What is the timeline for the border wall?
I need to start saving for a ladder or a border patrol bribe.
Help a nigga out.
What is the timeline for the border wall?
I need to start saving for a ladder or a border patrol bribe.
Help a nigga out.
never mate, it's not happening
Wall is starting in late summer to early fall according to schedule. The white house is accepting plans for the walls from companies currently. The main requirements are the wall must go 6 feet underground to prevent tunnels and be at least 30 feet tall. Will also have sensors to alert the border patrol if someone is touching the wall at a certain area.
6 feet underground? That's it? The deepest tunnel I've been to was around 18 feet. Border patrol agents are corrupt as fuck and will just report alarms as an coyote touching the wall or something lame like that.
I want it built, I'm sure I can get over it.
It's not going to happen. Xrumpf sold out. I wouldn't worry about it, Paco. Your Pesos are better off being spent on something else.
Just go to sleep and forget about the totally cancelled wall.
Dude, unless you want to be a commie you don't want to go up there after they build their Berl ... er Trump wall.
There's going to be microphones to detect tunneling/ moving about. the 6 feet is just for foundation
The timeline is your country is my asshole
Graves of hundreds by the cartel of their own kind.
You're not getting over it.
If you're in no man's land and get shot that's it for you.
Just fuck off because if you're caught you will be deported.
If caught repeatedly you'll be held in federal prison until it's time to boot you back to mexico.
At that point you'll never be able to become a citizen or even come here legally and I'm pretty sure we just take everything you own.
post more of this slut plz
for uhh research purposes
>sensors on 3000km of wall
I thought you guys had no money
It's never going to be built. we're all idiots.
>Cartels don't have automatic guns supplied by the CIA.
Guns and armor are easy to buy amigo.
Border patrol make like 100k+. Most of them arent going to risk that and prison time for extra cash.
>actually thinking this will ever be accomplished
None of that will happen.
Oh shit really because a lot of people here think it's still gonna happen
>build a wall that costs an endless amount of money while our national debt is still in the shitter
>People think this will happen
Top kek
Tell me more about the USA
At the end of the day the wall is like buying a pair of Levis when you have a grand in your pocket and spending the rest of your money on road tolls.
At least you something to show for the money you spent on a new pair of jeans.
Katya Sambuca
They can't even get decent healthcare right let alone 25 billion dollar wall.
>Free coke and 200k in tax free cash to look the other way.
>Border patrol agents aren't viewed as sacred angels who can't do anything wrong.
Money is a powerful friend my friend.
LOL, it's already up you stupid poncho nigger.
he'll start building that wall once they pass healthcare reform
lol paco doesn't want the big bad wall
Ok so then only the cartels will be able to get through
not your average Mexican seeking a better life
there were also plans to hire a lot more border agents
so It's going to be harder to bribe
Trump is just a bussinessman who fools ant entire nation of dumbass. Dont worry there will be no wall.
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