Does anyone actually like this guy?

Does anyone actually like this guy?

I think waukesha, or wauwatosa, or whatever suburban neighborhood all the white people who ran away from milwaukee, like him.

Donald trump apparently

5 years ago I thought he was the dude that knew all the numbers are cared about the debt. Now I see the error of my ways.

My dad had a college class with him. He described Ryan as extremely intelligent and charismatic.

Rat faced mother fucker

nope. He's an obama mole.

>as extremely intelligent and charismatic.
for bluepilled normies

I thought he was Irish but he looks extremely ashkenazi. When it comes to jews, especially the ashkenazi, I have a zero tolerance policy. I hope that one day a sizeable minority will become jew-aware and join together in a very real mass round-up extermination of them. As for Mr. Ryansteinbergbaumwitz the shamrock jew, well, he's done with being speaker as of next week


He looks like a fucking leprechaun. By rights he should be raving to himself in Dáil Éireann, not preside over the legislature of a nuclear power.



My dad said your dad got beat up by girls.

yes, donald trump

just another power hungry asshole

Horny housewives

He's the God-Emperor of Wisconsin, so at least 5.7 million dumbfucks love him.

looks like gabe from the office


Jesus, what a punchable face!

He looks like one of those secondary assholes characters from 1980s wall street movies.

He's pretty hot

What is wrong with his hair?

He rode the tea party wave in to congress and had a fairly staunch conservative record until Romney got his hands on him. Its been down hill ever since.

He looks like a vampire. Very evil looking.

He seems like a corporate shill

somebody needs to ask trump if he thinks ryan would last an entire season of The Apprentice and then watch as trump stumbles and stammers through a response

>November Seventeenth Nineteen-Ninety-Eight
Found the problem, you should have seen women's hairstyles then my dear child.

I believe it but he's on the wrong side. Dude doesn't give a shit about Americans.

No, dudes a faggot. I would help leftists over throw him if he even became president.

I like him. Speaker is a pretty thankless job but it's one someone has to do, and he's mostly good at it.

So I'm guessing the trend was to have your hair be larger than your forehead?

Great Cucks think alike

He is in fact Jewish.

I did at one point. He seems pretty smart and reasonable. I think his alliance with Trump has revealed him for the douche he is.

Paul Ryan has always been a cuck.

Paul Ryan raped your dad and he's forever cucked. And so are you.

this guy fucks

intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor