>tfw told my parents about the JQ
/accidentallyexposedyourpowerlevel/ thread
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Same here, got the full looks of disgust
My advice: be patient and start dropping gradual facts, like how the 1% is mostly Jewish and how despite the holohoax, UN count of Jewish population was largely unaffected
The fuck is the JQ?
>At bar with coworkers
>Drinking and trying to get them to talk
>1 doesn't talk. Other only has pussy on his mind all the time - 4 kids with 4 different chicks. You know the type.
>Bring up subjects and get "the look"
>bring up picture proof and get "How do I know that's not just made up?
I'm done with it all. Sup Forums was right, I'm here forever.
I assuming JQ means the Jewish question. As for your experience I completely agree with you, it honestly baffles me how pure and undeniable evidence can be brought up but they are too (((educated))) to argue or even discuss it, preferring simply to put I t away and not think about it. Truly an Orwellian nightmare we are living in
If you do go full redpill in front of them wait until they are drunk and about to bed.
When i first came to Sup Forums i didn't believe 99% of the shit posted here even with proofs, but over time one starts to ponder. The problem is that first exposure always shocks the system. You must ease into the red pill, it's too large to cram it all down at once.
I'm not afraid of anything of what i say because i'm not famous and nobody can ruin me lel
I expose my power level all the time, you just need to be calm and never get emotional or angry if a person goes full rage mode. You have to remember they have been conditioned to believe the lies and challenging their dogma can be a terrifying experience subconsciously.
You need to be calm, able to directly cite facts, calmly direct them to those facts. They will not accept it at face value, but if you site the FBI crime report of 2016, they will go look for it later to see if you are lying. That is when they get redpilled.
I redpilled my family pretty hard on the Jews being 9/10 of the top 1%. The Jews in the porn industry. Transsexuals as a mental illness (gender dysmorphia) and the more successful alternative treatments than sex reassignment surgery. The child abuse in the LGBTQP movement. The disproportionate crime committed by blacks and the grouping of Hispanics and Arabic as white for crime statistics (and the bull shit of BLM).
You mean over time you started to internalize repeated information from sheer exposure volume.
It is truly a living nightmare some days
I can't wait for people to wake up and realize how it really is.... the sooner the better. We might all stand a chance
I didn't believe pol at first, it triggered me to do my own research, which I still do.
I mean just doing the math on the numbers found on the Jewish Virtual Library...
>sitting around break room at work shortly after Sandy Hook, with full team of 10+ coworkers
>work with a slightly autistic black conservative guy, always latches on to conspiracy theories, thinks flat-Earthers might be right
>He says, "I don't know, I think maybe it wasn't for real. It seems like one of those things that the media invents to push an agenda."
>Oh god
>I'm going to say it
>"You mean like the Holocaust?"
>Everybody starts laughing, thinking it was an edgy joke
>Even the Jewish guy
>I don't get fired or ostracized
also a jewish trick
>a pioneer worldwide in the call for civil rights and social acceptance for homosexual and transgender people
> It was headed by Magnus Hirschfeld.
>Magnus Hirschfeld coined the term transsexualism
>Magnus Hirschfeld (14 May 1868 – 14 May 1935) was a Jewish German physician and sexologist
the rabbit hole has no bottom
everyone ive gotten into a relationship knows about my feelings when it come to race. theyve all been pretty based though so that helps. parents are pretty red pilled especially my mom so theres really no need to hide things.
>tfw your dad was closet 1488 all along
im convinced you people are retarded if you cant talk about the JQ without sounding spastic. Just make it clear that nationalism happens in all groups, and Jews are no different. Not every Jew is a Zionist.
If you never shoah it, you're just a good goy
Yeah I've never had a problem with this either. It really almost comes off as a positive character attribute with people.
Well you're just retarded dude. First you make them laugh, then let yourself make darker and darker jokes. Still laughing? Wait for the chance to talk to ONE person. Never a group of normies, each one is like baby. It takes time, and accept that you may not be around when they finally "get it"
pretty much this
That's how you get beaten. Especially if mom is ultra christian.
Hit mom back
odd. my mom is ultra christian but shes red pilled as fuck
I redpilled by parents tbqh. It took a few years.
>Dad talking how this whole meat fiasco our country is going under is just the evil US of A trying to undermine our country, after illegally impeaching our rightfully elected president and other commie bullshit
>"Nah, (((they))) wouldn't bother with it, bigger fish to catch. You don't have many of (((them))) in the agricultural business anyway, not part of (((their))) culture."
>"Wait, who care you talking about?"
>Managed to avoid blurting out "the jews" in the nick of time and just turned it around to saying how there have been reports of slaughterhouses selling spoiled meat to public school cafeterias, so external influence wasn't all that likely to be the whole reason for this debacle
Makes me sad how he can say whatever he wants about Americans but I know the moment I drop a "jew", it's hate speech. Watch who you aren't allowed to criticize, I guess.
>live with two average southern conservative, one Democrat
>"honestly kike is my favorite racial slur"
>they all laugh
>someone mentions socialism
>insist the best socialism is national socialism
>they all laugh
>call for ethnic-nationalism
>they all laugh
>vote for David Duke
>they all laugh
For some reason they assume that I'm being ironic. havent denied the holocaust in front of them yet but I'm sure they'll think it's a good joke.
Does your dad not understand that you faggots have Mad Cow Disease in your country?
Your beef is like eating an aids steak, it takes years before you even realize you have it and then it's too late.
>mfw I recently got my dad into browsing Sup Forums
have I made a huge mistake?
>Even the Jewish guy
For real though, Sandy Hook happened. Even if it was orchestrated by the government, it's a lot easier to shoot a bunch of kids then try and fake the whole thing.
No use trying to make sense, it always goes back to the USA trying to keep us down. Like commies being against "the 1%" but never knowing exactly who to exactly blame.
I baneposted in conversation and no one understood
Autism levels are a part of the power level package right
How the fuck did that conversation go down?
>"Watch who you aren't allowed to criticize"
>Conflates government censorship with adults beating your stupid face in for being willfully retarded
I explained the holohoax to my mother. She told me to keep it to myself, and pretend to agree with people.
I've been slowly redpilling my baby boomer parents for almost a decade.
Tried to drop the "there were no gas chambers" pill on them the other day. They had mental breakdown and just shut down the conversation and haven't spoken to me since.
The indoctrination is strong in that generation.
it's been going on for a while actually
recently was on my phone while at my parents house and my dad saw "Sup Forums" and was like, "isn't that the website I hear doing the HWNDU crashing and other shit"
long story short, I talked with him about it, didn't have to do much redpilling, he's been right wing longer than I've been alive and he watches shit like alex jones, and he started browsing Sup Forums about a month ago
he constantly texts me threads and we've even made BLACKED and holocaust jokes
still been asking me mundane stuff like, who's "Kek" and all that nonsense
I've probably called your dad a newfag kek
Seriously though, tell that faggot to lurk 2 years before he posts
My parents were already kind of redpilled on Jews.
They know Jews are corrupt, rich, and degenerate, but they still fully believe in the holocaust meme.
I never tried to redpill them because I don't want them to think I'm a Nazi.
I did this with a group of friends and nobody I understood, I pretty much just stood there giggling at my own weaponized autism
All I did was point out that people who voted Brexit had legitimate concerns about immigration. My sister asked for proof. I kept citing her all the problems with and crimes committed by recent migrants, and she became more and more angry at me while still telling me there was no reason to be concerned about immigration.
Eventually she saI'd "you sound like a neo nazi". Instead of responding with logic, which wouldn't work with her, I pretended to be extremely offended. I told her she had basically just called me evil and then I walked off. She became super apologetic by I acted like her crime was too much to deal with at the moment.
By using an emotional response instead of logical, I made HER end up apologizing and feeling like shit. Because she and my family know that I'm genuinely the nicest person in the family, so what she said was just spite. This has laid the groundwork for her redpilling.
Try holding your tongue when you have a decent job.
That shit takes patience and discipline.
I almost went full red pill dealer today. Then I was like 'wait, jews own my company and three of the people in that corporate meeting got the fro nose and glasses. I like this job.
Don't bite the jew hand that feeds
My parents are now Jammeh Jabronies.
>my parents told me about the JQ
I used to be like "damn parents you racist" but as I got older I realized they were just trying to protect me and a lot their predictions came true
>jewish friends were often traitorous at random
>black friends were loose cannons and hung out with dangerous crowd
>dark hispanic mut friend was a thief who tried to steal my entire Pokemon binder on my birthday
My parents are both college educated too, I don't know why I doubted them.
told everyone that the holocaust is a hoax and the appropriate punishment for that hoax is a real holocaust
I have talked about the holohoax and the jq to tons of my friends accidentally. It gets brought up a bunch and I loose my filter for some reason. But im pretty good at convincing everybody. The way I do it is that I say "im not actually a holocaust denier but heres why people do deny the holocaust". Works every fucking time.
The numbers dont work out for the cremation/the gas chamber doors/the theory that they were delicing chambers/the typhoid outbreak/etc.
Its important to mention what the holocaudt deniers actually believe. Pic related
The other thing I do is ask them "what were you taught in school about why hitler hated the jews?" They always say "i dont know", or "they were scapegoats".
The fact that they bring up scapegoats imediately urges the question of "scapegoats of what? Why were the jews blamed for germanys problems." Then you just go into it. The bolshevik uprising during ww1 where the factories closed down, inturn killing german soldiers by not having food or munitions. The treaty of Versailles. The fact that they didnt integrate and ran all the banks that caused the weimar inflation.
The more educated people will like the answer that communism is largely a jewish invention. Marx, lenin, trotsky, etc were all jewish and the same thing that happened to russia would have happened to germany if the germans didnt do something about it.
Its pretty fun, but you have to remember to say "I dont believe any of this guy, im just a normie faggot"
>want to watch The Hateful 8
naw wtf plebentino
>how about The Magnificent Seven (remake)
wtf no charles bronson no care, plus seven samurai better
>ugh ridiculous 6 might be good
that's even worse...
>i actually have to pic up a friend from somewhere today...
you know i should've just accepted one and had her come over but it was still some pleb as fuck taste.
this is a great essay on this topic to share w normies
nice 88.
My parents have basically been telling me to hide my power level my entire life. They were like "You should treat everyone kindly - but Jews and niggers can't be trusted" their reason was that they're extremely insecure and will be spiteful out of jealousy.
All and all, good advice.
>am a lyft/uber driver
>pick up a passenger who is successful and popular
>he is obviously gay and very liberal
>turns out we went to the same college
>we have a great conversation
>he invites me to his parties and helps me get freelance work
>one day I ask him to help me find a real job
>we go out to get a burger and talk about how to get me work
>he asks me all about my life
>yada yada yada
>I tell him that feminism was designed by satanists to destroy western civilization
this is why I don't have contacts in the professional world
Oh shit, I like this. Thats a pretty good psyop for the pure emotion normies. Its similar to what I said in my other post about how you always have to say "i dont actually believe what holocaust deniers say, but I know why they say it"
Only funny because it's true
So I hear you really like blacked.com, I know a great place about it.
i always reveal my power level and have realised that hiding or not speaking the truth is no better than being a fucking jew
RIP dimebag
I told my 14 year old sister about the JQ, holocaust lies etc, she go to picked up by our mum later and as soon as she got in the car my mum said she just said "did you know hitler didn't kill any Jews?"
checked, dont be sad, listend to the solo of domination and become the ultimate truth bomb dropper. fuck these faggots thinking that they should hide their power levels and not try to expose the jew every single second youre breathing
I don't get what is the problem here. 1 corpse a minute can be feasible depending on your number of furnaces.
Unfortunately, the number of furnaces isn't specified.
lol that just how easily kids can be influenced. the same thing is done in schools but only with fake facts about the holocaust
The government probably orchestrated it. They really want to take away guns and women are the main voting block. If they can convince women of something emotionally they can pass anything. This is how (((they))) think. Pretty happy it hasn't quite worked yet.
Cremation with modern ovens takes about 8 hours per body.
even if they had 600+ ovens a number like that would be unfeasible.
Holy shit this is what I do too. Just not with holocaust shit. Best way to win people over is emotionally. Media has been doing it for years.
fucking hell....... imagine marching towards and army of shitskins with their jew overlords while listening to this...))))) good to dream
Did you make this chart yourself?
I talked about how I see Islam as a cancer in the west and how I would support banning all Muslim immigration in a heartbeat. I got 3/4 of the people there to agree with me by the end of the fiasco that followed.
Honestly, that's all the whole "Teh Jooz" thing is. People like people who are like them. Of course successful Jews are going to be nepotistic. I would hire a white over a jew, I would expect a jew to do the same. It's not a conspiracy. It's human nature. Or (((subhuman))) nature.
You wonder why they coddled their children in to brown shirt communists.
My parents redpilled me on most of the JQ. Eastern Europe is based
>">tfw your dad was closet 1488 all along"
As I've gotten older and s-s-slowly realized the JQ is a serious issue, what I continue to wrestle with -- and it's maddening tbqh - is the realization that a few elder male friends and family are redpilled on the subject, but never shared their knowledge and wisdom.
That's the trippiest part. Looking back now, I can remember numerous observations, fleeting glints into adult insight, that were indeed about the JQ. Mumblings about stuff on TV like Howard Stern, certain politicians, kid-fuckers in Hollywood. I remember two convos when I was 7 or 8, and I mentioned the words "Utopia" and "subversive," and later, "counter-culture," and adults quizzed me about where I'd learnt these terms. Even then, one explained how Utopias were a Jewish concept, but left it vaguely at that.
It feels as if a Great War was fought far before I was born against (((them)) in America - not Germany - and we made bad mistakes and lost. And now men and women, the few redpilled remaining, keep quiet or begrudgingly affirm your hunches, but imply there's pain to be had in staying on this path, pain of knowing, not radicalism blowback.
Where I'm confused is that these same Boomers who know about the JQ are not fully aware that Neocons are primarily Jewish. How is this possible?
I also went into career fields where they persist and excel, so redpilling on my own has been brutal, but brought invaluable focus. But if only these acquaintances could have confided in me. I wonder if I'm not in an endless loop, and will be of no greater assistance than they were.
It's very fucking sci-fi, once you recognize the names, faces, patterns, agendas, excuses, complaints, inside jokes, hierarchies, neuroses, nepotism, and relentless political pandering in the media. 'They Live' is legit. It's why you're here forever. Sup Forums is the sunglasses club located in a burnt out building at sunset.
Their parents died for that lie. I don't blame them for holding onto it for dear life desu.
>1% is mostly Jews
Got you, fampai.
They can't come to grasp with the fact that it was because of their parents that communist red scare even happened. Fuck it was hard for me to admit we were on the wrong side of history and should have added Hitler against the Russians. But Hitler did fuck up by allying with japan. My parents would disown me.
>A body that can burn in under a minute, not counting time it takes to load the body and remove the ashes for another
What were you feeding them, Hans? Napalm Jello with Nitro chasers?
If they actually shot kids, why the hell wasn't there any blood or photos of the bodies?
Whats so hard telling him its the kikes? Act surprised and tell him what he thinks of it and that you have found a siscussion on thr internet. Just ask for input and he will start thinking for himself. Make it a journey you two start to go together.
>Your dad is browsing Sup Forums
I fucking wish my dad was browsing Sup Forums.
I still can't tell whether it's a good or bad feeling growing up and realizing your parents were right all along.
>takes about 8 hours per body.
Cremation in modern furnaces takes about 1.5 hours. The technology behind this is old as dirt so the concentration camp furnaces should have had no problem reaching sufficient temperatures - they were simply less efficient in all likelihood so fuel might have been a concern. 1.5 hours is also the duration that gives you an acceptable result for burials but the nazis might not have been that picky with the cremation results as long as they could burn more.
I'd say a good estimate would be closer to 2 hours, 3 to be conservative. This means one furnace could process 8 bodies per day leading to 180 furnaces required. This is still a high number but not completely unrealistic.
>friend brings his girlfriend along to go somewhere
>she starts talking about trump and refugees and how we should be bringing more into America
>friend looks at me and shakes his head in a signal for me not to get started
>let it go but she keeps going on and on
>go on a mini rant about how they're really rapefugees and how they are fundamentally unable to assimilate into a country like this
>end up saying "sand people" and "towelhead" in the same sentence
>she looks at me with her mouth open in some bitchy way
>friend is just looking down and shaking his head
pretty funny Tbh
It isn't Orwellian it's Huxlian
Today's world is much more like Brave New World than 1984
I become a full fledged national socialist admirer once I hit puberty, of course at a time when you are more prone to provoking mom and dad. They know where I stand for the past 10 years, dad is a conservate, mom is not on board at all with any racial questions but voted Trump.
Why do you live in a family where you can't openly discuss issues and dilemmas?
You've 2 problems with the nepotism approach: first there is a disproportinate amount of jews in positions of power compared to their global population(which wouldn't happen if everyone did it). Then you have to consider they don't consider whites as equals. They usually hide their jewishness unless around other jews, which gives them an advantage
At work, whenever the subject of politics comes up, I tend to go off on ten minute long rants about why the Jews are bad and that Muslims are in need of genocide and how liberal-mindedness is the cancer rotting society from the inside. The thing is that everybody ends up seeing what I'm getting at and agreeing with me, including the women and foreigners.
I think that maybe it's a sign that I'm supposed to secure the future of the white race or something.
>takes an hour to burn a body by modern methods
>so that means older tech should have easily been able to burn a body in under a minute each
I've seen half retarded people and down syndrome kids but I've never seen a full-on retard before. Holy smokes, you're dumb. Is your IQ ranked in the negatives? What sort of program did you use to decipher your nonsensical babblings? Or did you not use voice to text and just punch the damn keys until auto correct finished it for you, and had your poor bastard father proof read?
I can't even begin to imagine how difficult life must be for you, when you're getting raped by refugees and unable to tell them "please stop".
We need to print this for germany also.
>was at the old's place a while ago
>infi hwndu threads open, cos faggot mods here were , well, being fggots
>laughing my head off - 'whats so funny?'
>next morning CTF complete
>coughed and laughed and alm9st got scrambled egg on ceiling
>whats so funny
>mum wasnt impressed, but dad lmaoed
>Tfw accidentally started laughing when a professor brought up the wage gap
now im debating wether or not to bring in a stack of reports and papers on why the wage gap is fake to fucking double down on my autism or to just act like it was "le ebin pramk XD"
>New workmate is an American military vet
>Suffers from PTSD, has tried to kill himself, smokes pot
>The best part is he legit believes that the world will collapse soon, Trump is the anti Christ and his Jewish family links have a lot to do with it
>Have a good old time sperging about Israeli influence of US politics and Jews
>Everyone thinks I'm ironically humoring him
You need more than that, ShisaMeister.
I'd suggest some reading but Amazon (CIA owned) did a good ol book burning not too long ago. Hopefully you'll be able to find one or two elsewhere?
>Collegues found out I support Trump 100%
>muh racism
>muh sexism
>muh feelings etc etc
>skip to last week
>latest episode of Muslim Adventure Jihad: London edition
>lean in the room whike they were watching the news
>"Ahh, diversity in action."
You again? I've ignored your first post because you are clearly too dumb to apply basic math. Nobody is claiming there is only one furnace operational that burns 1 body per minute leading to 1440 bodies per day. Imagine there being 1440 furnaces and they took 24 hours per body and, voila, you get a daily average of 1440 bodies - or 1 body per minute.
Of course, there weren't 1440 furnaces in a single crematorium. It's just an example to make you understand how to calculate averages. Re-read my post you replied to with this in mind and see if you can understand it better now.
>used to feel like a edgy meme lord for spouting hate against jews
>everyone looked shocked and wondered what the fuck was wrong with me
>fast forward 2 years
>"these fucking kikes"
>everyone i know responds "yea fuck these jews"
>I am no longer the edgy outcast
>everyone I know I have redpilled
>now I feel empty again
>meeting girl's family
>parents branch off after dinner to watch movie
>girl, girl's sister, and I start talking
>blah blah blah
>girl's sister asks what my favorite historical period or event to learn about is
>"Oh, I guess just the 20th century, a lot happened - and all of it very well documented."
>girl's sister
>"Yeah, I like learning about the holocaust"
>Me: "Oh...I like learning about things that actually happened."
>Everyone laughs with that "Oh no he didn't face"
>we move on and not even awkwardly
that was a close one