Storm Fags need to go back StormFront

Sup Forums is a place for libertarians and civic national socialists.

Now go take your fat ass and bad arguments back to Mr.Duke's website and fuck off.

Go suck the cock of Drumpf somewhere else; Sup Forums is stormfront: the anime forum.

Wrong. pol is a libertarian board and will always be.


Sup Forums is a place for everyone


>Jew is mad that lolbergs and fascists are putting aside their ideological differences.

>civic national socialist

>civic national socialists

We're ancap Nazi snakes

>civic national socialists.

i don't care about those retarded white supremacists.
>civic national socialists
But What kind of shit is this? the root principle of it was that it was for Germany/germans and make german culture flourish
i don't know if you are actually retarded or just trolling

Trumpfags need to go back to plebbit

I can understand where white nationalists are coming from but all the nazis and fascists really need to get the fuck out because they're vouching for a system that fucks over their own people worse than anyone else every single time in real life.

>civic national socialists.

>d&c thread
>civic national socialists
Nice try....

This. A lot of libertarians seem to be aware of the Jewish problem these days.

get the fuck off this site and never come back. seriously

AnCap here, probably someone from /leftypol/ wanting to divide and conquer...

It is necessary to warn, stormfags are really dumb.

Pol is natsoc and hoppean snek libertarians. Civic cucks and commies go in the fire.

Either way, this shit had a full thread earlier. Stop the D/C. SAGE

>but all the nazis and fascists really need to get the fuck out because they're vouching for a system that fucks over their own people worse than anyone else every single time in real life
This, based democracy would never do this!!!!

>civic national socialists

Fuck off Stormfront.
Sup Forums is returning to its roots.

Why couldn't the concept of National Socialism be applied to Civic Nationalism.

go back

>civic nationalist socialists
No Socalism.

Sup Forums is ultimately a place for people who

1) Follow the rules
2) Can withstand being in the hurtbox

Unfortunately, some of the people that fit those two requirements are faggots. You'll either have to get over it or leave.

Reminder that Stormfront relies on a dogma it has created.



Just no.

And they say this is a echo chamber.
The fact that these threads calling for an echo chamber exist proves it is not.
Difference is it is authority vs freedom rather than distribution of wealth.

Stop falling for the shills.

Because nation means certain people connected with language, traditions, mores (customs), habitus (habits), and ethnicity.
Any other use of the word is wrong and was made by some commie fags
civic nationalism is oxymoron
calling national socialists civic nationalists is just going beyond absurdity

A national socialist state should force its lolbertarian citizens to build basic infrastructure.

>civic national socialists

>it's a reddit thread

>Dãããã eu sou um macaco nazista, sou católico de araque e cuckservador virgem.

nice /leftypol/ falseflagging

>t. civic nationalist
literally teenage mentality tier

>não pise em mim uguuuu

Fuck off back to the donald faggot.

>mfw when I have never been to reddit and have been on Sup Forums since 2013

Sup Forums is now a liberal board!

>civic national socialists

I think what you actually mean is fascism without any ethno-nationalism.

>civic national socialism

It is both, you autistic faggot.

Remember: we are here forever!

shoo off to reddit kike
no controlled opposition for you here

Newfag, I knew it!

>subhuman expecting recognition
>enjoy third world living pussy boy

I'm so tired, haven't slept well all week. You must be tired too, so much to worry about. Let's get some rest, close our eyes and sleep.

And by forever. You mean here and only here.

4 fucking years.


THIS is an ANTIFA board.

If it your board then how come the NATSOC threads rarely get bumped?
Your redpill threads consist of the same people posting the same old statistics daily.
Face it.

Forgive me if I am not a masochist like you. You can be stepped on.

Pic, for you, cut boi.

>who is Hoppe

>civic national socialist

youre a fucking retard.

>not a masochist

>Sup Forums is for lolbertardians
we only tolerate your presence because you're slightly less retarded than marxists

I'm not a stormfag but id rather have them here than you. go away faggot

Says the dirty socialist.

Have you tried reddit? I've heard thats where most of your kind hang out.


Sup Forums is no political ideaology and all ideologies at the same time. True Sup Forumslacks feel no need to constantly label things in an effort to be the edgiest, most unique person the way Redditors and other scum from normie sites do. The fact that you can not generalize Sup Forums on key political and social issues is what separates this place from Reddit or Stormfront, because anons of all backgrounds can come here, throwing away all side distraction issues and unite on the one, undeniable truth:

The Jews have to go.


>True Sup Forumslacks feel no need to constantly label things in an effort to be the edgiest, most unique person the way Redditors and other scum from normie sites do.

Geee. How many threads and post have I seen that in. Pic Related

> unite on the one, undeniable truth:
>The Jews have to go.


You say this....
Whoops now you're showing your true colors!
Nationalist Socalists are literally right-wing SJWs with left-wing economics.
It's the same reason why you have former Bernie voters going "I voted Bernie but I'm redpilled now!"
Go enjoy getting trampled on somewhere else.

Eat dick Trumpnigger.

You are incapable, submisse and likes to be stepped on... Anyone who has read more than the bible knows that this is the exact definition of a masochist.

Because the cornerstone of National socialism IS Ethnoationalism, Tyrone.

>t. delusional fuckboi

You have to go back PJW.

I'll rather have stormfront than alt right niggers
at least stormfront isn't autistically defensive of their views and good people to talk to, and not a bunch of underaged normalfags from Reddit and Twitter

Not an argument Turkish Rapebaby.

Yours wasn't either faggot.

Just apply the same concept of ethno national socialism down to the culture of your country.

Is it really that hard.

>isn't autistically defensive of their views
How new are you?

t. mulatto "right-wing" cuckstian

Are you an actual Albanian?
Not being rude or shit.

Yes because niggers cannot uphold culture, you've seen what happened to former colonial states. National socialism was tailored around the concept of Ethnoationalism and the protection of the Volk, removing that makes the ideology useless.

A thousand times this. I'm not sure who is responsible for the influx of Christ fag posters and I seriously doubt it's all anons roleplaying, but religion is clouding their motives.

varg is lowest shit tier of meme taste


How many white children do you have?


Then make there culture illegal or highly demonivate them. And throw gansters and thugs in jail. If you have this big powerful government. Why not use it's power to regulate culture.

>Stricter English classes to curb ebonics
>Stricter Police in high crime areas.
>Crime to dress like a hood nigger in public.

>6 really WHITE

The Sims does not count, turk.

>The Sims doesn't count
fuck you got me there

Because it has worked so well in the past, right? We quietly wait until our ethnic inhabitants have been replaced by a black majority and we'll see these "oppressive" and "racist" laws disappear in one go. Honest question, what do you think the state is?

Fuck off nigger.
Civic nationalism is cuck bnullshit.

Yeah, you're a fucking newfag.
stfu and lurk more faggot.

reminder to sage and hide all divide and conquer threads

/pol is a natsco board you dumb cunt I can be accepting of libertarian but civic nationalist need to consider Suicide

Fucking this. Its gotten a bit outta hand over the past 3 years lads.

Hey thanks man!

>How 75% of the shills in this thread see me.

Where were you for the past few years?
All these dumb Poo in Loo newfags need to learn that NATSOC used to be a minority on Sup Forums


Fuck the stormweenies in this board, they add nothing to this board other than racist vitriol

>being this much of a larping faggot
You must lurk a minimum of two years before posting you cancerous piece of shit

There is no American race fucktard. National socialism in America would be inherently civic.

People like you are so uninformed. Don't you know about Hitler's "honorary aryans"? There were black SS members. Honestly Hitler would be ashamed of any unironic American ethnonationalist. He fought for his country before his race, although he was a racial realist.

Paleoconservatism is the white man's future

ima bust in that ass nigga

Why are you Commiecuck Lolspergs shitposting and making shill threads all fucking day today?
Jesus Christ we all know you are undercover /leftypol/ faggots flooding /pol.
You can try and shill all you want but all you're doing is getting people to hate you fags.

Except I'm not /leftypol/.
Libertarians hate Communists.