I'm seeking the mouth breathers who actually think they have some white pride, specifically Americans.
How does it make you feel that you're taking it up the ass by non Europeans and are on the losing side?
I'm seeking the mouth breathers who actually think they have some white pride, specifically Americans.
How does it make you feel that you're taking it up the ass by non Europeans and are on the losing side?
Other urls found in this thread:
That's exactly why we're kicking you out.
That's also why we are now killing on our streets.
The more you push the worse it will get.
We'll win because we are better than you in every way.
Stay jealous bitch.
>tfw white people will go exitinct in you lifetime
>tfw pajeets, achmeds, niggers everywhere
>tfw end of the world.
feels bad desu senpai
Even in death, we win you nigger scum. Your suffering will be unending if we must go, the beauty of it is it will come from the multitudes of other brown hominids.
What if I told you we're not going anywhere except the high end suburbs.
Data clearly shows that the average Muslim makes around $30,000 more than the average white American.
And I believe the average Muslim has 1.5 years more education than the average white American.
And we're not Cucks like the average weight American. You guys are whipped by your women.
By the looks of it, we outdo the average American by every standard. More Money More education less crimes and drugs.
Facts are sad
This. when there are no whites left watch earth slink back into caves
I really do hate shitskins.
Hopefully Trump will put an end to this insane immigration policy with which we are currently afflicted.
I would say at least 5% of the white population are decent intelligent human beings that have produced The Beautiful societies we seen the West today.
The rest like most of you reading this are materialistic retards that go home to their dog and wife probably cheat on them. Who have probably done nothing to hold Society forward except pay taxes.
Really what makes you think that you have done anything that got us out of the caves. It's actually a handful of intellectuals and scientist who would shit on your opinion & be on my side
That's a retarded point
That's what happens when you import people who will take less pay at higher positions.
You're a smaller sample who're being brought in because the government subsidizes your wages due to stupid policies.
You've got nothing. You're entire history is built off of theft and lies and it shows because you faggots destroy everything you touch.
We're better than you and we will get rid of you.
Kiss my ass sandnigger. No matter what your papers may say you're still an insect to me. This isn't your country. I'll kill you for it.
>a handful of intellectuals and scientist
A handful of people with an agenda you mean?
Go fuck yourself faggot.
look up south africa farm murders, it's the highest rate of murder in the world and over 10 times the south african murder rate. They always rape, torture, and attempt to murder everyone and take little if anything.
There's absolutely no evidence that shows that we take less pay at higher positions. Nor is there evidence to say that our wages are subsidized by any policies. That would be nice but it's simply not true.
And you may say we have nothing but I'm sure we would both admit that our family unit is far more intact then the destroyed homes of the average Western person. You wish you had that. And I'd keep that over anything
Yet we still have better quality lives and money then you.
You're speaking out of your ass you know that right
The fact that you guys are really skeptical of the educated class in your societies really show how fucking stupid you are.
That's why you see far more educated brown people than you morons.
Those intellectuals and scientists are what make life so great. You're nothing.
You should probably educate yourself on H1B shitface.
What the hell does that have to do with this thread.
I'm very familiar with it. Please provide documents from the government back up your points. Because you probably got your information from some other ass twat
Ever since you faggots got here quality has been diminishing.
You're all shit and you fuck up everything you make.
There's a reason you all come from desert shitholes. The lands you come from reflect you.
We'd be better off educating the people we have better without stupid diversity quotas and other bullshit fucking over our brightest people.
>far more educated browns that whites
You apparently aren't. I'm familiar with my company's payroll and I know how that bullshit works.
Hmmm good point, but on the other hand you're a nigger. Sooooooo yeah.
Look at any gas station in some shithole, it is always run by a Muslim/Indian precisely because there's no taxes on them, otherwise there wouldn't be an open business in the same zip code as a black neighborhood.
this is easily the most screwed up attempt at making a b8 thread I've seen today
you can't even into english
you have to go back
>It's another "bored white NEET roleplays as a minority on Sup Forums to fish for cheap replies" episode
Suck my ass lol facts
Nice anecdotal man. Please share more
The reason we do that is because there's a good money in it. The people who run it are always first-generation immigrants without an education. They use the money they make to send their children off to universities. And so it breaks the cycle of ignorance within the family.
Then the next wave of immigrants take over that gas station and they keep doing that. Next thing you know you have a very well and Alive entrepreneurial immigrant community yet highly educated.
That's 100% Undisputed
You're the one who clearly doesn't know what he's talking about.
Shitskins never own up to being wrong. Ends up fucking up a lot of shit.
checked for kek
I'm actually from the Levant, very white skin. Look italian/Greek. Soooooo of Yeah faggot
No really I'm Arabian
white people became the minority, now they're targeted by racial violence and being killed en masse. This actually qualifies for genocide and genocide watch (the NGO) has them at a really high rating already.
it makes me legit angry when people use the flag as a hijab, even in that painting.
The flag represents freedom, and they use it for a tool of oppression.
Oh look. You don't even know how to use a toilet.
lmfao you faggots are the worst with those shitty visas.
Government subsidized diversity. You faggots get hired because the company doesn't have to pay you as much as a native worker.
There are too many people on the world.
As usual, it's whites leading the way for the rest to follow.
If they can't take their own initiative on the matter we may have to show them the way.
You're an inferior nigger.
That's all there is to you.
>the (((levant))
Whatcha doin' Rabbi?
Okay well I'm actually going to stop replying to you because you have the intellect of a trailer trash 23 year old that's dating a 15 year old, to wait for her outside of school on his BMX bike with a wife beater and monster hat. White pride
Actually study over study has demonstrated that the vast majority of Muslim women in the west voluntarily wear the hijab. I can't speak Thor other countries. But over here it's actually a free choice and they still do it.
nigger u aint doin shit nigger
That's why we'll be sure to remove them mister JIDF
do you really think subhuman brown people will rule the world ever?
tell me what the next superpower is? CHINA.
chinese will exterminate brown subhumans and islam you dumb shit. it doesn't matter if whites lose cause the people who will win are chinese. subhumans brown people will never control this planet or human destiny.
Man honestly that's one thing that bothers me about white people. You guys f****** wipe their ass with toilet paper only. That's f****** disgusting go to the bathroom right now and wipe your ass and I guarantee you some s*** will come on the paper. You're supposed to use water on the toilet paper so it completely cleans your a****** you don't fucks. That's one thing Muslims got in the right long time ago
Dear SJW Liberals.
Learn what h1b visas are faggot.
Keep telling yourself that boy.
I don't get shit on my hands and in my fingernails like you nigger.
That's just simply incorrect. The Chinese are terrifying the states. The Japanese are way ahead. Brazil and India are growing more and more independent of whites. And they all did it while you guys were trying to s*** on them and exploit them.
Again read my other post. You're not leading s*** period i handful of brilliant white people have created the societies that exist today period not a mouth breather like you
this is only the beginning mudblood
what you've experienced up to now has been pity, and it's just about to run dry.
Sand nigger cameljockeys need to get the fuck out now. Go fuck your goat shitskin Islamic fucks. You are outnumbered, you will not win
The lavont of Syria Lebanon Jordan and Palestine... don't get the Jewish reference...
Not worried at all, we already won. It's just a matter of time before you force us to fight.
The average muslim grad student cant keep up with a freshmen undergrad.
Sympathy degrees from bleeding heart lefty schools
>trying to compare the subhuman brown people in brazil and india with japanese and chinese
nice going shitskin but asians are equal to whites while you brown people are not. arabs, africans, and spics from south america will never do anything in this world. it's like almost a 100% chance you get exterminated in the future unless whites win. chinese will not allow you subhumans to survive and take their resources
Nation-states are different than different ethnicities. Brown people in combination outnumber and without strength the Chinese. But we really don't give a f*** to get together because it's not a competition of ethnicities. It is to you very sad white people, but no one else gives a s***. You guys like crying children everybody just looks at you and laughs
That's a flag not a rag.......you rag head
I expected the end of your comment to be much different
you know the smallest organ in a goat?
your dick.
>if you leave this religion, even in the west, people will literally hunt you down and honor kill you but yeah women wear it because they want
Go oppress women and fuck little boys in your own county you kite running piece of shit
No you twat you're supposed to cut your fingernails down to the meat so you don't get anything in there period and then you wash your hands and that's f****** one thing that really bothers me about whites. Every time a guy goes and uses a urinal, he leaves without washing his hands. He doesn't understand the f****** concept of pissed bouncing back off the urinal all onto his hands. Anyways we still use toilet paper, you drip water on the toilet paper
Bring It On faget
We're shiting on you in your own country LOL
>bunch of subhuman people outnumber you
>doesn't understand we're in the nuclear age
>doesn't understand the kind of weapons humanity will have in the future
they will make viruses and have robots go and exterminate you completely. you will be totally defenseless and unable to fight back.
your "people of color" is a myth by liberals pushing an agenda. there's no such thing as "poc" alliance dumb fuck. chinese are the oldest continual civilization and will see you fucking the west and understand you can't continue to survive in their world as they won't allow another superpower.
Again that's not provable whatsoever. And there's no such thing as sympathy degrees. Sad excuses from a sad white men
>far more educated browns than whites
Really makes you think...
This just isn't true :(
t. gets led around by the nose by a hijabi in most of my orgo labs
Sandniggers are disgusting.
Will be happy to kill you. I've been rallying people to get in the mood to want to kill you faggots for a while now and it's been working. Militias and merc groups are ready I'm just hoping for something to happen to make shit hit the fan because then you're toast.
You should get out if you want to have a future.
Don't underestimate the hate we have for you. You are satan in my eyes.
It's funny because we have higher rates of women education then you inbred White's over here lmao same with child molestation. You can't even send your child to a church how sad white culture is garbage
>sandnigger countries are being taken over by Jews..how does that make you feel?
it really does
Look it up. And this is the average. So if you look at the numbers we should on you guys when it comes to education. White people really are dumb I mean you guys have f****** community colleges and you still can't finish school
Look it up. And this is the average. So if you look at the numbers we should on you guys when it comes to education. White people really are dumb I mean you guys have f****** community colleges and you still can't finish school
Check my pew research posted above. This is not really debatable it's a fact
Your statistics are bullshit.
Here are the real ones.
Median income & education level by household (and per capita) by country of origin (US Census)
Most Muslim groups (except for Iranians) are underachievers, even though the US gets the cream of the crop of Muslim immigrants compared to Europe
The Palestinians need to grow a pair of balls I don't know what to tell you
redpill the retarded people who think islam have anything moral to offer the west.
picture very related.
Should I start posting this?
Here are the figures summed up. And I will send you a PDF file of the full report for every single one of the Arab ethnicity from the US Census Bureau. This picture is a summary. if you'd like give me your email
>wants to live in western society because white people dominate the world and have progressed society
>own homeland is shithole filled with people who live like animals and fuck them as well
you aren't proving your worth idiot. if you weren't a subhuman you wouldn't be living in the west and instead posting about how great and powerful brown subhumans are from the comfort of your civilized brown nation. instead you're a parasite living in the west trying to hijack their nation since your own country is filled with subhumans and your race hasn't ever do anything worthwhile.
it doesn't matter how much you fuck shit up or brag cause you subhumans won't get your hands on the nuclear codes so you won't be able to fight back when it's time to be exterminated. america will fall into a civil war before any kind of shitskin like yourself is allowed to touch real power
The migrants Sup Forums hates so much are not like the people you're talking about. I live in a diverse city, and am around a lot of the people you're describing.
Here's the thing you don't understand when bragging about these stats:
These people coming from those countries come to America to get away from their own shit holes. They're prepared to work and appreciative of the opportunity.
So what you're saying is, let me compare the best and smartest of my people, who not only have the financial ability to immigrate, but also the will and drive to do it, and compare them to the average of the entire nation that I'm going to be a welcome guest in.
And now you're shitting on your host nation, that you or your parents begged to come to.
?? You do realize most of the Muslims and Hindus that can afford to leave your shithole countries and come here are the top of the litter. That is, look at the average IQ of Muslim countries and compare vs European or even white American and you will be exposed as the shit you are.
Western morality is based off of Islamic philosophy in the Golden Age. We set the foundation for your morality so please sit down. I love Liberty but other than that Western morality is garbage
we moved to europe and then america to get away from the destruction you browns are creating. Now you're coming over here. You'll take over and destroy everything like you always do. Once the whites are gone you won't have a utopia to run to.
WE WUZ tier
aaaaand I'm done with this thread. OP is a pathetic retard.
see and then choke on a pig dick
>what are greek and roman philosophers
dumb subhuman. islam hasn't offered anything new to the world at all. our values quite literally come from christianity and christianity is based on roman and greek philosophy subhuman. in casse you didn't notice christianity also came before islam shitskin
you muzzie goat fuckers are uneducated barbarians. And i hope that when the Crusades begin we meet because i would gladly cave your subhuman head in with a rock
Obviously we feel bad, why are you being belligerent and malicious about the harm people are suffering? You should've failed the captcha, you are a robot.
I only disagree with two points that you made. Every single immigrant that I know, and I live in an immigrant Community came here with absolutely nothing. My family came with $3,000 and that's all we had.
Second thing I disagree with is that I'm sitting on my host country. I love this country and I'm proud as hell to call myself an American. And Arab Muslim American.
But I am shitting on most of the in breeders who think this country is so great because of them and other people are making it bad. And to be honest most of this country is a s*******. Outside of the very big diverse cities, LA, NYC and close areas, Chicago, Seattle etc they are doing horrible. They can blame it on globalization all they want. But really I think most Americans are crappy situations because they put themselves. I feel like something is being taken away from them only to cope with their failures in life.
But other than that I think I agree with almost everything else you said
>has 83 IQ
>gets affirmative action for being brown
>"learns" communist propaganda and calls it e ducation
>Gets make-work public sector "job" paid for by fiat money or tax payers because of being brown
We're more educated and making more money goyim
Never mind the fact that you're a bunch of actually inbred incompetents who could never build or maintain the civilization you're parasitizing off of. You're literal human garbage who would still be herding goats in your own countries if you didn't sit on oil-rich lands.
Who do you think brought Aristotle back to life? Go read some history you dumb f***
I don't need to prove it, I know it.
Made this for you
Yes you moron. Their books were translated into Arabic and then they were passed on over to the Europeans which revived philosophy in Europe which was dead. This is not f****** controversial everybody knows this. And if you don't think that didn't have any influence I recommend you read Adam Peterson's book on this issue
I posted the stats and sources throughout the thread read it
There are when the cucked instructors are giving students passing grades because they don't want to be called racist for failing a dumbass shitskin.
Do you think you know more about the white American than a white American?
That's why you idiots are about to overstay your welcome, redpill the normies for us, and then proceed to get your shit pushed in.