Opnions on Brazil

Opnions on Brazil

well it's not canada

so there is that

Good conutry

We are like a model of what the world would be if hillary won. We are clinton's laboratory. Globo is the most successful product of operation mockingbird. Moro and the judicial branch are being manipulated into attacking things that favor deep state govts. Lula is the only one who can save us from the globalists, despite being an incompetent retard. Monkeys and retards


The biggest shithole in South America.


Danza Kuduro
Rio De Janeiro
I don't know what is happening in your slums, but you guys have great vacation spots

please nuke us

Looking at your own future is pretty terrifying.

Oh man I dont even know where to begin



Danza Kuduro is not brazilin
maybe in 2018 new candidates like Roberto Justus can be a good option, he has my vote for now

we're giving the best-located rocket lauch site in the world to the US.

Stop making all the online games shittier.

no problem, in 1 year there won't be anyone in Brazil that can afford to buy a new game for the price of 1/3 of the montly minimum salary

Any idea if Peru is going through something similar?

last I heard Peru was politicaly well but was floded for like 2 months

pergunta pra colonia;

acha que se o Imperio fosse unido mais uma vez seria bom?

brazil is a faggot

Too many fucking NIGGERS in this shithole.

sorry about that, brasil

Only if the empire's capital was London and not Lisboa. We are trash because our father is trash.

não nas condições atuais, mas em uns 5 anos sim, brazil nunca devia ter rompido relações com a inglaterra nas questoes christies, fizemos merda 200 anos atras

FUCK OFF, MONKEY. No one here gives a shit about your country.

We should send all leftists there. Its the home they always wanted.

Seu inglês só não é pior do que seu português, macaco.

mas foi a inglaterra que fez cuck a nossa nacao e derrubou o imperio, queres mesmo estes filhos da puta em poder?

>derrubou o império
Quem joga os jogo de outros merece seu destino. Quem chora por ter agido como uma peça do xadrez não resolve nada.

Aguente o sofrimento hoje, cresça amanhã, depois de amanhã destrua os seus inimigos de maneira que eles nunca possam se levantar novamente.

Not really, unless PT takes over.

Brazil going down the neoliberal path and with the whole corruption ruckus, it will have some bright sides. We might be approaching a tax simplification that might as well get rid of the abusive taxes for technology.

apesar de todos os problemas, eu não me imagino morando em outro lugar

gosto muito de morar aqui

it's shit and you should stop.

Asserio, como e que o Brazil ficou tao corrupto?
Quando e que o partido ultranacionalista vai ganhar em brazil?
vejo tua critica, mas agora com a condicao de Cuckistan, tambem nao vejo isso como uma boa alternativa. Precisamos de mais um lider Magno como o Salazar

O cara reclamando que não uso acento mandando post pro Sup Forums kkkk vai tomar um Toddy,vai
vc se refere a derrubar o império luso-brasileiro ou derrubar o império brasileiro? pois estou bem certo que o Dom Pedro caiu para militares com influencias muito distantes da Inglaterra, pensar que o império brasileiro caiu por influencia inglesa é pensar que elas viam o Uruguay como ameça no começo do séc 19 o que não acredito ser verdade

sure sure, but Portugal was since ever a first world and high developed country.

The poster child for the dangers of racemixing.

Well if you don't even have that song you're even shittier than I thought

tava mais a referir ao imperio Lusitano em grande



será que o caminho neoliberal já esta tão forte assim, os liberais se aliaram aos conservadores de direita, vejo eles do lado de Bolsonaro e não vejo nenhum candidato liberal forte, talvez Justus mas ele não tem muitas chances

not just shit, a (now) very ironic flag


aiaiai onde e que comecou a correr mal

the both of you. just stop posting.

and that's coming from a drunken hue.

Favela monkeys. All of you.

America's swamp is just as bad in Brazil, but americans don't give a single damn about it because the government keeps the population in lethargy with cheap, trivial and superfluous stuff, like technology (smartphones, videogames, yadda yadda), y'know that. It's like the first state of redpill.

Brazil just happens to tax the shit out of everything so they can steal more, but it backfires in publical scandals because the population is often aware of that. Our government is retarded like that. At the same time, your avarage brazilian have such a fucking underdog mentality that, what is too expensive simply becames a luxury instead of just not selling. There's ways to bypass taxes and people just go full brazilian way.

Everyone steals from everyone, but that's changing.

I'm way richer than you. I don't even need to check. Simple statistics would let me know that chances that you have more money than me are quite slim.

o imperio Lusitano foi desmantelado pelos brasileiros mestres em fuder tudo e não por influência da inglaterra. O problema de uma unificação atual alem dos problemas socio-economicos brasileiros é como outras colonias africanas que mantem importantes relações comerciais com o brasil podem reagir a não serem re-incluídas em tal imperio

>muh country is so shit, I hate this place, US

mas como e que vao derrubar a mafia em poder depois de dezenas de geracoes em poder?

it's like trying to uproot the Goldman Sachs' global power now, after letting them meddle in everything for generations

da mesma maneira como a Itália fez isso no seculo 20, com um judiciário forte e o apoio da população

estava a ver a possibilidade de uma uniao ao estilo de UK, e tambem acho que nao foi dos brasileiros que o poder lusitano em Brasil falhou. foi mase dos nossos reis sem bolas que decidiram virar putas e venderem tudo aos outros

poor and gay

mostly gay

you seriously have a gay problem

you act all religious but you have a giant statue of jesus christ looking down at basically just a big gay sex orgy

worst country in latin america

>rich favela monkey
>favela monkey wealth

my sides

entao precisam de Guerrilha e Poder militar, e implementar o Estado Novo? em (current year)? com a america as vossas costas?

Brazilian people are really nice and it's a beautiful country to visit.

Needs to be destroyed

>says straya
it's good that you've only been to the tourist destinations that Brasil loves to glorify, whilst just a few steps away there are kids learning how to firefight just to stand their ground

PMDB and PSDB are the neoliberal path. Temer is a neoliberal reformist, riding on his unpopularity to implement all the unpopular reforms that are your avarage neoliberal wetdream. There will be more if PSDB gets it, then brace yourself for cheap playstations, iphones, notebooks, the population won't even care about corruption in a few years.

Neoliberalism in brazil is ascending, just look at Doria. It's our alt right.

Alckmin will be our president either people wants it or not. And the best president who will be free to do whatever he wishes won't be someone who reduces poverty, it will be someone who makes apple products go down to american levels of cheap in brazilian reais, if you know what i mean. Everyone from the bottom to the top will rejoice.

Free outsourcing, retirement reform, labour laws reform, the spices are all there.

a favela monkey could not even have a computer and speak english, besides, he probably is richer than you

a monkey filled wasteland

eu so nao vejo esta possibilidade agora que qualquer movimento nacionalista e visto como a perseguicao e genocidio dos cancros que persistem nos nossos paises


Não foi isso que reclamei, já seria um milagre supor que um macaquinho sujo como você soubesse o que é um acento. Pare de passar ridículo, já é o suficiente ter essa bandeira BR em cada post meu por aqui, fica pior ainda com um bostinha burro que nem você fudendo ainda mais as coisas.


Brazil was a good movie

You favela monkeys think running water is wealth. It's such a foreign concept for your impoverished asses you couldn't even keep a pool from going green for one week while the world laughed at you. You favela monkeys don't even know what a car is, much less a new car.

>favela monkey wealth

O brasil esta dividido, é preciso de um "Mezzogiorno intelectual" para levar as ideias de um país melhor a região nordeste

PMDB e PSDB não são nem perto do nivel de liberalismo que esse pais precisa, a reforma da previdencia não vai adiantar precisava ser mais forte, a reforma do ensino medio que tenta colocar o jovem no mercado de trabalho afasta ele de oportunidades de emprego forçando-o a estudar a tarde quando podia trabalhar, só a terceirização é um avanço verdadeiro até agora

I do agree with that. Rio de Janeiro is probably the WORST postcard a country could have as it's international image.

But whatever, smart people know that Brazil begins in São Paulo and not Rio de Janigger.

pergunta séria:

Qual é a sua opinião sobre os """pré""" candidatos à presidência em 2018 (Bolsonaro,Lula etc)?

se for para visitar Brasil, o verdadeiro Brasil sem ser fudido por turistas e esfaqueado por ciganos, onde sugeres?

Get me out of here


It would be nice with less hue.

Doria is our mezzogiorno intelectual, he's becoming quite popular in northeast.

You want full on liberalism, not even america is liberal like that. I'm talking NEOLIBERALISM, that's how you get free stuff and shrinks the state. Liberalism comes later when people are individualistic enough and have the means to not lean anymore on the government, a healthy financial life good enough to make people want from little to none state intervention in their lives.

You gotta do it step by step, kiddo.

os seus posts antipatrióticos e sua incapacidade de formular uma critica objetiva me gerou uma duvida sobre qual motivação politica vc tem com isso. Ou seu objetivo é so xingar as pessoas na internet para se sentir bem consigo mesmo?

tente visitar Natal, acho que é a mais segura das grandes cidades costeiras, talvez são paulo mas se mantendo na região dos jardins

There's plenty, brit. First, you have the countryside of São Paulo state, which is alot like Texas.

Then you have minas gerais, Paraná. Goiás. You have São Paulo litoral coastline, which is fine and very tourist friendly.

Northeast like Fortaleza are build for tourist, nice spots too. Islands like Ilhabela are nigger and gypsy free. If you like cold weather, then south during America's summer is the place for you.

Literally anywhere that it's not in the state of rio.

holy shit its bad but its not that bad

fuck you explosive burger


enfim, depende muito do que você quer ver. Mas se você quer uma recomendação, Santos é uma cidade ótima

>but Santos it's filled with niggers and degeneracy reeee

don't meme so hard pal

>what is Chile?
>what is Argentina?

I'll take 'Americans not being taught shit about world history' for 2000, Alex.

Brazil fags

I'm a tall goodlooking gringo, muscled, hung, confident, charming. But white women don't get crazy over me because I look to normal. Everyone has blonde hair and blue eyes here. When I retire from the army, will I find success in race mixing Brasil?

Is there a native dark haired latina waiting for me to fuck? How many? Is the grass greener on the other side?

how much does it cost to stay in a safe neighborhood and fuck brazilian hookers?

whatever you're into, Brazil has it in spades

its fucked. not in a good way.

>either of those
>worse than brasile
fucking anglos

grass in not so green, but pussy comes in any color you want if you're really french, U don't even need the good looks with a EU passaport

>being so obsessed with burgers you can't even recognise a flag
for 2000 and the win final jeop pham

moral of the story is kys and lurk moar

>how much does it cost to stay in a safe neighborhood?
it depends on the city, state etc. Do you have one place in mind?

>fuck brazilian hookers
if you know where to look, it's cheap

You'll fuck every girl you want buddy, everyone likes having white babies.

People are racemixing with whites and their offspring are racemixing with whites only so hard down here, our black community is afraid there will be to little black kids in 50 years.

Everything in Brazil is like Europe in reverse.

No just no aids and no beheadings


We aren't mexicans.


>pakistani education

if you are in prision...

well, I came home after drinking stufff you couldn't even think of and being driven by a well very paid bodyguard/monkey.

I also don't live in a city with favelas, I've never been near to one in here.

Better of as an Empire.

Black/Latina/Mixed worship the white cock, whites not so much ( atleast where I live)

t. dating a mixed for 3 years

SOME cities in the countryside of the south region and São Paulo are my guess

malaysia mike bringing the bantzs
>retards dont know flags

you will be safer in Syrian than here

Is it good to invest in real estate in Brazil, more specifically in Rio de Janeiro? How is it like living there as a middle/upper class citizen? Is it possible to have a comfy life in Brazil?

I don't know what I typed, but I just wanted to let uyou now that I had white truffles for dinner. Or a dish with those. fuck don't care. kys. poor burger faggot.