>Homosexuality is a mental disorder
What did pol mean by this?
Is homosexuality a mental disorder?
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he meant that homosexuality is a mental disorder
homosexuality is a choice
proof: i choose to like feminine penises
Is there actual scientific evidence to support this claim though?
Why is procreation expected of everyone?
What's wrong with a sub-replacement fertility rate? Why does it matter if the human race dies out naturally?
Basically, it's utilitarianism. Ears are meant to hear, ears don't hear anything are defective. Eyes are meant to see, eyes are blind are defective. A sex drive is meant to drive reproduction, a sex drive that does not drive reproduction is defective.
I'd hesitate to call it a mental disorder, because we don't know that. 10% of people ion the world are sun-sneezers, they can help along a sneeze by looking at the sun or other source of light. It's a genetic trait. Homosexuality might be the same way, at least in some cases.
what the fuck, I've never heard of this before
I can confirm if I look in the sun and close my eyes I get a tingly sensation in my sinuses and often sneeze.
When I was a kid I used to think I was allergic to the sun.
Maybe it is not disorder but it is definitely a deviation and degeneracy.
If homosexuality is a genetic trait, then how does it get passed on?
Just one way brains can have a wire crossed somewhere. Fortunately, sun-sneezing is fairly benign (unless you want to be a fighter pilot or something, I guess). Homosexuality is a bit more a problem. It's a shame that such a social stigma was attached to homosexuality in the past, it's will be a while before the Overton windows shifts far enough right that you can start researching ways to cure gays without being made a pariah.
yes. watch this:
how do genetic diseases which kill people as kids before they reproduce pass on? neither parent has the right combo of genes but the kid does.
>how do genetic diseases which kill people as kids before they reproduce pass on?
Because people build up other traits and immunities over time
same for homosexuality
>donated sperm
>siblings who have the trait but are not actively gay
>Gay dude getting a ugly fucking wife and fucking her and just pretending it's a dude's ass
This isn't to say that every gay or lesbian has the same genetic traits; there's probably a lot of people who are actually straight but just fuck the opposite gender because it's trendy for leftists these days. You get oppression points, rise higher on the victim scale, get to basically cause a shitstorm the moment anyone might even remotely treat you differently for being degenerate, etc. All the downsides of the past (being shunned from polite society or having to sneak around to find other gays to fuck) are instead shunted off on the normal people around them.
you better delet this
It is basically a fetish. If you know any homosexes irl most of them are victims of abuse. Literal mental illness.
Same thing as trannies. Mental illness is evident by their 800% attempted suicide rates. Most are victims of abuse.
This isn't a bad thing. Mental illness isn't bad, just don't call it what it isn't.
>whole video is big red pill