Muslims are bad peo..
Muslims are bad peo
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Is it from ISIS? That was our money to begin with
this is why islam will take over, they take care of the kaffir and this show of solidarity destroys the concept of taqiya
Will they raise more money for the ones killed in Germany, France, Sweden, America, etc?
First they kill you, then they pay to get away with murder.
I don't want your blood money.
wow 17 thousand fucking pounds that's a veritable king's fortune
If you don't support killing infidels then you're not a true Muslim desu. Islam calls for the death of infidels. You can't be Muslim if you don't believe what the Koran demands.
20k Pounds for four lives?
What, did each of them give a fiver from their government stipends?
يا حلوة! حنا نحبكم يا عيال البيض
Wow now the victims families can buy a used pickup truck to split between them. How kind of them.
والله انك تضحك يارجل!
If they weren't in the UK in the first place, ihis wouldn't have happened.
a whopping 500 pounds divided up equally between the victims, who the fuck gives a shit islam should be illegal and every islamist should be deported out of the west
Death counts up to 5 now I think.
Ohhhh....So that's their plan huh?
You don't get it OP. I think I know what's going on here. Firstly, there is no way muslims came up with 24k in like 2ish days. There must be a group of rich people that must be giving them this money. Normally (((they))) don't give out money...But they are doing this for a special occasion.
Here is the conspiracy
>have a white successful country allow muslims in country
>muslim commits a terrorist attack
>kills white people, infrastructure, whatever
>slows down white economy/lowers white population and muslim population at the same time
>whites start to contemplate on banning muslims
>muslims don't want this though because they want to keep killing whites
>that's where (((they))) come in
>(((they))) give muslims a ton of money to make it look like they are peaceful and say "look we care about your people" when really they don't
>whites accept and keep letting muslims in
Rinse and repeat.
(((they))) might be losing money, but it's for a good cause- to ruin the white race.
Meanwhile, in Burgerland
>working 7-12 at McJob
>give customer $6 in change
>look at the one
>it has "Death to Islam" written in sharpie on it
Such fake news. Pennies.
>terrorists aren't representative of islam
>but these nice ones are lol stop being a biggot
get this scribble shit off my board
Didn't Casey Neistat raise 2 million in 24 hours to help Yemen?
Seems like the Muslims are virtue signaling because they know their days are numbered.
Prove to me Muslims did this and not white liberals
They probably did raise it.
Gotta show them that this isn't what Islam is about, at least not publically.
>Muslims collect money from liberal white brits to fund the cleanup of their religious demonstration.
Nice source.
عطيهم... كفو
The value of westerners lives.
Sorry I don't know English.
Oh, it gets even worse if we count all the injured.
>not a true Muslim desu
Can somebody pleas explain to me why this has happened to so many of my posts? I never have typed desu in my entire life but I've had it appear in multiple posts after I hit the post button. Why is this?
lol it's a fucking gofundme page.
In other words, muslims start gofundme page and let white people donate £17,000
I knew Obama's inauguration was staged. Trump has way more MAGA
Small price to pay to manipulate dumb virtue signalling liberals to continue their path to destruction. Small price to pay for Europe.
Fucking children, get off the fucking internet!
Too bad money can't bring back dead people or cure permanently debilitating injuries caused by getting plowed with an automotive vehicle. It would've been nice if these people simply weren't killed by third world savages in the first place. Wouldn't need to raise all that money to begin with.
We destroyed Iraq an Libya for no reason. Why do Muslims hate us so much?
when you try and shorten "to be honest" to the acronym version it becomes "desu".
When you try and say the short version of famalam it becomes "senpai".
It's a way to keep down the brit from being able to say "tbhfam" (with a space). It's oppressive.
You should shoop in a Star of David on the drone.
17,000 pounds, pretty sure some Muslims get about that much in welfare every year.
>607,083 Muslims reported in the 2001 census in the Greater London area (more now but lets go on what we know)
>they only raised $17k
>divided amongst them that equates to $0.028 per muslim
even jews aren't this stingy
Less than the cost of a funeral then. The cop might be allowed a state one which would raise the price as well. Dig a lot deeper.
lel eat shit
They goyim know too much! Shut it down!
Fucking dad, get off the fucking internet!
Fucking dad, get off the fucking internet!
Fucking dad, get off the fucking internet!
Fucking dad, get off the fucking internet!
Fucking dad, get off the fucking internet!
Fucking dad, get off the fucking internet!
Fucking dad, get off the fucking internet!
Fucking dad, get off the fucking internet!
Fucking dad, get off the fucking internet!
Fucking dad, get off the fucking internet!
Fucking dad, get off the fucking internet!
Fucking dad, get off the fucking internet!
Fucking dad, get off the fucking internet!
Fucking dad, get off the fucking internet!
You know what's funny? That this is a news article. The shear thought process behind someone going 'this sounds like a good article to make' is astounding.
>Muslim attacker
>Wow this makes Muslims look bad! Quickly, find any good stories on Muslims you can related to this situation. No, not Chrisitans, we don't care for those. I'm looking for Musl-Great that will do!
>This just in, Muslims raise money for the situation! S-see, take that you racists!
And don't get me wrong, that's great they are raising money. Anyone helping out the situation is great, but the journalists (if they have the balls to call themselves that) who made this article specifically for Muslim donators should hold their head in shame.
My mistake they might just have enough for four people but the car driver will just have to be dumped somewhere else.
>International coverage
>Anyone can donate
>Make less than other meme crowdfund
لا لا لا! ما أسمحلك تتكل كذا.. استحي شوي
Yeah its call people are hip to their shit and are trying to save face. I don't care if some Muslims are good. Send them all back. None of this shit happened until they got here.
So they do take responsibility?
That's fucking amazing.
Is there a Donor List?
>pretending this is real
>pretending the media can't write whatever the fuck they feel like as a broadcast
Breaking news, muslims have all stopped being ISIS. In fact, it turns out all terrorist killings ever were really perpetrated by Trump single handedly, because in the east they call him "Orange Death". Muslims have raised 500 triliion kikadillion dollars to help needy african babies.
not that I can see, unfortunately. That'd be amazing.
So the UK pays them to live there, they kick back a couple bucks to help bury Brits.
What a deal!
nah, they each gave a nickel
why is it always 17k? anyone else notice this? they raised 17k for the jewish satanic ritual buildings that had their dead kike name rocks toppled too. and something else. THE FUCK IS IT WITH 17,000????
عشان ال NWO معروف
They literally came to Europe and then set up no go zones in someone else's country. Fuck Islam
"London is the greatest city in the world, and we stand together in the face of those who seek to harm us and our way of life. We always have and we always will. Londoners will never be cowed by terrorism. There will be additional armed and unarmed police officers on our streets from tonight in order to keep Londoners, and all those visiting our city, safe"
- Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London
>1.3 billion people donate the cost of a used Honda Civic to victims of an attack
really activates my almonds
>Untold billions in oil money
>Raise just 17k for kuffars who they killed in the city they park all that oil money
Really makes you think. Wouldn't even buy a set of rims on one Arab Bently that plague London:
you know how the jews used the news outlets to communicate their lie about the 6 million before the war was even over? they are planning something where 17k will die. they're going to kick of ww3
Muddassar Ahmed
>Muddassar leads Unitas Communications, where he’s lead on projects for the United Nations, the Arab League, US State Department and the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation (OIC), amongst others. He also founded, and is the currently the President of, the Concordia Forum, an annual retreat for Senior Western Muslim leaders.
>In addition, he’s President of the John Adams Society, the UK’s official US State Dept. IVLP Association and he’s a Director/Patron of the European Network of American Alumni, Duke University’s Centre for Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies and the Faith’s Forum for London. He’s also a Fellow at the Royal Society of Arts, a Member of the US Atlantic Council and a NATO YA Fellow.
He is educated at duke! What they hell is he doing studying a school for white people.
He took valuable space from a white student!!!
lel the Muslims dont give a fuck about those dead people, they are just buying life insurance.
Lets hope they have stab proof vests. No one has yet explained how that police man was killed. A knife attack where, in the neck. In the heart, leg. No details at all about the actual injuries.
Having lived most of my life in London I can say Londoner people are massive cowards. They talk big but when challenged run and run fast.
Case in point a person threatened me with a knife and told me as their were no cameras it would be safe for him to attack me. My answer. Yes, that means I can kick the shit out of you also. The person backed down. That is your standard person in London.
Admission of guilt, essentially trying to pay off the public.
>5 people are dead
>17k for 5 people
I care
fuck me, it gets worse over here
english guy is being investigated by the police for racist crimes for refusing to sell his own car to shitskins
"its racial descrimination"
Just compare the difference.
wow $17k..... literally nothing
it could buy 170 slimes non-return flight tickets from london to germany
how much money did you donate to the victims of this attack faggot
This will probably balloon way past 17K, but still.
This is so obviously a ploy to propagate #NotAllMoslems. The main focus of the page is by how this is the doing of Moslems, not the victims.
Read this, and tell me this isn't narcissistic.
Your math game is strong. Good job!
>no muslims
>no funds have to be raised
saudis are so #progressive
>"See, we're good people, we're helping the victims!... never mind the fact that if it wasn't for our piece of shit religion these people would still be alive!"
There is no such thing as a good Muslim. That's like saying there were good Nazis (yeah I know this is Sup Forums so you'll say all Nazis were good, but you get where I'm going with this) the overwhelming majority of Nazis never killed a single Jew, much like how the majority of muslims have never committed terror. But they all follow the same leader, every one complicit in the atrocities carried out.
Like the background wording.
Armament Organisation of what.
I really wish they would stop calling Ahmadiyyas muslims.
>There is no such thing as a good Muslim
What about a dead one?
Those cars look disgusting just like the goatfucker driving them.
Well ok, the dead ones are good. At least they can't kill anyone else
Yes they also raised millions of dollars for constructions of mosques in Germany, it all for the Arab empire
>Muslims paying for killing people
They're still pieces of shit who deserve nothing but death.
in all likelyhood it says "disarmament"
Over 1 million muslims in London, and this is all they could raise? Cmon!