy that my dudes.
>Prove to me that God is real
God is real because he said so.
>Be me
>Live in 1900s
>Atheism becomes cool, becomes tenets of many communist revolutions
>Atheism gets promoted in the West
>People blaspheme for fun
>Ignore God's laws
>Become enlightened gentlesir, deny existence of God
>Because of enlightenment I don't see the God-denying West turning to complete shit
Atheism is a trick, you retard
>yet another atheist who doesn't actually understand the Bible
>"lel b-b-b-but I r-r-r-read it!"
There's a reason you can get a fucking doctorate in Theology, retard. The Bible is a complicated document. If you take everything at face value, of course you think it looks stupid.
Reminder that Jesus LITERALLY warned about people taking the Bible at face value.
>"'they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!'"
I believe Jesus was a real person but the bible is a book of many flaws and people like to pick and choose what they want from it and what they don't.
>cause LEL Ill just ask for forgiveness.
This is a shill thread. You have no proof that He doesn't exist either.
That doesn't disprove God so that's not an argument. It's never been an argument.
ah yes cause a talking snake and a women with an extra rib is viable
Not to mention it's been lost in translation for millennia.
Great argument
Not that I give a fuck whether anyones believes in God or not. I do. What I ask you first is prove that love exists. You can't.
Something just magically materializing itself out of nowhere, and having NOTHING be responsible for that is nothing short of the most retarded, absurd shit ever.
There is a reason that the one percent believe in the occult. Scientific observations explain about 10% of the universe. However, 90% of the universe is not observable by us and cannot be measured. The physical world which we perceive is an illusion. The ancients knew this and sought to escape it by looking inward rather than outward. Over time their knowledge has been lost or hidden. If our we only believe what we can see we limit ourselves and will never be able to grasp the Truth.
102:1.2 (1119.1) The reason of science is based on the observable facts of time; the faith of religion argues from the spirit program of eternity. What knowledge and reason cannot do for us, true wisdom admonishes us to allow faith to accomplish through religious insight and spiritual transformation.
Passionate sex? I don't know.
What do you think that God is? I'm not trying to trap you or anything, this is just to know where you're coming from
Christian here. As long as you've heard the good Word, our work is done. I don't care whether you believe or not, to be quite frank. It's ultimately your choice.
Why should I? I don't give a fuck if you believe in a god or not.
if you could prove god was real, you wouldnt have to "believe" in him in the first place
Some of the most brilliant scientists to ever exist believed in or at the very least considered the existence of a higher power.
Kek is God and God is Kek
Prove there is no God. Pro tip you can't. But I can prove your a faggot. This thread is my source.
I'm atheist. And I hate fedora tier eceleb atheists and anti-theists with (((()))) around them.
And yet the vast majority of the ones who have lived in the last 50 years when church indoctrination and influence really started to fade havent been religious. I wonder why ;)
Not an argument
What are you willing to wager that he does not exist?
You are right. Jesus was just a man. The bible is mostly dogma pushed by the Church. His actual teachings were taught in mystery schools and were much different. He was a mystic along the lines of Plato and Hermes who enabled himself to enter into altered states of consciousness in order to bypass the illusion of Reality.
Prove my dick isnt in your mom. Pro tip you can't. But i can prove you're a faggot. Your post is my source.
People absolutely pick and choose what they want from it, and that's distasteful, but that does not make it a flawed document. Forgiveness in the eyes of the Lord requires actual, genuine repentance, and at least an attempt must be made to live by the rules set down for an honest and just man.
That is another matter of considerable difficulty, yes. Translation from the ancient languages has produced some difficulty, hence the need for priests and linguists to dissect things.
>not an argument
Also, not an argument.
>inb4 not an argument
Mine was actually an argument.
Prove invisible dragons arent real. Prove Bigfoot isnt real.
It's almost as if living in a society that is more or less officially atheist has an effect on people. Look at what's happening in Russia now that communism is over
Not an argument
not an argument
burden of proof means your dumb outburst is not an argument
Probably a pretty fair assumption considering most people on this board are retarded teen edgelords
Proof god is real: Beyonce. Thread closed.
>more or less officially atheist
How fucking stupid are you? The vast majority of regular citzens in the US and Canada are religious. Gas yourself for being so dumb.
you already know he is real you don't need reassurance
Atheists don't claim he isn't retard. They claim it's illogical to believe in a deity.
>burden of proof fallacy
You've fallen for the oldest trick in the book.
We could go back and forth with this all day. Let's just admit I won and go on our ways.
>be atheist
>get frustrated with general incompetence of others
>ask them to just stop being retarded
>theists and non-theists alike
People in general are mentally handicapped.
Son of God.
But our government is basically officially atheist, since it creates an education program designed to encourage atheism
>You've fallen for the oldest trick in the book.
you're gonna have to explain or i'm gonna assume you're a retard
Jews are Atlanteans.
Not an argument. Prove that the day of the rope/rake isnt just wish fulfillment for forever alone beta cucks who have no power and no influence in the world.
What kind of dumbass question is this? No matter the wager, OP wins.
>OP wagers $1000
>random user proves God exists
>OP loses $1000 but the world is a better place
>no one can prove God exists and OP gets free money
What the fuck, man.
>Prove invisible dragons arent real
They could be. Hell one could be right behind you fucking you in the ass.
No living thing knows and will probably never have the right to know whether or not God exists. Athecucks are way worse than any theist sometimes.
Penn is a Libertarian. He may be Atheist but he respects others to believe whatever they want.
The thing about most faiths is that it's up to the person to choose.
I say most faiths because if you're Muslim and want to leave and live in a conservative Muslim community...you die.
It's far more likely we came from something than from nothing
Tumblr's thataway
you already know god is fact and you don't need strangers to convince you
>We could go back and forth with this all day
Except that was the firs time i posted that ITT. Nice reading comprehension fail.
>But our government is basically officially atheist,
Its not even close. If anythings its extremely religious now that they passed an anti Islamophobia law. Thats anything but atheism
102:2.5 (1120.2) Even the discoveries of science are not truly real in the consciousness of human experience until they are unraveled and correlated, until their relevant facts actually become meaning through encircuitment in the thought streams of mind. Mortal man views even his physical environment from the mind level, from the perspective of its psychological registry. It is not, therefore, strange that man should place a highly unified interpretation upon the universe and then seek to identify this energy unity of his science with the spirit unity of his religious experience. Mind is unity; mortal consciousness lives on the mind level and perceives the universal realities through the eyes of the mind endowment. The mind perspective will not yield the existential unity of the source of reality, the First Source and Center, but it can and sometime will portray to man the experiential synthesis of energy, mind, and spirit in and as the Supreme Being. But mind can never succeed in this unification of the diversity of reality unless such mind is firmly aware of material things, intellectual meanings, and spiritual values; only in the harmony of the triunity of functional reality is there unity, and only in unity is there the personality satisfaction of the realization of cosmic constancy and consistency.
I dont think theres anything out there I believe we were put on this planet to make the best of our lives and then die and be remembered. There is no heaven or hell just death. So many different beliefs and religions and different gods whose to say Christianity is the true one? I just choose not to pick.
If you aren't trying to believe in God, you won't. So, make an effort and you might see why people profess belief and faith in God.
I'll take the bait.
First do BS in Astronomy and Physics. Go for PhD in Physics.
Adopt a non literal interpretation of the bible and keep in mind that the person writing the bible was always using known ideas, concepts and things to describe God's message.
Read Genesis 1 1:24 and then start cross comparing it with the known / good theories about the Big Bang and the expansion of the universe.
My take so far is that days = actual phases that the universe went through right after the "Big Bang"
For ex: 300k years after t0, temperatures dropped enough that neutrons and protons + electrons can come together to form atoms and light finally "shined".
>all the things we have found through empircal evidence dont matter unless you take into something with no evidence we cant prove
If thats feynman hes an ok physicist but he makes conclusions like a moron
And? Just because it's your first doesn't mean we couldn't keep responding in kind. I swear you must be retarded. Just like user said here (). Shape up, leaf.
This is his point. There is no logical reason to believe in something that can't be proved dipshit.
Have you been through the school system? They basically teach that "while there are values in all religions (except Christianity), none of them are true"
Soviet-tier propagandising
Is this you, OP?
Perhaps. I'm not arguing there. Aren't we all crafted in the creator's image? If you look at the history though outside of the Bible there was a lot of Jewish influence and mistranslation. His original message was that we could all have the experiences that he had. The whole bit about the Messiah was the result of mistranslation. Probably done on purpose.
You can't prove the non-existence of God either, double dipshit.
I hope you'll choose the right one when you decide there is life beyond death.
That's not what I asked though. I wanted to know, when you think "God" in your head, what comes to mind? This is more important than you might think.
Also it should go without saying that not all religions are equally legitimate
0+0=0,,, nothing can't create something
Modern Christianity is one of the better religions but I still don't see why anyone would want to have anything to do with Abrahamic religions. You are literally siblings with Islam and Judiasm is your mother.
Also, if Jesus really emerged from a virgin birth, then where did he acquire his y chromosome?
Except it's not that simple. I hate the Pascal's Wager because Theistcucks can't comprehend the fact that there's more than one belief for deitys.
Islam and Judaism are religions of the book
Christianity is the religion of the living Word of God (as it says in the Catechism of the Catholic Church).
The concept of "Abrahamic religions" was invented by muslims to try to claim some legitimacy
>Believe in wrong religion. Go to hell.
Thought belief in any religion does increase your chances slightly.
Christian here, I also fucking hate it. It's the stupidest fucking argument for belief. If you're just believing in God out of fear of punishment, you're not a Christian, you're just a coward.
mfw I am a bleeding heart liberal because I am a Christian
Atheist don't believe there is no god, just that it's illogical to believe in a go. They are 'A'theists.
That's not proof, user. That's just a Texas sharpshooter fallacy.
Burden of proof lies on dipshit theists. You're propagating an international network of child rapists and anti intellectual retards.
Christians btfo
Sometimes we can't be so close-minded. The world is a strange place. Agendas are created and pushed for various regions. We are kept in the dark on many subjects. Check out this site and keep an open mind. The people here discuss some strange topics but they are not blithering idiots.
>Have you been through the school system?
>They basically teach that "while there are values in all religions (except Christianity), none of them are true"
Maybe in your cucked province but you're incredibly underage if you didnt know each province handles education differently. Here in alberta public schools dont touch religion
>Christianity did not bring a message of social revolution like that of the ill-fated Spartacus, whose struggle led to so much bloodshed. Jesus was not Spartacus, he was not engaged in a fight for political liberation like Barabbas or Bar- Kochba. Jesus, who himself died on the Cross, brought something totally different: an encounter with the Lord of all lords, an encounter with the living God and thus an encounter with a hope stronger than the sufferings of slavery, a hope which therefore transformed life and the world from within.
-Pope Benedict XVI
It seems to me that Sup Forums is
>10% fadora masters who will vehemently debate against religion
>40% Atheist/Agnostic who don't care that much
>20% LARPers who started christposting as a troll but now get their personal identity from it
>20% "Cultural Christians" who don't believe but are into keeping it going for the good of society
>5% actual Christians who actually go to church and pray to God in real life
>3% paranoid schizophrenic people who consider themselves Christians but are following Gnosticism and unironically go on rants about the flat earth and reptilian people
>2% other religions like jews and muslims *opens up canister of zyklon b*
That's the the about religion. You're supposed to believe on faith not proof. Faith is a pretty big thing in religion if you didn't know.
>Catechism of the Catholic Church
>not the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
Donald Trump is President.
Well then, how come there's a lot of this in your circle?
So you reject the old testament? Do you not believe in Yahweh?
Now this is where it gets really interesting imo:
"11 Then God said, “Let the land sprout grass, green plants yielding seed, fruit trees making fruit, each according to its species with seed in it, upon the land.” And it happened so. 12 The land brought forth grass, green plants yielding seed, each according to its species, and trees making fruit with the seed in it, each according to its species. And God saw that it was good. 13 So there was evening and there was morning—a third day.
14 Then God said, “Let lights in the expanse of the sky be for separating the day from the night. They will be for signs and for seasons and for days and years.
15 They will be for lights in the expanse of the sky to shine upon the land.” And it happened so. 16 Then God made the two great lights—the greater light for dominion over the day, and the lesser light as well as the stars for dominion over the night. 17 God set them in the expanse of the sky to shine on the land
18 and to have dominion over the day and over the night and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.
19 So there was evening and there was morning—a fourth day."
Verse 14 states "“Let lights in the expanse of the sky be for separating the day from the night. They will be for signs and for seasons and for days and years. 15 They will be for lights in the expanse of the sky to shine upon the land."
So essentially describing the formation of a stars and planets and our solar system. Our sun is essential for season keeping as the Earth orbits it. But then...how could there be plants on Earth before the formation of our Sun and the solar system?
According to this the best option is to be a jew since they are sneaky tricksters in every regard.
It sounds like you're begging to be saved. Personally, I don't think you're worth it.
Something I can agree on with a theist. I see blind faith as illogical so I do not believe but if one chooses to hold blind faith, that's fine. The "believe in my god or your fucked" argument really just makes me want to stay the fuck away from your god.
prime numbers
Sup Forums is almost entirely 15-24 year old males. There are few christians in that demographic.
Damn. I confused Catechism as another term for Mass. I did got to a Catholic school too, so I should have remembered right off the bat.
Also. I ironically totally left my namefag name from that risk thread the other night.
Even if they could prove it, you would deny the proof and claim that's what a Jew would say
No, the OT is important because it leads up to the birth of Christ. But Christ did not give us a book, he gave us a Church, and this is what separates us from the Jews and the Muslims