Explain Yourself, Sup Forums

>Sup Forums hates black people

>opposes abortion and birth control which was designed to limit black population and birth rate

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bump, genuinely curious

You can't bump your own thread at Sup Forums.
Unfortunately this reply is a sage.
Also Sup Forums is not one person. Many non-whites post here, many.
Everybody hates niggers, EVERY SINGLE RACE HATES NIGGERS.

Being black doesn't necessarily make one a nigger

>Being black doesn't necessarily make one a nigger

The only difference between a black man and a nigger is whether they’re chimping out at that particular moment.

>people who browse Sup Forums hates all black people
No, just the ones who clown around, commit vast amounts of crime, murder etc. Which unfortunately in the case of blacks are the majority of them. The bright examples of a black person who's got themselves sorted out without pretending blacks are victims nobody has a problem with.
>opposes abortion and birth control which was designed to limit black population and birth rate

You have a point, bith control and abortion is only really highly necessary for non white populations since that's the main cause of starvation/poverty.. a pajeet in india having 10 kids when they have shitty infrastructure to begin with, or someone in africa doing similar thing, heck even blacks do it aswell in the US. youtube.com/watch?v=3anuIAgJmys

When you watch this video here: youtube.com/watch?v=LPjzfGChGlE you will quickly start to realize that the main driver of why these nations are empoverished is bad infrastructure coupled with extreme amounts of kids, demand doesn't match the output.
>But that kind of sexual degeneracy becoming mainline culture because non whites don't understand how to live in equilibrium with their environments and their nations also negatively effects whites who generally don't have that high birthrates because they know that high standard of living = fewer people. And to gradually scale infrastructure etc.
But you can't say "birth control and abortion only for non whites" In the same nation. People would lose their minds. Rather it's more important to tackle that reckless degenerate culture of irresponsibility that comes with late term abortions and not wearing protection or EVEN THINKING ABOUT WHOM YOU SLEEP WITH BEFORE YOU DO IT. And all these things.
You can argue that for many non white nations it should be very much a thing even quotas at this point for their own good.


In essence TL;DR this degenerate way of contraception is hurting white populations far more than non white populations, Because whites per default are very close to equlibrium with their surrounding environment, whereas non whites have way too many kids and just pretend like it's somebody elses problem that their nations don't work and that they can't feed themselves and become poor etc.

It's really not that difficult to understand user. Also this culture of lack of responsibility also leads to breaking up of family units and trivializing life and children. Which is not healthy either.

Assuming you have read the aforementioned, let me give you a concrete example. My country denmark has a population of about 7-8 million people. Vast quantities of our soil is farmland and we are capable through smart thinking and hard work and making smart decisions capable of feeding 3x our own population with our own soil. It is therefore also not a suprise why such nations have a higher living standard per capita than say india or africa or other places.

Contrast that with africa where they for lack of a better phrase, don't do shit, and where a common example is someone in say zambia surviving on UN food aid whilst deciding to have 10 kids who then subsequently ofcourse have a high likelyhood of starving or becoming poor because supply does not meet demand.

You then begin to see that westerners or "white people" are pretty good at matching their birthrate with their ability to supply themselves. Aka living near or close to equilibrium with appropriate replacement levels. Introduce sexual degeneracy and things like using abortion for birth control instead of acting responsibly etc. then you risk it becoming too low, In contrast if you administer it to a non white population, you are more curbing the flood which is a good thing in that situation, but a bad thing to promote for white nations because they don't need it.

This is also why the whole talk about don't have children it's bad for the "earth" or whatever, is ridiculous when said by whites because they are just about the only ones who DON'T need to do that. And it's everyone else who needs to get their house in order. And start creating proper infrastructure whilst turning down their child "production" so to speak.

>Wow, it's another false dilemma fallacy thread
Epistemology police here. OP is a fagget, let me explain why.
Before the Supreme Court used Roe v. Wade to illegally expand the power of the federal government to make the availability of the procedure mandatory everywhere, the power to regulate abortion was where it belonged, in the hands of the states.
It belonged there because powers not enumerated in the constitution are reserved to the states by design, and since there is no mention of abortion in the constitution, that means regulation of it is in the domain of the states.
The practical effect of this was that states with higher shitskin content passed legislation that legalized abortion, while predominantly white states passed legislation that forbade it, resulting in a healthy stream of white reproduction, and keeping shitskin populations down.
I think that there were around 20 states where you could get an abortion prior to Roe v. Wade.
People get the abortion issue confused, they have been made to believe that it is monolithic, that one can only be either for or against.
The fact is, it is perfectly reasonable for the white man to desire the repeal of Roe v. Wade, because that would only restore the old status quo, that is, abortion would be legal in some states, and illegal in others.

>meet new guy
>says he's jamaican
>"jamaicans an american blacks are a bit different from each other."
>"bro I'm as American as a cheeseburger."
>"nah, we are different...

Every child deserves to live outside the womb for 5 minutes. Even Micro Niggers.

Well put.

Its just christcucks and mgtow faggots trying to get back at sluts. If it were up to me, we'd have mandatory abortions for all shitskins.

>opposes abortion and birth control which was designed to limit black population and birth rate

Sup Forums is pro choice for this reason only you dumb fuck

Edgy aussie oy oy oy in the house, anyways OP i think you've got your answer, if you indeed were "curious" and genuinely didn't understand why.

>killing shitskins is now considered edgy on nu-Sup Forums
I yearn for pre-election Sup Forums, desu cunts.

>killing shitskins is now considered edgy on nu-Sup Forums
It was always edgy you faggot, the fact is that mathematically if they had 1 or 2 kids instead of 10 whilst gradually improving their infrastructure their populations would stabilize over 50 years or so, getting 3rd world nations atleast reasonably close to 2nd world level.

You don't need to say "sterilize all of them" but for their own good in their own nations, it's something they need to do because it's a massive problem for them and we don't want them migrating here because they didn't do their due dilligence and overwhelming us and creating a similar situation here.. They have to grow where they are planted, and sort out their own situation.

It's a legitimate argument and saying "sterilize all shitskins" is edgy.. but good for banter. You could argue to sterilize them after they had 1 or 2 children though. And that would be a compelling and legitimate argument also.

I don't hate any child it's the parents and their irresponsible actions that is the issue, the child doesn't really have a choice with being born but it's the parents that are supposed to take care of them and knowing that they can do this before they decide to have a child. This whole kicking the can down the road shit and then blaming responsible people and asking them to somehow give them what they need now that they're there.. that shit has got to go.


>sort out your own nations, don't wreck them due to your lack of responsibility and lack of effort, and then pretend that you can be allowed to come here and destroy our way of doing things that work.
That's a bit the opposite of a cuck isn't it?

>It was always edgy you faggot, the fact is that mathematically if they had 1 or 2 kids instead of 10 whilst gradually improving their infrastructure their populations would stabilize over 50 years or so, getting 3rd world nations atleast reasonably close to 2nd world level.
How about you lurk more you Danish fucking cuck.
>muh welfare wrecked Africa
>muh democrats are the real racists

You're telling me you believe the real issue with this place is overpopulation and lack of infrastructure?

>I know it looks shady, but it's safe

It would stabilize much more than it is currently, it's a good start i didn't say it was the end all be all, but you have to start somewhere to get the ball rolling.. "So that they can see oh hmm we are now able to have slightly higher living standards now, we might be on to something here.."

>don't want all shitskins exterminated in their own nations
>fucking cuck lurk more danish faggot
wew lad, you're in a foul mood this beautiful day.

>muh welfare wrecked africa
No africans wrecked africa and continue to wreck it by doing the same stupid mistakes they have done all along.

>muh democrats are the real racists
yeah against white people by wanting mass migration to have these assclowns vote against white people in for example the US. Is precisely why they still keep harping about the popular vote bullshit because they were so sure they won in the US by all the illegals flooding in.. and getting them to vote.

>You're telling me you believe the real issue with this place is overpopulation and lack of infrastructure?
No.. but it's one of the major symptoms. That then compounds and worsens the issue for everyone.

>oh look we're starving and poor, and we don't have enough to get by.. let me have 10 more kids that i can't provide for myself, this will clearly lessen the situation..

thanks for the meme europeans

>"So that they can see oh hmm we are now able to have slightly higher living standards now, we might be on to something here.."
What is Rhodesia. Even right now, when faced with almost the exact same scenario that played out 30 years earlier, the South Africans are choosing to drive out their whites. What kind of people would propose such measures after witnessing the state of Zimbabwe? They are culturally and contextual sisters, yet they have decided to follow Mugabe's example and-well-regress to the mean.
>wew lad, you're in a foul mood this beautiful day.
A lot of plebbit around these days, sorry

The point is, their population explosion is a direct result of our interference. We should leave them to their own devices and they will culled again naturally. We shouldn't be astroturfing life on a continent that all life wallows in misery. Africa is hell and will continue to be until nature finally produces people who can develop high society.

>The point is, their population explosion is a direct result of our interference. We should leave them to their own devices and they will culled again naturally.

It's a bitter pill that us danes have had to swallow, us being one of the highest in the world per capita in charity to africa, and what do they do with it, not store something up so they have a buffer against worse times.. no they spend it immediately and just double their population and now you have more people starving and more people poor.. it's like throwing things down a hole that just keeps getting bigger because they're not trying to close it they are just widening the radius of it further everytime you give them something.. I'm in agreement with you on that.

We need to attach specific demands that they need to do in order to recieve this, one of which which has been always lacking is, have less kids or this is not happening, you can't say you want to try to increase the living standards for the people who are already there because they barely can feed themselves whilst allowing them to double themselves.. The tracks can't be laid far enough in front of the train and sooner or later if nothing is done the train is going to run out of railway.. and crash. We are in agreement with that. So don't try to start an argument with me when we agree on it.. I just don't believe they should all be exterminated.. call me "non edgy" or "nu-pol" all you want for believing that but that's the one thing i don't agree with you on.

>what is rhodesia, fucking niggers are pissing me off
I wasn't talking about only blacks when i said the things i said, but about non whites in general, it's not only blacks that have such issues but i must admit that their problems are quite severe compared to others.. But don't get your blinders too tight on your eyes race horse... The world is not just white people and those "fucking blacks that are pissing me off". Quite a few other people that also have similar problems in different or similar severity but due to similar things. But atleast with some of the others they might be more willing to make things better for them whereas blacks are.. very tiresome to deal with i agree..

>not store something up so they have a buffer against worse times.. no they spend it immediately
Right, time preference seems to be the key to civilization. Unfortunately, even American blacks fail time preference testing at alarming rates. The only thing that can save Africans is natural selection, or advanced gene manipulation and splicing. It's extremely common for them to have as many children as possible, whilst starving, just so there are more hands out in the street to collect scraps and beg. They don't value life, nor do I think they ever will. We see similar attitudes in any nation on Earth where there is a conglomeration of them. Even with vastly different domineering cultures, you can run a thread through the all the black communities in the West. Life just seems to be cheap to these people.
>But atleast with some of the others they might be more willing
Agreed, blacks are just the easiest because they are the most pronounced. It's always easier to discuss the extremes than the moderates. Tackle the overwhelming odds first, then everything else you do will be simple.