Why is this so hot? (I'm a girl)

Why is this so hot? (I'm a girl)

There are no girls on the internet. Post tits or GTFO.

Because master race is master race

Because whatever you think about nazis their uniforms and iconography sure looked cool

Because you're a girl attracted to a male.

Forbidden fruit


humans, like most animals, are wired to be attracted to superior genetics

Because it's Hugo Boss

>Why is this so hot?

>Because it's Huge Boss

>Why is this so hot? (I'm a girl)

>tfw you realize those bulges in his trousers are his balls

paging wehraboo romanian tomboy gril :3

holy fuck i kek'd

Why is this so hot? (I'm a boy)


the guys who fought them were hotter...

Designed by Hugo Boss I think?

OPs pic didn't fight anyone

The pic explains why there are somany numales around today

Becasue the NAZIS knew how to fucking dress. Hugo Boss style.