Brit/pol/ - It's late... sensible Brit/pol/ late

>Farage derides Khan’s 'part and parcel of life' terror remarks after London terror attack

>FOUR people are dead - including police officer and terrorist - and 20 more injured - after killer mowed down pedestrians on Westminster Bridge before killer is shot attacking police in Parliament grounds

>'Hero' MP Tobias Ellwood tried to save stabbed officer

>Dramatic videos captures the moment three shots are fired and people run screaming for their lives as a car mows down pedestrians on Westminster Bridge in London terror attack

>Shock moment SNP politician MOANS about terror attack delaying Scottish independence vote

>Isil supporters cheer Westminster attack as 'revenge' for British air strikes on Syria

>#WeAreNotAfraid: Londoners start a Twitter trend as they defiantly proclaim the terrorists haven't won

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Fuck everything

i want a girl to be infatuated with me literally any girl, just someone to love and talk to and be with


What age range are you user?

Just b urself

I could do this with a lass I know so easily, the woman is like putty in my hands. Shame she's my ex though, and a fucking fruitloop.


a relationship will not fill the empty void, and getting into one to try will just end up fucking you both up
you need to love yourself before anyone else will

I've got a girl infatuated with me right now and it's fucking hard work. You don't want it. Not at this level anyway. It's unhealthy.

She may have the most perfect body I've ever seen.

Join Islam.

Aye, she is pretty impressive.


Not quite Sturgeon tier though

Anyone here ever get their teeth fixed?

How much did it cost?

>a fat ugly autismo loser who wont leave the house because i have crippling social anxiety
it doesnt.. seem.. to be working
Do it.
I can't tell myself that, if a woman found me attractive I'd have more reason to believe I was a lovable person.
I'd do anything to be loved.
Allahu ackbar!

BoJo is a turkish kike. one drop rule
>Source: Studied Genetics at Uni.
No you didn't inbred subhuman dalit nigger
No one cares, shitskin Imperial meat
>watching tv shit

You're still young, there is time yet. Are you going to Uni?

>Do it.
Nah, I have no desire to step where I've already been. I know what's down that road and, as attractive as she is and how much I'd love to get laid right now, I know that it won't be a productive endeavour. I'd rather spend my time and energy on me and find a much better girl at some point in the future when I'm not a wreck of a person.


>Get talking to this beautiful Swiss chick at party
>Stunning and lovely
>"Yeah, me and my boyfriend..."
>Continue talking until the party ends

All the best totty is forever taken.

DAE think corbyn looks like he's had a Quantum Stroke?
like instead of his brain switching off for a minute and half his face sagging, his brain had rotated 90-degrees into the next dimension, and half his face is now ever so slightly smaller than the other side

No. I'm destined to be a neet permavirgin forever.
Who cares if she's not ideal, as long as you have someone to hold in your arms who isn't repulsed by you.

>Continue talking until the party ends
What a waste of your time.

Then I think organised religion or something similar is probably the best battle plan.

Last thread we had a few posts about Libetarianism and it's feasibility for the UK.

How after the EU we need a Bill of Rights or a Constitution.

>True Freedom of Speech
>Controlled Immigration
>Right of Self Defence
>Stand your Ground Laws
>Individual Freedom and Liberty
>Minimal Government interference in day to day life
>Right to bare Arms
>delete kebabs

Since you're in the age range, why not do what nearly every young man does and LARP as a socialist for a few years.

Left wing pussy is wild, easy and readily available. The pretty ones are harder to get into any kind of loving relationship with but find yourself a fat friend of one of the pretty ones and you'll feel loved.

You can even subtly redpill people if you're careful about it. Also you can do stuff to make left wingers look bad.

>Who cares if she's not ideal, as long as you have someone to hold in your arms who isn't repulsed by you.
I do, because I know that it's not healthy. Ignoring all the things wrong with her for a moment, right now the last thing I need to feel is comfort. If I feel comfort I'll just stop dead and not progress, that's not good at all. I see her often too, maybe once a week, albeit secondarily because I actually go out to see my friend and she's just usually there. I purposefully keep a bit of a barrier between us.

>>Right to bare Arms

In any case, I don't think this will ever happen. There are few issues that we as a country are as dogmatically retarded on than gun ownership.

Yeah doing things and staying busy while trying to at least part.time better yourself.

It was not until 25 till I even started getting my shit together adult style and now I'm still not making good money but I have a work ethic and some basic skills (paralegal) and have something to occupy me from 8 to 5pm.

Once the baby boomers die in thirtyten years the upward mobility will be rapid

you need to be more egotistical/narcissist
you are the centre of the universe, the greatest person you will ever know
get to grips with who you are and why you are so awesome, and you will find you have a better mentality about life if nothing else
feeling sorry for yourself all the time will get you no where

Did you say GUN? WOW what a racist, sexist, homophobic psycho killer.

>Right to bare Arms

Is this an anti-Muslim sharia joke?

Well, of the handful of women there only two including her were not overweight and/or ugly.

I just have spoken to the hot chinese one with the sexy legs. Funny how the only attractive women present were both the foreign ones.

SnG and SU vision:
>Racially and ethnically homogenous Scottish Scotland.
>Anglos and Irish Catholics - expelled
>Jews, Mudslimes, coons, asians - expelled and banned
>By Constitution white settlers/tourists/workers can't make up more than 3% of the population
>firearms for loyal citizens that pledge allegiance to the High Scottish Race
>elected King
>King and warrior elite rules the country
>loyal armed Racial Patriots protect the Scots from the potential state abuse
>nuclear deterrent that can turn USA, China or Russia into a wasteland
>Scottish pound
>mandatory eugenics

>thirtyten years

*Should have spoken

>Continue talking until the party ends

I wasn't kidding about the autism though, so I couldn't have kids or I'd be dooming them to live a repeat of my life.

I'm a parasite who has no business being alive and am actually a net negative contribution to the world. I'm not suicidal I just wish I'd never been born as I am no use to anyone, I'll live another 50 years or so before dying alone having done nothing but fed off of other people. I can't get a job or do anything because of crippling social anxiety, so I spend my day on anonymous chatrooms doing the one thing I couldn't do in real life, have conversations with strangers.

Autism is a fucking disease, and I say this as an autistic, we should not be allowed to reproduce, it's unfair on the offspring, the parents and the government that has to provide for us,

Israel is our greatest ally, anonymong. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what your country can do for Israel.

Not enough Mosley in this thread

Chinks are never worth dealing with.

Foreign girls do seem hotter, probably the allure of the unknown more than anything else.

>Right to bare Arms
something i find mad is when we set up our unarmed police force, all Britons had the right to own a firearm
citizens could have guns but the police could not
how times have changed

>research shows that women are more likely to be attracted to partners whomst hold liberal or centrist views in regards to political and social movements.

>This news will sent the morale of conservatives anyway, who are fighting for a more traditional society, both in terms of politics and relationships.

Holy shit Sup Forums btfo.

>tfw you exude an aura of traditionalism and therefore attract muslim girls

I never asked for this

Fucking golden lad.

Women are attracted to power first and foremost and will adapt to the political beliefs of their partner. Simply asking women what qualities they want to see in a man does not reflect actual female behaviour, which is likely what they did to get their results. Be the big guy (4her) and she'll hook on to you regardless of your political views.

when did tv get so shit?
when frost had enoch powell on he gets the producer to extend the show so they can get to the bottom of the issues
you just wouldnt get that today and its a fucking outrage


Well I guess that leaves me with the marxist fat dykes.


Well although I don't have crippling social anxiety, I and many others are in the similar boats as yourself. I have had success with women in the past, so I don't have that feel. But I recognise and experience much of your post.

All I would say is get help before it is too late, fortunately you're 19-20. Go see a doctor and get the meds and the guidance. Don't worry about jobs and purpose right now, worry about your mental health. Because once you get help for your depression and anxiety, the rest of your problems in your life will become easier to overcome.

Are we still on track to leave the EU, lads?

The moment we [trigger] article 50 I am joining the Conservative Party. I used to be a UKIP voter, don't get me wrong. But seriously we can't let those people have the nuclear codes.

It needs to change, I know Nigel advocated for gun ownership to be reinstated.

The firearm ban may have made sense in a way before, but we are under constant threat from terrorists now, we need a way to defend ourselves and the right to do it.

Shit, changing he law so we had the right to smash a home invaders head in with a bat or something would be a step in the right direction.

I'd trust the UKIP lads before the Conservatives.

The government is never going change to the law to give us our gun rights back again.

Even less so with the future likelyhood of further civil unrest.

Good luck britbro, I hope you're uncucking soon. Go ukip

I don't have depression and I don't think my particular form of anxiety can be fixed. I struggle to make conversation with anyone, for any reason, I fear people knocking at the door, not because I think it will be anyone bad but because I simply can't face talking to people, even if I do manage to speak then it's robotic and sounds pre-rehearsed, and that's because it is. I have to think about what I'm going to say before I say it and many times I've opened the door and they've already walked off because they assumed I wasn't in.

The main reason I haven't seen the doctor over my anxiety is because that whole process is extremely difficult, you have to book the appointment, which is a job because I don't know what they're going to say, I don't know what details they're going to ask, I don't know if I'll be able to push myself to talk, then the actual appointment is even worse because that's face to face with a doctor rather than over the phone, which is much more difficult, even then they don't jsut give you what you need and send you on your way they'd send me for clinical trials and tests and such, it would all be one long debacle which would be more ardous than just sitting around doing nothing.

What if I was cured, anyway, what if I took the meds, the social anxiety went away and I realised I'd fucked the majority of my life up by not simply acting sooner? That I'd wasted so much time already?

It's easier just to tell myself I can't be fixed and that I'm supposed to be an outcast because otherwise I've monumentally fucked my life up and kept it that way for years.

They will if we vote enough members of the Libetarian party in, it's part of their manifesto to copy paste the USA 2ND amendment.

Mandatory WW2 stats viewing for anybody who hasn't.

Ignore the kike part.

The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of
traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological
progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that
you can't make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the
economy of a society with out causing rapid changes in all other
aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably
break down traditional values.

Can I be a National-Socialist?

Current USA situation really makes you appreciate that MPs always allow winning parties manifesto to be applied

>18 minutes
i don't need to sit and watch an infographic for twenty minutes to know how fucked up ww2 was

a technological society HAS TO weaken family
ties and local communities if it is to function efficiently. In modern
society an individual's loyalty must be first to the system and only
secondarily to a small-scale community, because if the internal
loyalties of small-scale small-scale communities were stronger than
loyalty to the system, such communities would pursue their own
advantage at the expense of the system.

Do you live with any family? I'm not sure what a doctor could do, maybe you could start and email discussion with your GP about your situation. Or you could reach out to any local mental health units by email. It might not be easy to fix but if your feeling shitty now imagine how shit you will feel when your on the wrong side of 25 and counting. You need start letting people help you.

I don't feel shitty though, I actually live an extremely comfortable life and could continue to do so indefinately, the state gives retards like me money to burn and it's a myth disabled benefits are being cut across the board, I just feel bad for being a parasite, I don't know whether to go on living this comfy life, knowing I'll forever be a burden to everyone and everything or push myself entirely out of my comfort zone to maybe work towards fixing this years from now,

you might as well just kys right away then then eh?
you either want to get better or you dont, the first step is helping yourself


Out of interest, what are the financials of your situation. What amounts are you able to claim.

actually makes sense... thanks for that

To tell you the absolute truth, I have absolutely no idea. I still live with my parents and they handle all the money, I couldn't tell you if I wanted to.

Do t feel bad, I would much rather my taxes pay for your genuinely needed gibs for white British than them going to fucking kebabs because he is too busy preaching hatred for the west in the local mosque to get a job

Good goy, you pay for my new 4k plasma moniter every week when I smash my old one in a sperg rage because someone called me a faggot online.

Jesus Christ I love this man so much
How can the crowd hunt him and hound him so much?
It is almost identical to the rabid and intolerant leftist we see today. Practically identical.

What a bold and brave man.

>Khalid Mahmood

>Khalid Masood


Better than paying for Abdul's bombs

read the full manifesto, it will change your life

Thanks, laddo, you've made me feel better about jy situation.

If it's any consolation, heart attacks also run in my family so you'll probably only be paying for me to do fuck all until I die of a coronary at the ripe old age of thirty.

If there's one policy that neds to be enacted and would save trillions it's sterilisation of people with inheritable mental disorders. But then you'd get the wheelchair brigade saying it's discriminatory.

Just makes me think that Britain is not worth saving desu. The majority of people are cucked. Yeh, we won Brexit, but most of those people would still recoil in horror if you said 'zero migration', 'Jews ruin everything', 'kill muzzies' etc.

It is disgusting how he is laughed at and mocked.
He served his country in WW1, was a decorated soldier, provided an economic blueprint that is used even today, and people laugh at him?

How terrible


No problem user.

I would also advocate for sterilization of kebabs, they breed at a rate that is far too high to be sustainable in the long run.


I don't advocate killing all muslims.

I do however advocate banning immigration from muslim majority countries.

We can encourage voluntary repatriation as much as possible, by providing financial incentives.

As for the rest of the Muslim population, they can absolutely stay in our country, as long as they are peaceful and law abiding.
There would be a zero tolerance approach to them. If they ever professed hatred for our country or values, then they would be forcibly deported.

Thanks user.

Jesus Christ, source?

The very lovely Alexandra Daddario, the movie is Baked in Brooklyn as I recall (never watched it).

>rest of the Muslim population, they can absolutely stay in our country
you are part of the problem

I'm being realistic.

Do you seriously advocate for the genocide of all Muslims in our country?

How would you go about carrying it out legally?
Do you think a law like that would ever pass in our Parliament?
From a practical viewpoint, how likely is it that will happen?

Deportation of every single Muslim will also be extremely difficult, if impossible.
Many of their countries would refuse to take them back, and they themselves would be against leaving. It would be a nightmare.

What do you suggest?

>Deportation of every single Muslim will also be extremely difficult,
They're a big community.



Bhutan did it and ever since they've been the happiest people in the world.


>Collision in Korea, officially known as the Pyongyang International Sports and Culture Festival for Peace was the largest professional wrestling pay-per-view event in history. It was jointly produced by World Championship Wrestling and New Japan Pro Wrestling, and took place over a period of two days on April 28 and 29, 1995 at May Day Stadium in Pyongyang, North Korea.

I think we should endeavor to find more footage of this event.

Bhutan is a third world shithole also.
Unsurprising that they could commit a genocide without much repercussions.

In Britain, you would never be allowed, or even able to commit a genocide. And rightly so.

I am offering realistic blueprints, not LARP'ing genocidal nonsense.



They just seem so amateur. Only Farage knows what he is doing.

>caring about whether a politician is a 'pro' or not

Just repatriate those of non-Northern European descent