For those Sup Forums who do not know, the great gaming Youtuber Jontron was recently dropped from the voice cast of Yooka-Lalee for holding the belief that it is hypocritical for people who advocate racial equality to hate white males. this youtuber spoke the truth and the internet cucklords have demonized him. I know you magnificent bastards are not vidya, but we must spread the message to any gamer, or any one at all who might put money towards the anti-white agenda of the General media and the game industry to stop dammit, because it is not "alright" to hate whites. lets fight this bull**** together.
Boycott Yooka Lalee
Well I don't have money anyways so I'm about one step ahead.
The fuck is that and why should I fucking care?
Not your personal army
>playing video games
>caring about gay shit like "yooka laylee"
grow up u fucking moron
It's a platformer put together by the old rareware team in the vain of banjo kazooie. They dropped jonnyboy because they didn't want bad press. Smart business move. Can't blame 'em. They're cutting an anchor loose.
Yooka laylee looks like a decent platformer, but it's a bit too childish and doesn't have that Grant Kirkhope OST that made BK so great.
Hes a huge banjo fan no? Thats lame on their part
Opinion discarded
You need to stfu. They made the right move, why would you have a kid's game being associated with this faggot. Take your youtuber shilling elsewhere
>implying I was going to buy it
>bitching about grammar
>Shilling for JewTron because he got BTFO by an SJW
Yeah, go fuck yourself. Bahahaha.
>oh my my favorite youtubers voice isnt going to be in this childrens game!!!!!
>COME ON GUYS Sup ForumsOYCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!! WE CAN BANKRUPT THEM!!!!!!!!!!
He's a upside down Ausfag, forgive him.
I doubt anyone here was even going to buy it in the first place
This. I genuinely have never heard about this.
>it's a platformer
>still using 'gay'
What a prime aryan specimen, so proud he is the figurehead of the alt right
>Buying vidya games in 2017
Why do people not know how to pirate?
does it count as boycotting if this is the first and only time I will hear of this game
I can see the headline now:
White Nationalists Gather To Protest The Voice Acting Of Children's Video Game.
y'all are fucking jokes
he fights the cancer of the world: Muslim Immigrants
"If a Nation cannot decide who to let in, it is not a nation at all"-John Jafari, twitter
>childrens game
At this point, these kinds of games are made for an audience full of manchildren.
>gaming Youtuber
Pick one.
((((They)))) are making an example out of him since they failed big time against Pewdiepie.
Umm, no sweetie, they've only had 2,000 refunds on it and there is no way you will have an impact on sales of it.
>this youtuber spoke the truth and the internet cucklords have demonized him.
It's a wave of character assasinations in vydia of those who speaks against "liberal" "values". Fiirst it was Piwdiepie, now, JohnT. Who's next?
Friendly reminder. In the last 24 hours:
Yooka-Laylee has had 4000 copies refunded through steam. At a purchase price of 40 dollars that means they have lost 160,000 dollars.
Jontron has gained 6,000 subs
I don't because I'm legit stupid
I have no idea how to "mount" files or any shit like that
Earlier today I tried to form a Sup Forums calvary to not to my surprise, Sup Forums is as incompetent as ever.
I said they made the right move though.
I hate games, but Jim did a great video on the subject.
I was never buying it anyways. But thanks for the heads up.
Though I'm wondering if Sup Forums is going full on contrarian mode right now and are saying they'll be buying the game because they're tired of the ebil alt-right polacks invading their vidya safespaces.
he should have known better. time to learn the hard way I guess.
He says he is but when he played it for a charity stream he was awful and barely got anything done.
Why can't they just make a new fucking Banjo
You must be genuinely retarded because I figured it out when I was 12. Literally just go to jewtube and find a video on how to do it.
Because they had a new Banjo-Kazooie when the 360 came out and Microsoft made them turn it into Nuts and Bolts.
Well truly this is the end of JonTron as we know it, right?
Id like to forget that shit ever even existed
Who lets feelings decide what they purchase?
N&B is one of the best games of the last gen. not even memeing. it upsets me how much hate it got.
nostalgiafags should be put to death.
Never forget the crimes of M$.
>Children's game
>has a character that's literally a fucking penis euphemism
lol no
It's for nostalgia faggots.
You think this battle is about race because you are degenerate scum. It's a battle of ideologies. A battle of minds.
You are projecting your disdain for an ideology on an entire race. You know that some white men are cucks. Are you a white man? But you don't consider yourself a cuck, correct? The same concept applies for people on the left who are of different colors. Not all of them are trying to "destroy the white race" as you speak.
You aren't furthering the cause, you're just adding fuel to the fire in the form of hate. Hate is degenerate. You are a degenerate.
The game looks like another Mighty No. 9 anyways
The whole point was to revive a series and sell to people for the nostalgia. It's like when people went to go see Episode 7 of Star Wars. Everybody went to see it because they loved the old Star Wars. But what they got was a big fat sack of shit
>Children's game
>has a character that's literally a fucking penis euphemism
>i-it's for adults I swear!!!
soooo mature dude
fuckin idiot hahaha
>man gets smeared and attacked for daring to tell the truth
They have already said they won't refund backers who are pulling out. Basically they took the money and ran. Jontron is no longer the focus now that the developers have decided to escalate the situation.
Make a petition
>Smart business move.
No it isn't. Nobody was ever going to boycott the game because this guy was in it prior to saying anything even remotely controversial, at least not in non-trivial numbers.
Plenty of people will now that they've removed him.
If they just kept their mouths shut about it and carried on, almost nobody would have noticed. There just happens to be at least on SJW fucktard on the team with enough rank to shoot them in the foot.
They fucked up.
jon revealed his power level in the most retarded way possible. if i were the CEO i would do the same thing. you have to look at the cost benefit of a situation like this as a company selling a product. the primary audeince of this game are numales and man children which are majority left leaning.
Things are getting interesting.
I have autism please be nice to me ;)
Boycott my dick faggot.
I would agree except now they are fucking with their own customers.
Hmm, i say zelda OOT is one of my fav games even tho i cant remember 80% of it, just remember it being awesome. Maybe it was like that for him.. Why fake being a banjo fan
Maybe. Its not difficult to change platform to pornhub or something if youtube fucks them over. And the yt kikes would lose money if everyone watch PEWDIEPIE on pornhub instead
What has he said that is so offensive?
u r rite m8. fk gram4er
sjw did not like his opinion so they are doing what sjw always do
he wants his kids to have the same skin color that of which is his gf and his combined
He said on a live stream that blacks were genetically predisposed to commit more crime than whites. For anyone that doesn't spend hours on end on Sup Forums you can imagine how that was taken by the rest of the nation.
Jon Aryan "master race" Jafari is our nigga. I have his back.
uhmmm sorry sweetie, but playtonic has every right to remove whomever they want from their game, especially if they are a white supremacist. deal with it hun.
The 4 people not buying the game is literally going to hurt sales
Oh nooooooooooooooo
Post it faggot. Whats jims channel now anyways? Havent watched anything from him since the berenstain bears mendola effect bs he did.
They love their Job lynch mobs I know. That is always how they operate.
>He said on a live stream that blacks were genetically predisposed to commit more crime than whites.
Oh God. I was expecting a far smaller redpill. What the fuck was he thinking.
bump. Playtonic jewed the fuck out of jontron and they need to feel it
Jim's latest vid on it
But he wasn't getting paid anyways and still wants the game to succeed.
They took his time that he will never get back.
He volunteered.
Wrong. Just formality, makes him look good. A simple tweet to show he's got the high ground only serves to empower his fans to be more pissed off at what these faggots did to him.
Wrong. Again. Faggot, go shill somewhere else
Gamers who believed in freedom, invented equality.
Your words are spoken through the voice of freedom & country.
>what these faggots did to him
Remove like 5 lines of grumble-bumble-beep-boop from a game?
I'm pretty sure he's still going to play the game. Even if he is feeling resentful, collectathons are his jam and if this game reinvigorates the niche that's good for him.
He pledged, but not to VA. Then Playtonic asked him if he wanted to VA via tweet and he was like "yeah". So he recorded shit.
Please direct me to evidence otherwise if I'm wrong.
Please direct me to evidence that you aren't completely full of shit. Look at where you are faggot. I'm not talking your cuck word over my own intuition and knowledge
Thought he killed the mm channel. Thanks though.
no just the opposite dude. He's been cranking out videos at a solid pace now 1-2 every couple weeks. I guess he started a patreon to do yt fulltime
>Massive amount of chargebacks
>Massive amount of refunds through steam
>4 people
Crawl back to tumblr faggot
>>>Massive amount of chargebacks
>>Massive amount of refunds through steam
He self admitted he's going to 'whore' himself out on Patreon and keep the channel around a bit longer. Frankly, I'm content with his decision since Jim isn't fucking retarded like most content creators and I enjoy his vids.
They asked, and he was like "yeah sure". It's a celebrity cameo.
-The kickstarter was already successful at this point.
-Jon was not advertised in the kickstarter, contrary to what people are saying
boycott literally what? that thing i dont care about at all? COUNT ME IN IM HELPING
> bull****
LOL IN 2015 YOU FUCKING FAGGOT. Holy shit you are actually autistic.
mister metokur
ZO03PlDs is damage control cuck.
The OST is composed by Grant Kirkhope and David Wise
>playing anything but japanese games
Yeah, I also remember being 12
I always enjoyed IA and his early mm content. Hes funny and entertaining unlike sargon. I kind of dropped out of the youtube shit lately and Sup Forums though. Been living on /out/ with all the gear fags.
It's the principle. They need to get fucked and learn that SJW shit doesn't fly anymore.
good night anti-white.
Watch these two when you have time. Believe me its worth your time listening to if you liked his old streams.
You realize that he made you look like a fool? Typing in caps and calling him autistic makes you look like a 12 year old
Alright mud, explain to me why he made me look like a fool.
Holy fuck that deviants 6 video has me crying.