We are all the woman in the hijab

We are all the woman in the hijab.



there's two kinds of people in this world, the dead dude and the woman in the hijab

I guess I won't have to lop off my dick after all!

I'm the woman in the hijab!

Even you, user.

Was the left this brainwashed 10 years ago? Now it's LGBTQC++ and Jihad. What has happened?


based mel



Written by a bluehaired loony


I can't believe this masturbatory crap counts as news in the world today.

The guardian ran stories on this bitch beside stories about the killings as if they are somehow equivalent.

Je suis /womaninthehijab/

"Journalists" are essentially glorified bloggers these days.

Fuck Islam.

the lady in the hijab has a beenis :DDD

The Australian Left truely have the worst responses to Islamic murder. News.com.au has no profile piece on any of the victims of the terror attack, they literally picked a random hijabi at the scene and elevate her frontpage as the true victim of the jihad attack.

Same people literally made up the #Illridewithyou campaign to present Muslims as the real victims during the Martin Place siege, while the hostages of an Islamic gunman, who he'd go on to kill, were still alive. They plastered that shit all over the Martin Place flower memorial to people actually killed by a Muslim terrorist. Leftists are not people.

>What has happened?
Obama happened.
>Bush era dems define themselves as the anti war party
>Obummer wins because he promises get out of wars in the middle east
>wins peace prize then gets right to bombing
>gotta distract the liberals and make them forget their anti war
>convince them 'the real violence is bigotry'
>get them on board with identity politics
>8 years later this faggotry

Sage along

I am NOT a hijab and I am NOT a lady. I am a MAN but thating me to I am that the same as the same that that the


>get black president
>race relations shoot down to the lowest point since the civil rights movement

>the HP shoop


>hijab fell off
lmao enjoy your time in hell

im definitely the dead dude


>quantifying race relations
Source pls?


(A) "hijab" is a stupid fucking sounding word.
(2) We are all muslin apologists
(III) Written by a bluehaired loony.
(finally) moar dead muslins .

not sure what their point is

You don't need to quantify it. You honestly think race relations are the same after the BLM protests, which Obama directly fueled?

It's true, nobody gives a shit.

The whole "if I had a son" thing was emotionally manipulative bullshit.

They were told they were right for the longest time and because things were orchestrated to make it seem that way, they can't handle the floor dropping out from underneath them.

This alone has already somewhat given them a form of PTSD, but being proven wrong over and over while everything you have been taught through gov mandated education says that everyone that is right is wrong.

The only thing missing from their trauma abuse blueprint on the youth and young adults is the rape. Electrical shock therapy? Not as severe in shock, but they have been getting a constant regiment of social hivemind reward pleasure center stimulus training from the gov mandated education. The reward system in their head is completely fucked.



>people are killed
>how can we spin this so it focuses on this random muslim survivor?
Fuck the media


I was not even mad because it would have been a waste.. but that shitpost.. ffs


>we are all muslim

I'm the woman in the hijab!


I'm in the woman in the hijab!

You aren't suppose to say that unless you aren't.


I'm the lady in the hijab AMA

It was wasted though.


What if that is a man or a ze in hajib, why are you assuming it's identity?

>Another Australian Fag
