
Why are leftists so terrified of Russia?
All I ever hear is 'Russia this' and 'Russia that' but Russia kinda seems like a shithole and it has never affected my life whatsoever
Old republicans are also super terrified of Russia; why does the modern leftist hold a parallel view?
I honestly don't get it and I need someone to explain it to me

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Russia is good at using propaganda to subvert western democracies i guess, it's kinda one of the things they like to do. idk though.

Old Republicans are afraid because the Soviet Union was a force to be reckoned with in the 60's and early 70s.

Democrats are just using it as an elaborate excuse because Donald Trump beat their golden girl and all they did 6 months leading up to it was how much of a joke he was. They don't want their party members to realize they are all corrupt and Hillary got the nomination by greasy all their palms and ignoring everyone.

Because "leftists" are hard core revoultionary jewish communists, and they want their bolshevik revolution back.

Same reason they didnt like trump. Both parties are actually the same people in the end and russia is one of the elements not part of their script and under their control.

yea but is that it?
seems like small potatoes

Russia has always been shit at propoganda. Unless you like the color red and big impressive choral music


there is sam harris talking with some chick about russia.

this is the feeling I get
leftists shouting 'Russia' without actually knowing why they're shouting

But that's the fun of it. All they need to do is roll out RT and let them put conspiritards on international TV, and all of a sudden our Jews start flipping their shit over it.

Trolling has never been more on easymode.

Because Russia is opposing globalism and Pax Americana wherever it can.

it's called brainwashing
they beat it into pinheads during the cold war
everything was a meme of fear
scaremongering is psych ops
they never stopped
govt is still committing warcrimes on citizens with psyops
>i honestly don't get it
they are stupid and easily brainwashed OP
it's not supposed to make sense unless you are in the same cult - then it makes perfect sense

>it's not supposed to make sense unless you are in the same cult - then it makes perfect sense

an apt way of putting it

>Russia is a shithole

The one thing (you) said that is an actual fact.

> has never affected my life

Dear World --

I give you: American education.

OP ... ((you)) are too retarded to ever understand what a complete fucking imbecile (((you))) are.

better version

theyre more like a parasitic leach moving from host to host. They moved from germany, to russia and now they're in the US


so it's all bullshit as I expected? fantastic!
the next time I hear anyone say the word "Russia" I'm going to ask them to break down exactly what they dislike and fear about Russia
it will be delightful

>theyre more like a parasitic leach moving from host to host
oy vey we just want the land g-d promised to his chosen people!

>be Putin
>have political rival and critic
>have him killed
>use government dump truck to obscure the camera
>use government clean up crew to clean away the evidence
>do it outside the Kremlin
>vow to find the killer

hey man, not looking for insults, just looking to learn
I understand the post-war world and the cold war and shit
what does Russia do now that's so bad?

because russia is anti globalist

>be Hillary Clinton
>have trusted advisor named Vince Foster
>practice cunty satanism
>Vince Foster is a liability
>have dudes clear out his deadhand safe
>wrap him in a carpet
>dump him in a park
>put gun in wrong hand
>say he killed himself
>vow to kill babies

Russia was the globalists' lab rat for their sadistic social engineering experiments for eighty years.

Vladimir Putin has made ensuring Russia is never enslaved again his life's work.

He has gradually concluded that only the destruction of globalism worldwide will guarantee the continued self-determination of the Russian people.

Russia's commodity wealth allows her to underwrite nationalist and patriotic movements worldwide. Her nuclear arsenal makes violent regime change impossible.

The globalists are afraid of Vladimir Putin. The world of free, prosperous, democratic nations he is helping to establish, where governments serve peoples and not vice versa, will have no place for globalists even as slaves.

It doesn't have a Rothschild central bank. If you consider our list of enemy countries, you will find that they are the ones that don't have Rothschild central banks.

What was the first thing that """Al Qaeda""" did after Hillary Clinton and her Jewish harpy underlings brutally sodomized and murdered Kaddafi? They set up a Rothschild central bank. Who knew radical Islamic terrorists were actually Jewish banking experts!

russia has diversity levels of brazil how can you can leftists hate that?
it's literally their pipe dream

Russia's just another one of those vague boogeymen they created to control idiots, like the KKK.

I'm so tired, haven't slept well all week. You must be tired too, so much to worry about. Let's get some rest, close our eyes and sleep.

Leftists laughed at Romney when he said Russia is our greatest geopolitical threat. Now they're hyping up Russia as pulling the strings behind our government.

Russians must feel badass when they hear a bunch of leftists claim that Putin got Trump elected

that's pretty fuckin funny
but what was Romney afraid of?
why is everyone afraid?

putin is a bad guy, i don't think he acts in our interest

i can see globalists hating him tho

Mormons are a Jewish cult. As such, they see it as necessary to provoke nuclear war with Russia in order to bring about the end times.

>why does the modern leftist hold a parallel view?
because leftists actually care that a foreign country meddled in our election. they would have cared just as much if hillary had won...

>putin is a bad guy, i don't think he acts in our interest
explain this further

He means that Putin is a Russian operative and takes money from his corporate interests in Russia, therefore Putin can't be trusted to act in our interests.



why wont... donald trump... release his tax forms?

Classic 1984 propaganda war with Eurasia/Eastasia.

Because of things like this

he doesnt have to nigger, there is no law stating he has to. would you post all of your tax returns on here because some shill democrap faggot said so?

that gives me warm feels inside to think how scared the murderer is/was :)

this makes me feel like Russia is good, not bad
why would someone think this is bad

Putin is the Russian President. And he doesnt really need to take money from corporate interests. Corporate interests do what he wants or get shut the fuck down. They're part of his power structure.
He's supposed to act in the interests of Russia. However that does also mean acting against the interests of globalists.
So take from that what you will


What did you mean by this?

White-skinned people not ashamed and apologizing for being white terrifies the left, even if said people are a bit of wiggers and culturally far from the West

My friend put it best

The left never forgave them for giving up communism

so americans hate russia because they are proud and self-serving?
sounds like US faggots should stop hating russia and start being proud and self-serving, also

You know it is bullshit. Leftists were the biggest Russiaboos just until recently. Obama administration was bending over backward for Russian interests. Romney and Palin were mocked by the left for saying Russia is a threat.

Leftists just changed very recently because Russia helped to get Trump elected. Simple as that.

No, the left has been anti-Russia for years. Anti-Eastern Europe in general, but of course countries like yours fell in line quickly when it came to fags, virtue signaling etc because you live off EU money. The last leftist Russiaboos in USA are well in their 60s.

>Obama administration was bending over backward for Russian interests.
Hahaha what the actual fuck are you on about? Obongo imposed sanctions and has been slandering Putin for years.
Neocon faggot
>Leftists just changed very recently because Russia helped to get Trump elected


This is the right answer. The "elites" hate what they can't control. Russia is a renegade.

Obama's action and rhetoric are different. He has been bending over backwards for Russia because he is a red diaper baby while keeping the tough talk because Russia in general hasn't been very popular outside of the fringe imageboards.

By gallup poll Putin's approval rating in the USA in 2015 was

Republicans 12%
Independents 12%
Democrats 15%

By 2017 it had changed to

Republicans 32%
Independents 23%
Democrats 10%

You see the flip?

This one shows trend over longer time. See how it used to be in 2013 with favorability of Russia being

Democrats: 48%
Republicans: 39%

... with places switched only in 2016.

It's convenient for their narrative.

They hate Putin because he stopped them from literally looting the country in the 90s, as well as opposing US foreign policy in ex-soviet states.

>only the Zionist Jews are scared of Russians.

>Obama's action and rhetoric are different. He has been bending over backwards for Russia because he is a red diaper baby
Obama has done literally every thing in his power to try and undermine Putin.
>doesnt post source
Besides. A lot of Republicans are cuckservatives or boomer neocons these days. Trump is not your run off the mill Republican politician.
People clearly didnt like Hillarys hostile attitude and warmongering rhetoric against Russia. So that was bound to play a part in polarizing the issue among conservatives and Dems alike.
Liberals have always cried about muuhh women and gays oppression in Russia and now they also get to scapegoat it for their loss in the elections

I know why OP

because the liberals subconscious is screaming at them, screaming danger, screaming this is what you will become if you follow your ideology to its natural conclusion. the rational part of their brain long since forgotten is sending out the SOS

this^ moutain jew gets it. the shitlibs have nothing left to fight for so they turn to bad muh russian oppressors to fit in they hacking narrative because it will pair togher with russias anti-gay and putting women on leashes agenda

They're a convenient scapegoat because they're still the 'bad guy' of the world

It's funny because during the Christmas prior to the elections I entertained political discussions with my mainly hardcore democrat family, and all of them agreed that the scary part was the possibility of war with Russia, and that Hillary was dangerous in this regard.

The DNC just keeps paddling itself further up shit creek.

Sources at the bottom.

You are dismissing 99% of Americans as cuckservatives, neocons and whatnot and focusing on 1% who might think like imageboard dwellers. While Sup Forums was fapping to shirtless Putin his approval among Republicans was 12%.

Russia really is engaging in covert actions designed to foment populist and nationalistic uprisings in Western countries. This is designed to weaken the Liberal globalist agenda which hurts Russia in many different ways. For instance, this effectively is turning people against NATO, political unions like the EU, large trading blocks which push globalism, and more importantly, is placing pressure on China's economy (protectionist trade policies being enacted by Western states).

Russia is not behind all of what we see, but they really do have a hand in helping to fund a lot of these things, not to mention the propaganda which they really are pushing. It doesn't matter, however, since all of this is completely legal stuff. Seriously, what the hell can anyone accuse someone of if blatant propaganda is found?

>NEWFLASH: "In todays news, Russia is found to have said words which made people want to call for protectionist trade politics."


Leftie and rightie politicians dislike Russia because it is one of the power centers that stands in the way of total US world domination. They're not always consciously aware of that being the reason for their dislike, but that's what it really is.

Leftie ordinary people dislike Russia because it is a socially conservative shithole full of macho white people with buzz cuts. Can't really blame them.

Did you just use a semicolon correctly?

yeap, they have split what into 4 groups now and keep going? democratic party is done due to all the infighting. they had nothing to go on except to call trump mean names and say russia is evil. nothing else. pretty fucking sad the saudis and kikes gave her so much

And you're acting like polls are a fairly sample of 99% of Americans.
>still trusting polls
Come on
What the fuck does it matter anyway? Politics has changed massively in the past few years and the way Obama spun his election campaign isnt on the Republicans. And you're an idiot if you think the left didnt always hate Russia.
Most normies just listen to geopolitical campaign promises and align their worldviews accordingly, not the other way round. They only really care about what happens about their own country and how it will affect them directly.

But can make it? Will crashing YouTube cars and doing funny shit help? Don't you have international companies already? Are rich Russians buying Russian cars or foreign ones?

When somebody questions the EU here the mainstream newspaper says: go to Belarus. And we know it is poorer than us.


It's the subtler subversion Russia is good at.

All jokes aside

I think the Russians are still pissed about the shit we did to them during the cold war, and they're pissed about the Soviet Union breaking up and wish they could get all those lands back.

I think they're trying to destabilize and weaken western governments in any way possible, and flex their muscle to show the world that they are a powerful nation.

I agree with some of the things they say. For example if Russia built military bases in Mexico you're damn sure the US would have a problem with it... so why does the US get to make military bases next to Russia, why must Russia bear this?

Second, they say that the US likes to go in and "liberate" countries like Iraq but the absence of the regime leaves a power vacuum and ultimately causes groups like ISIS to take over.

The Russians just generally do a lot of shady shit and straight up murder anyone who blows the whistle on them as well.

I say just keep a watchful eye on them

>Like 11 outspoken critics of Putin and / or people that tie Russian government to US Government have died in very suspicious ways from gunshot to "falling from the fourth story" to causes that have been kept from being released to the public by order of government branches

this is the same feeling I'm getting: people are pissed that Russia is proud, hungry, and self-serving
they like growing their power, and flexing their powerful muscles
BUT here's where I'm confused:
how does the modern leftist despise and fear Russia, while simultaneously advocating to cut funding to the miltary?

It's very simple. They're the remnants of hippie thinking where we should all cut our dicks off and nobody should say anything that might count as a micro aggression.

In other words, they're insane and have not developed beyond the level of a pre-linguistic infant.

who gives a fuck, its not our country so its not our problem, you've got your own problems just like they do and we do.

Some of those guys died in your country while dealing with your politicians and embassies, and I'm kind of worried and the part of our arctic that has oil but currently isn't suitable for drilling- but might be soon.

Shie LeLeaf will fix it, or whoever your cuck PM is. gg Anglosphere protecting its dominion.


TFW Eastern euros are more human than any westerner.