Should the US annex the Baja Peninsula?
It's basically the Florida of the West and 40% white already.
We'd have to figure out what to do with Tijuana of course, but we'd end up with a shorter border, and more beach front property.
Should the US annex the Baja Peninsula?
It's basically the Florida of the West and 40% white already.
We'd have to figure out what to do with Tijuana of course, but we'd end up with a shorter border, and more beach front property.
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No, Mexicans would flood across that narrow bit of water.
We already have a Florida. One is enough.
Yeah, the border would functionally become several hundred miles longer.
checked and keked
>not pushing all the mexicans south into the mountains
>Wants to import more Mexicans
Great 4 more spic democuck senators to vote for more Marxism that we can all suffer under. Great idea OP!
Best quads best post?
Thread over.
Wouldn't crossing the gulf be more difficult and dangerous than hiking through a fence
Think of the shenanigans Florida Man and Baja Man could get into if they teamed up
Gotta start somewhere
This shit will never pass through Congress/UN
Why the fuck would we want more Mexicans?
yes and Annex Parts of Sonora to give Arizona a bay
>Needing a border wall for an ocean, user...
but yea I would like that
Better to just annex all of Mexico. Give Guatemala the opportunity to be annexed. Build a border wall on the south border of Guatemala.
No sense doing this halfway.
Good point.
Also come on m8 Baja would be reconstituted as one state.
I can't imagine claiming the Yucatan would've been anything less than a disaster in the long-term. Not that this would've been feasible, but better to push the New England border all the way north and east to the natural boundaries with the St. Lawrence River and Gulf. Otherwise, the farther south the contiguous Mexican border could've been set, the better.
I wasn't trying to suggest a wall; I just forgot to post my image with the previous post.
useless land man it really mountain and hilly. Maybe it has mining potential,but really... it has no railroad,but meh
Claim it as a opportunity to create more jobs in the tourism industry.
When has the US ever given a fuck what the UN thinks of us.
>Should the US annex the Baja Peninsula?
Go back to playing Risk kiddo.
I know, lets make pic related the 51st state because no reason.
I mean, it basically is at this point, innit?
Just call it New Detroit
No it can't even be controlled.
No. It's being recolonized by Iran.
So, it IS new detroit?
bruh, we haven't claimed another major territory since Alaska since 1867
How far could the biggest Nazi guns effectively fire? Most of the Gulf is at least 65-70 miles wide.
>Baja Peninsula
what s the story there, anyway?
its one of those 'ah, looks cool to visit' on a map places, no idea whether youd get murdered by drug lords for being gringo-like or some shit but.
You just want to keep it to yourselves.
Mexico should just be taken over and changed as secular states that has different rules under the 50 states until the subhumans living in it are cleansed of their sins. Wipe out the cartels and then take what has been in the hands of idiots for far too long. Allow criminals to be persecuted differently in those states and see how much crime will continue in the original 50 states. Niggers in detroit being sent there in hard labor camps. Dindus will be cleansed
No we're full.
>this is a post made without any sarcasm tags by an anonymous Sup Forumsuser that would get shook the fuck up if he were approached by a minority
There would need to be a period where it'd be part of the US, but not a state. It's already a popular place for people to retire, so it's not that bad.
Tijuana is where all the drug lord shit happens, and that city is already on top of our border anyways. Clean the place up and it could make a great state.
the coast guard can patrol the gulf of california MUCH EASIER than border patrol can control the hot sonoran desert
>Sup Forums is talking about my state
This is an honor ;_;
Please do it, save us from this shitty country
Does the idea of becoming a state ever pop up in Baja?
Even the Philippines has thought about it.
The Coast Guard would probably volunteer to invade Baja themselves, seeing as what 2000 extra miles of shoreline and littoral boundaries would do for their budget.
What's it like living on the world's longest/skinniest peninsula m8? Are people strange there?
Thank god we didn't absorb the Philippines.
I thought you wanted fewer Mexicans?
A state from the U.S? I honestly never heard of joining US, but 2 or 3 years ago there were some polls on facebook asking people if we should gtfo from Mexico and make baja california a new country lmao.
Just a few supported this idea.
I dont live in tijuana i live an hour from there, live on a little city called Mexicali, its next to calexico, california. Nothing weird honestly, but summers are fucking hell here. Theres bad, good, poor, rich, hot, ugly, smart, retard people like in every place
Let me guess..... Sinaloa??
>chilango cuck mad because there's no arable land or proper climate for profitable crops
A good swimmer can swim across the Sea of Cortes.
Oh that's cool, I always kind of wondered about Mexicali. Like it it and Calexico intentionally coordinated their two names or something.
>Theres bad, good, poor, rich, hot, ugly, smart, retard people like in every place
Yeah I guess that's the way of it.
whats the point of this we already have land we don't need more spics
It was originally supposed to be part of California
Kek dont get mad my chinola friend, your boss el chapo will get back to save you from the rival cartels before you get executed....oh wait hes on US now
fuck, I will take those swimmers. Most of the fucks we get can't deal with pic related without a coyote
we'd rather have Canada than Mexico
That fucking Albertan Tar Sand is calling out to us!
Wait are there a lot of White there? Where are they even from are they white Mexicans or Americans?
Only if you're going to deport all the current inhabitants (spics and college students) once it's annexed.
>falling for the tar sands meme
Canada's got much better resources to offer--namely water, minerals, and forests. And Arctic coastline.
Well fine, we'll take it all faggot.
Seems like a good idea.
In reality Mexicans are doing this to us in the opposite direction
>The majority of the population of Baja California is Mestizo, however the state has one of the larger percentages of White (European) Mexicans (about 40%). There are small indigenous communities as well.
Sounds good to me.
There are no whites there. Never the less I think Trump should annex it as a sign of strength
never understand why we didnt just keep going and have the entire western hemisphere as one massive USA
Too many spics, if anything we should have tried again to annex Canada
Fill it with Hippos.
>tfw baja california is more white than cuidad de los angeles
quads do not betray
Fuck no, I do not want to become a California
2 new states? Just make it one, call it Baja.
as far as i'm concerned everything from alaska to the southside of the panama canal zone is rightful american clay.
We could hold it until the wall is payed for and the 20 million illegal mexicans go home.
Gonna neeed a lot of genocide then
This is the case for all intents and purposes.
The US can project power with impunity in Mexico as well as Canada. It would just be a diplomatic nightmare if we sovereignty-cucked them. Mexico can be cucked and no one would care except the mexicans who have no hard power.
Just annex Mexico too, deport sill the Mexicans, and rename it New New Mexico. Then the border would be a lot smaller, allowing the wall to be built under budget.