>Trump fails
>muh 4d chess... when he loses he wins!
I wonder who taught him this "strategy"
>Trump fails
>muh 4d chess... when he loses he wins!
I wonder who taught him this "strategy"
Other urls found in this thread:
all a part of the plan...
are you talking about Paul Ryan's shit bill?
The mentee becomes the mentor
I'm talking about how Trumpkins are saying this is a win.
Delet this
That a shit bill didn't go through..? I'm confused.
We won
This thread is shit. Sliding real news such as pic related.businessinsider.com
Trump was right again! Obama was spying on him! Brits were spying on him! BTFO shills. You've been sliding this all day.
By not going through and trump publicly embarrassing himself Sup Forums thinks is a victory
Wait, because Paul Ryan's bill didn't go through, this somehow is trump's failure?
It was a victory for everyone, the bill was shit. I guess you're complaining about either side spinning it into something more than it was.
ew she stinky
the camel toe is starting
he got everything he wanted
> Paul Ryan BTFO
> Bad Plan didn't pass
> Better healthcare solution down the road
You've been wrong so long you forgot what it feels like to be right
nunes back tracked on this lol absolutely pathetic
Paul ryan is a little bitch
>doesn't know what bipartisan politics is anymore
Brain damage.
Yes. He is the president and called it a great bill.
Why would he shill for a losing bill? Are you that cucked?
>straight up repealing obamacare without a good replacement is a stupid idea, and the idiot GOP has spent 8 years doing fuck-all to come up with one
>figuring out what to do will take time
>base wants immediate action though
>Cuck Ryan puts forward horrible bill that only corporatist republicans want
>Trump still hates Ryan on the down low for throwing him under the bus after the Access Hollywood tape
>...*but* Trump doesn't have any better plan yet
>endorse Ryan bill
>base grumbles
>bill crashes and burns
>Ryan looks like a total failure and might get thrown out as speaker
>Trump takes a small hit but gets to play the "well we tried" card
>buys time to come up with a better plan
>gains cred with the corporatist wing of the GOP which will make future projects go more smoothly
>left is now attacking Trump for normal governmental/legislative stuff instead of crazy russian conspiracy theories or muh racism
>"normalization" complete
I have basically zero problem with how any of this has played out.
>everyone's fault but mine
The buck stops never.
That's like saying holocaust deniers "say no jews where killed by the nazis".
I've never seen anyone claim the nazis killed no jews.
I've never seen anyone say this bill not passing is a trump win.
Its all in your imagination.
Yes because we all forgot all the retarded shit Trump has done prior.
Still waiting on the last ten years of tax returns. New march on April 15th. See you there!
>muh tax returns!!!
*wanking motion*
>*wanking motion*
what are you doing
Business 101: 90% of all your ventures will fail. 10% is the bar for success.
So far he's acting like the president you elected. He'll keep lobbing them up, not fuss around with drawn out horse-trading, and what gets through gets through.
End of the day he'll blame congress if most of his platform doesn't pass.
Fucking reddit.
Did you expect anything else from the Sup Forums shills? Trump signalled that he can't make deals for shit. The GOP core is only supporting Trump to spite the Dems. Now he has presented yet another failure and just gave Democrats more ammunition against Trump. Trump personally sought out the approval of the bill and yet he failed miserably.
he's now claiming that he never even said that. Drumpf is a liar and betrayed his supporters. Sup Forums just cant admit it.
Did Trudeau take the bogpill?
Look at that chin.
Why did you crop off the Occupy Democrats watermark?
It's never his fault.
He's the first president to NEVER shoulder any blame.
Ivanka got leafed