gas the fucking kikes
Gas the fucking kikes
weird, im on here 24/7 and i didnt see the post, though slide threads push shit on pretty fast these days...
Heretics and non-believers still doubt keks will
it's the type of thing where there are literally dozens of vague (but specific enough to appear meaningful) threats made every day between Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /r9k/ and eventually one seemed to somewhat resemble an incidence that happened in the real world.
remember the "some of you guys are alright, if you live in the northwest don't go to college tomorrow" post? there was literally never any proof provided that it was that mulatto faggot who shot up the community college.
>import millions of Muslims from middle goatfuck east
>forget you've been fighter a war over there and bombed the ever living fuck out of it
>forget this very forgettable fact
>be surprised when one kills someone
found the original on image search
also the original thread that photo was posted on
Well I don't remember seeing anything on this but somebody posted this earlier... seems legit
the picture of the handguns are from 2010 tho
yeah and the fact that this cunt had a kitchen knife not a gun means it's likely to be shills clutching at straws for another excuse to blame Sup Forums for anything they can think of
The American Civil War II will start soon and end quickly as liberals, their minority puppets, and jew masters are quickly erased from America.
Screen cap it you shillblue faggots. You're still fake news.
Didn't you know that Sup Forums is responsible for everything that goes on in this world? Even Merkel is a Sup Forums troll of the German people. You didn't think she got into office by herself did you?
The guy didn't even use handguns
he used a car and knives
not going to lie, I thought this was just a coincidence, but it seems ISIS uses Sup Forums to send out terror coordinates, this place needs to be shut down.
wasn't the pic of a 2 guns with a photoshopped letter with microsoft paint saying Sup Forums from denmark?
Unless you want us to blow up your van next you better stop asking questions and back the fuck off.
It featured a note written on paint that included that date, making clear that it had been posted to Sup Forums's "Politically Incorrect" board.
>A written note
>on paint
They don't even know how time stamps work.
Hopefully it's not too soon, I'm waiting on some parts from BCM for my new highspeed AR
people were posting in morse code for the past few days here
It's strange, you can just google the morse code, it's no different from writing in plain english.
Is this what FBI user meant? People would be posting in morse code to make it look like they're using Sup Forums to coordinate? Like they used to say on the news when they passed the patriot act that al qaeda hid messages in yt vids.
Are we about to get shoad?
it happened.
the Sup Forums community is large and diverse.
we've got anons of all types here.
it's not impossible the perpetrator wanted to announce his crime with a large audience.
that has happened before we are familiar with it.
there wasn't a cheering section egging the man on though.
it was four or five posts to the thread and then page ten.
and you'd think with all the surveillance this place gets the authorities might do something proactive when something sketch like this shows up.
maybe we should have reported it.
perhaps Sup Forums failed to act.
>predicting a terror attack in a city literally full of shitskins.
How did they know?
Salamaleikum Lügenpresse-senpai, Sup Forums is the board of peace!
I thought you Brits had CCTV everywhere. WTF happened?
The camera malfunctioned and instead of stepping in and telling that terrorist to bin his rifle it just kept filming.
So there is video of the attack?
what's a camera going to do when the guy is on a suicide-mission?
silly amerigoy
Yes, but it's classified premium snuff, so only available to the perverts at Scotland Yard.
.- -.... ----. -.. ----. -.... ..-. ..... ....- ----- -.... ....- . ..... ..-. ....- ..... ----. ----- ....- ...-- -.-. ..--- ..-. .- ....- -... ..... . ----. -.-. .-
Shame. That's some prime red pill material. People usually have a greater reaction when they can see it. Looks like the Brits will just cover it up like the French.
Or Germans for that matter. They went through great lenghts to keep the victims of the Berlin truck jihad and Düsseldorf axe jihad out of the media.
In fact they straight out lied and told in the news they were fine, despite one guy literally getting his skull shattered.
But even if their is media attention like with the Bataclan massacre in France the Germans couldn't care less.
I remember from one of the first Knowledge Bomb posts he said something like London Bridges falling or burning, i think there is an archive
Aaaaand here it is
How gave these not been checked yet?
Kekism needs a fucking inquisition didges confirm
If the "Quality press" weren't so incompetent and actually able to do journalist's work like basic fact checks on images obtained from the Internet, they could survive on a free market and wouldn't need forced TV licensing.
This leaf have common sense, not like the entire uk it seems...
Is this bullshit the new "thing now?
professional shitposter detected.
How fucking new are you?
>Sup Forums blames the Muslims for everything
>It's actually one of them who perpetrates the attack
Fucking lol
Sup Forums already taught me to recognise every flag at a glance, if I need to learn morse code so be it.
We training for the race war nao
fucking strange man... who even pulls up a thread with like 5 replies as "evidence"?
searching for the phrase "lock the code" (the filename in op) brings up a PDF from the DoD wtff
God fucking damnit I just wanna shit post about kikes and discuss vulgar conspiracies.
Why can't they just let us fucking be and not try to shut down anything that doesn't fall in line.
Fuck them all.
gur arj guvat vf ebg13
qba'g or fhpu n chffl. snprobbx erthyneyl yvir fgernzf encrf, rgp, naq abobql vf gelvat gb oevat snprobbx qbja.
.. / .-.. .. -.- . / -.-- --- ..- / --. ..- -.-- ... --..-- / -.. --- -. .----. - / --. --- / - --- / .-.. --- -. -.. --- -. / - --- -- --- .-. .-. --- .--
Why can't terrorists use base64 instead? Morse code is such a waste of characters.
Yes it happened, I was here, it was weird but we didn't discover much more.
Oy vey!!!
ISIS are good boys. Islam is a religion of peace.