Why do Conservashits vote against their own economic interests?
Why do Conservashits vote against their own economic interests?
>giving money to satanists so they can create inflation to prevent the credit bubble from popping is in my economic interests
Sure, I'll trust OP who has never earned more than 60,000 a year to run the economy. He must know a lot about money, and finance, and stuff. Yeah.
>providing jobs, services, and business ruins peoples' lives
kys cuck
>vote for party that lets me keep more money and frees up the market
>somehow this hurts me
Maybe conservatives aren't looking for money from the government but are just interested in living their lives free of governmental interference?
How do people like Trump exploit the lower class because they vote republican?
because they vote for their race interests
They vote however putin tells them to vote.
>DEMOCRATS: You voters are all stupid idiots! Fuck you all! We're smarter than you and we don't need your votes!
>DEMOCRATS: Why didn't nobody vote for us?
This is the third thread I've seen today with that exact same title.
Fuck off Shareblue.
Liberals: Kill all white males.
Liberals: wtf why did we lose? let's try that again.
Because they're dumb?
"Hurr hurr russia"
Don't you lot have something new? And shouldn't you be standing beside Brock to make sure he's not killed off again?
Stop Replying
We wuz welfare queenz n shieeet
>I'm literally 12 years old
W destroyed the economy yet the true believers hold on to "trickle down economics" the way a 6 year old holds on to Santa Claus.
Thanks OP you sure do know whats best for me and even though all 8 of the wealthiest people in the world who own 1/2 the worlds money are all leftist. But i'm sure they have nothing in common, thanks again with telling me what i need. Captain Dipshit.
Maybe they just don't want a big government, they could benefit from it but perhaps they choose not to because they don't want to be entitled and demand things from other people. They put their beliefs in a free society over instant gratification.
These people probably think that they're "redpilled" too.
>this thread again
>1 post by this ID
>this exact OP at least 100x
>still gets tons of replies
If you ever needed proof that Sup Forums is stupid, here it be.