What does Sup Forums think of Anonymous?
What does Sup Forums think of Anonymous?
We don't, we think about men in dresses
They don't like Trump.
I don't like them.
You mean us or Fake Anonymous? If the latter then fuck those larping masked faggots. Chanology was a mistake.
What do you think about yourself?
Summer is getting long.
Faggots who never grew up from making pizza calls.
Meanwhile we moved on to bombing terrorists.
Anonymous is gone duder. It disbanded around 2007/2008 when the people doing actual work stopped talking to each other and coordinating with shitposters.
If myself and 4-5 other faggots online grabbed some social media handle and called ourselves "Anonymous" and said we're vehemently against the Dairy Industry you'd actually think Anonymous was against the Dairy Industry.
Yeah we've seen you already faggot.
What are you even doing in this shithole?
I have no use for dumbasses who hide behind Guy Fawkes masks and think that they are somehow relevant to anything.
I like when they wear ones that really hug the body.
Irrelevant since "they" started becoming Facebook/Twitter normies
They're full SJW now and don't represent our interests anymore
Aussie on vaca cunt
it's not any time near christmas so why are you there?
Remnants of the previous cycle of Sup Forums contrarianism.
They refuse to take the redpill, so they are irrelevant.
Anonymous died in 2011. The ones that actually did shit are either serving fed time or snitched.
Everyone pretending to be Anonymous now is LARPing.
Did they disband because of political disagreements?
Dads going for marine biologist stuff and i needed a break from work
The Anonymous who hacked PayPal and govt sites is gone. They either got into prison or joined the Feds.
Anyone after Chanology who posts as Anonymous with the cringy Guy Fawkes mask is a humongous faggot.
we wuz legion an shiet
well it says Anonymous above your post and you're clearly a massive faggot so...they're faggots
(You) deserve it.
No, they "disbanded" because sabu a shit that sold people out to the FBI.
Truth is, we never went away, we've been here the whole time.
Too rare
So what if you are a kangaroo?
Rare is rare. You are part of the collection now. Deal with it
The other "refugees" need to use the computer, Ahmed.
Oi I'm saving this flag.
>The ones that actually did shit are either serving fed time or snitched.
only the irc attention whores went down
Are you shit posting from our immigrant detention prison
You missed my joke it was
4 you's
They started out well, they became a joke and an irrelavante with time. Most just want to attack those who mock them instead of doing something really useful.