Yo, brits, what's your favourite ex-colony.
Favorite Ex-Colony?
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New Zealand.
Huh, I always thought that they preferred Australia over New Zealand.
Britain never had Afghanistan as a colony, also the Raj and Africa don't look 100% correct
they should've kept it all
The US, duh.
Although if I had to pick somewhere I didn't live, I'd say Australia. Those cunts are great.
>implying they could
we BTFO'd them bro
they could have, but after their complacency allowed the Japs invade my country in WWII, it's clear where their priorities lie so they no longer have that mandate
There was no way that they could have ever kept America
we were stretched and you had the help of the french. besides, india was far more important back then.
Your country doesn't matter. You don't understand the Anglo.
The irony in this statement is unbelievable,
>There was no way that they could have ever kept America
Britain was still occupied with Napoleon in 1815, if not for that a military victory wouldn't have been hard at all.
I dare say even if Britain had son over the USA, we'd have no doubt, granted you full independence as we did for Canada and Australia.
And you'd have had a cooler flag to boot.
anglo doublespeak. you lot never really got the hang of it.
>all those ex-colonies and now you're just confined to a shitty little island that is fracturing as well
what the fuck happened, bongs? they all revolt against you or something?
Why wait though? You were being massive cunts and we'd had enough of it.
And now we have some of the best founding documents in recorded history.
>best founding documents in recorded history.
which youve spent the past 250 years undermining
Unfortunately. But at least ISIS hasn't blown up these ancient relics yet.
Americans really don't understand irony
WW! and WW@ were a bitch for the brits.
this is why Churchill was a shit Prime Minister
We took it over in a few months with two steamships just to steal the Teak trees
>Brits believe India to be more important than America
>Century later the Indians that the Brits tried so hard to maintain were years behind the colony that they neglected
If this isn't irony than I don't know what is.
>You were being massive cunts and we'd had enough of it.
Compared to where, as far as America went you had it easy, so a few taxes were levied for the warchest, the homeland was no different and Ironically you're paying more now through taxes than you ever were under the British.
Also most British back then were not represented either, most couldn't even vote nevermind elect representatives.
do they really not teach you anything in your schools about your part in the dismantling of our empire? there was a hell of a lot of coercion going on. you sensed that we were weak after ww2 and you were determined to have us permanently crippled and more or less turned us into a vassal state. america wanted its sole superpower status and it would stop at nothing to get it, even if it meant shitting all over its allies.
>Yo, brits, what's your favourite ex-colony.
Hey don't blame us for wanting better. It's not like we wanted to revert to being taxed and communised to death to begin with. At least we wrote down what the intentions were.
I would argue it was external forces mainly that raged at how we made a good idea work pretty well initially and didn't want NWO and Jewish banking and would have preferred to be left alone that set up an intentional infestation to destroy and subjugate nice things.
>>Century later the Indians that the Brits tried so hard to maintain were years behind the colony that they neglected
I've read this like 10 times and still can't make head nor tail of it
>India to be more important than America
india was more important, it was our largest market for goods and main source of natural resources
just because they are a backwards people that doesn't stop the place being a much more valuble imperial possession
i wouldn't expect a yank to understand colonial empires
>not Canada
Yeah but we actually had balls back then
The only good thing in Canada was the French colony and it still is today minority hating and performance producing
Sorry lad, fly the Ensign again and then we'll talk.
Hey don't blame us for wanting better.
Can't argue with that, the British would have liked better too, but rebellion in the homeland would have been easilly quashed
>rebellion in the homeland would have been easilly quashed
Understandably so. Even today the US has enough problem with people from thousands of miles away being ruled by a cult in Washington, DC. Being ruled by a king all the way across the ocean is a real testament to the abilities of the colonial empires.
I, for one, look forward to casting the obsolete Rhodes/Millner institutions aside and forming a temporary ad-hoc Anglosphere as a a stepping stone toward our next try at a productive world order.
>The good old "jap tanks."
British commanders were a mistake.
>>Brits believe India to be more important than America
India was vastly more important at the time
>spices, Jewels, cotton, silks/textiles, ivory, tea, sugar
>multinational well-establish trade routes, commerce, infrastructure easy to sell and buy.
In comparison at the time, with all due respect America was a barren wilderness, but oh boy did America bloom fast.
Could you have picked a worse time to ask? 5 am kek
It supports my current hypothesis that building a proper country requires genociding the unproductive natives in order to establish a superior form of life.
I think that's how life itself works. Plants, for instance, are not peaceful. They're vicious cunts trying to out-reproduce each other with no capacity for remorse, and yet somehow at the same time playing out God's master plan for the greatness and thriving of life.
we never sleep
zanzibar is best. look at our superior engineering.
Fuck Red Coat commie cucks, 1776 forever!!
I think one of the reason we granted Australia and Canada their independence, again rebellion would have been hard to quash, i'd Imagine Canada may have descended into a civil war, unionists or separatists America too would have joined in on that little number.
Australia would have gone the same way, the British used to play off one coast against the other to keep rule, divide and conquer.
Better just to save face, keep good allies/trade and just grant independence
>building a proper country requires genociding the unproductive natives
just think if the british empire teamed up with the nazi reich and cleaned up africa
Churr bro
Now it's gone to the chinks.
Really what we should do is cut funding, use what's left of entities like HSBC for their original purpose of crushing China, and support our whit cousins in South Africa -- a good move to have some say in case something like BRICS ever goes anywhere.
also kek
daily reminder that hitler was open to an alliance with the empire. churchill and his (((handlers))) would hear none of it unfortunately.
This. They fucked it up BAD.
They got fucked hard. And they are getting even more fucked NOW.
To world wide conquerors to mere Kaffir in their own lands.
The Falkland Islands are clearly best colony, because Britain still has them.
Falkland loves you long time.
Shut up you glue-sniffng street urchin or we'll feed you to Portugal again
Best thing about the Falklands is when they were having their referendum to stay in the UK they designated a single citizen to vote "no" because they thought no one would believe a 100% yes vote
We only understand cultural, economic, and military empires. How does it feel knowing if the US wanted to, we could kill your prime minister (she has a lady boner for Trump though) tonight, and no one would know it was the US?
you lot are self-serving cunts most of the time but we appreciate you lending us the AWACS for that war. made a big difference.
>no one would believe a 100% yes vote
Who the fuck would think that anyone would want to be Argentinian rather than British?
>you lot are self-serving cunts most of the time
We can hardly be absolved on that front lad, people don't call us perfidious for nothing
I have no idea, but it really happened so presumably someone
Other redpilled races understand it tho, and work with what they've got. Jews, for instance, are psychopaths who do nothing but wreak destruction wherever they can make a path.
The Eternal Anglo may be a dick, but he sews the seeds for a better future.
In 1754 Benjamin Franklin proposed a political union of the American British Colonies so that the colonies could better protect themselves from large native confederations. Called "The Albany Plan of Union", the proposed government would have looked quite a bit like the current US federal system, but with the President elected by Parliament in Britain. It would have given the colonies the ability to raise a single army between them, and would have had more autonomy.
Had the Albany plan gone forward, it would have created a strong continental military under the control of the British-appointed President. The problems of maintaining a military occupation of a land weeks away would be greatly alleviated. And many of the American factions might not have materialized: the Albany Plan's greater autonomy would have reduced the strength of one of the themes of the revolution, that of self-determination. "No taxation without representation" would not be relevant: they would have representation. And those taxes the colonists were so hung up on were levied against them to pay for, in theory, the cost of defending the colonies during the Seven Years' War (aka, the French and Indian War in the Americas) which was precisely what the Plan of Union was created to do: allow the colonies to defend themselves. That war debt would surely still have existed, but rather than pay taxes to the Empire directly, the colonies would instead be paying their own unified government.
I'd like us to take a moment to consider a world where the Americans never left the Empire. Would the French have had their (shitty) revolution without the American example? Instead of selling off Louisiana to an independent America he would have instead found himself with another (impossible) front to his war. The question of whether the United States would enter a major European conflict would be irrelevant, so imagine how differently the World Wars might have been. Communism would not have faced a waning Britain and a waxing US, but an empire comfortable in its place as ruler of the goddamn world. Imagine, gentlemen, the power we would have, collectively, as a people if our forefathers had simply been willing to let go their pride.
So Brits, if you could reclaim any one of your former colonies which one would you choose and why?
It's uncommon at best
I want kuwait back :(
We want Europe back. Life's unfair.
ha ha ha that legitimately made me laugh out loud.
that would be a fucking hilarious sitcom.
let me get that aq or ax?
Satanists did it. I still remember when we were gathered together in school to learn why the GWHB (satan cult) went to war with Kuwait and why it was good, all as part of a typical traumatic mind control experience.
The Talmudic system doesn't work on all of us.
Your country today is not much better, Mr 60% white Jewnited States of Americoons.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
My first rare in months
You got lucky. Tanzania is rarer than Christmas Island. archive.4plebs.org
Well bant'd son.
Canada, for the sole reason of getting rid of that fucking leaf.
Not even Australians prefer Australia over NZ