Daily Saturn Reminder

Daily reminder that every major religion worships the "planet" Saturn. Even Saturday is named after it.

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Prove it.


Is it true that all the planets are gods?

okay I'll prove it - go type it in to google you lazy burgerbro

Why doesn't anyway want to open their minds up any more? The fuck is wrong with everyone

>spoon feed me
>hold my hand
>prove it... okay that's not the proof I wanted...

fuck sake



Only thing that pops up is Roman mythology. Show me every major religion's worship of Saturn.


k-k-keep me posted.

Today I saw a commercial on TV (Fox News) for Green Mountain Coffee, and I shit you not, somewhere along in the commercial they said "Pepe" and the 2nd to next scene shows a cup of coffee with that exact expression bubbling up in it.

I'm trying to find the commercial on Youtube, but no luck so far.

Has any other anons seen this?

nvm, i found it


go to about 8 seconds in

Saturn is the planet that represents the Demiurge.

He is called El and is symbolized by the black cube.


Thursday was named after Thor. Move on, faggot

>build arch so that the sun passes through
>sun turn into solar eclipse

>name planet after a god
>suggest that people worship the planet and not the god

I swear to fuck this is all better be trolling.




Seems like you've been consumed so to speak by the adversary instead of fighting onwards by doing more research on the topic.


>fag in the id

Hmm...... faggot rated R learn to play?

What did the OP mean by this?

oh boy here we go with this x tier shit again

Joking asides OP is what can be called a slacktivist (no offense) or just naive/new to the conspiracy, so anyways there's much more to the story than just the planet Saturn, and even if it was our prime luminary doesn't change the fact there's much more to the story like I said.

Daily reminder that Saturday is also the jewish holy day

P-put me in the screencap bro

which day does Sunday worship?

Sol Invictus


nah i got u senpai

Does anyone have any dank Saturn memes?

Is there a Planet that opposes the Saturnian order?


What am I looking at

Not a planet that opposes it so much as a cosmic network of frog posting.

Jews wordship Saturn

Christ is the son of God, as we all are.

Saturn is an evil god. The planets are gods basically.

Saturday was originally called Wash Day in old England.

It is the only day of the week (in English) that is now corrupted my Latin.

Sun Day
Moon Day
Tiv's Day
w'Odin's Day
Thor's Day
Freya's Day
Wash Day

How am I to interpret when a frog (or toad?) crosses my path?

I'm always careful to give them a wide birth and leave them undisturbed. I have helped some of them out of the road and when I'm in a Casino I will invoke the language of Kek to summon and celebrate good fortune. They might be humoring me but even the older folks seem open to the notion of Kek.

I just wish they knew the joy one gets from praising him, you know?

Litteralllly every day of the week is named after a planet, dumbo. Look it up.


> "Pepe and blanca got together. Things happen"
> Blanca = white

White race confirmed as Pepe's bitch.

Praise KEK

Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter are.

Also the sun and the moon? 7 Archons.

It's all Egyptian. All of it.

and neptune, uranus, pluto....


I don't get it