Why Marine Le Pen ?

Why her?
She's a socialist.
Yeah sure she's against immigration but don't you understand.
She's a socialist.
She will create commie economics and will destroy France.
I don't know if we will be able to recover from this.

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France is more neoliberal than it's been in decades, social democrat policies benefit the working class and support economic growth.

All 5 candidates are retarded leftists, economically.

Marine Le Pen is the only of the 5 retarded leftists saying "We shouldn't let a trade organization force us to accept an additional 180,000 foreigners exclusively from the middle east and Africa per year."

Plus it's fucking hilarious to see the debates where 4 rich old "progressive" white men tell a woman that a forced religious dress code isn't sexist.

Fillon isn't leftist

Here's how I view it
>Socialism: economy crashes with no survivors, Europe sucks for 100 years and mudslimes go back. Europe rebuilds as always.
>Bring in mudslimes: Europe crashes with no survivors and is completely destroyed. Never recovers.
That's why socialism is better than bringing in mudslimes in my opinion.

Fillon wants 180,000 additional foreigners imported into France every year because a trade organization tells him to, and they have to exclusively be from the middle east and Africa.

Fillon is a Leftist.

demographics matter more than economics in the long term, france

take it from us. look at the difference in our culture in just a few short decades. sure our GDP is high, but this nation is a husk

France needs to learn from the sad example of Lebanon:
> the Christian elite was ruling over the Muslim scum
> the economy was doing well, "Switzerland of the middle east"
> stability guaranteed by the rules and laws of the system

And then it happened:

The birth bomb

>The Muslims with their 8 kids per breeder took over the country's demographics
> Christian elite is completely suppressed by sheer number of scarfheads
> country goes down the shitter
> civil war

Today it's a ruin living on foreign power's manipulations.

Why did you take a photo of the Slavic Russ?

This is false. Fillon want to limit the number to how much the infrastructure is able to take. Write it in the constitution.

''Inscrire dans la Constitution le principe de quotas fixés par la loi, plafonnant le nombre de titres de séjour pouvant être délivrés chaque année au titre de l’immigration professionnelle et familiale, en fonction des capacités d’accueil de la France et des capacités d’intégration des demandeurs. ''


Something that is filled to the brim with shit shouldn't be extolled as having not overflown.

Won't her policies only attract more muds?

But that only applies to a quota of titre de sejours, so it can easily be ignored in the case of Muh refugees.

If he asked for a limit of refugees entering the country, he would break international agreements and he knows it.

So its just smoke and mirrors to pretend he does something against it while doing nothing.

De la poudre aux yeux mon pélo

So vote for a socialist.
Has this helped anyone in any way?

Lesser of two evil etc...

A vote for the FN is a jab at the establishment even though they are note different, the media has worked so hard against the FN, if it became the countries first party they would have to either admit that the media are against the French people or they would have to backpedal HARD and explain why the FN was actually a-ok all this time

France is already destroyed.

Socialism is okay, as long as it only benefits your own people and isn't exploited by foreigners/immigrants

Hence National-socialism, the best policy imo

As long as she removes everyone with darker skin than hers I don't care. Euro style socialism lite isn't TOO bad provided you have closed borders.

And a bump because why not

Damn Yurop get it together.
>end feudalism
Awesome, Good Job, Congratulations Shinji, etc...
>replace it with various flavors and intensities of socialism
>fail to bring down all the old elites
>fail to prevent new elites
Nevermind. You've substituted one master (the old nobility) for another (socialism and globalism).
>French elections determine only how deep the dick fucks their ass

They're all socialists. The whole damn western half of the continent is some flavor of socialist. Gotta take it one step at a time.

Iirc communism is banned in France and I want I want to lourve to survive until I visit it

We're making the best out of a bad situation, pal. You people are just too liberal to do what we're doing to the Anglosphere, but if we can stop the self-destructive tenancies of our closest non-anglo friends, than that's good enough for now.

Nah, that's just your average neoliberalism

>everyone who's not an-cap tier is a socialist
Readit is that way.

France is already a socialist country, though, isn't it? At least it will survive and hopefully become a safer, saner, more nationalistically socialist ;>) country. Much better than what's going on now, surely!

>Plus it's fucking hilarious to see the debates where 4 rich old "progressive" white men tell a woman that a forced religious dress code isn't sexist.
More libshit cognitive dissonance, just amazing.

Stop it leaf, nobody wants to pay for sand niggers to pump out more kids

She's perfect!

>Euro style socialism lite isn't TOO bad provided you have closed borders.
Exactly, it's worked fine for Sweden, Germany, etc., back in the day when they were still truly European countries.

Le pens will ruin the country because the shitskins that are alrady in france will thrive. Social programs attract niggers and mudslimes it will get worse best would be fillion but even macron is going to be better.

It's gonna be Le Pen vs. Macron. You're getting a socialist no matter what...might as well vote for a anti-immigration, anti-globalist, nativist one.

I would rather a French woman destroy France than a pack of fucking muslim rapists.

OK so let's get it sorted. Every single French candidate Won't change anything.
Why ? Because fucking EU. France and EU in particular are nothing short of Liberalism/Libertarianism. Both are either fucking USSR or a state member of such USSR. France will be destroyed by the alliance of communsim and african/middle east invaders and the help of our own people from African families who don't think themselves as French.

Isn't France already super socialist?
I have a friend from here studying there and she told me every stupid frog loved Chavez and socialism in general.

Yeah and these zombies wants to vote for Melenchon, wanting for more communsim and debt.
Bastiat, help us.

Come on Jose, it will be fun to watch.

>anything with the word "socialism" attached is somehow evil

I think you're forgetting something, user.

You abos sure love being cucked.

Socialism is for faggots, loser. So proud that my grandfather firebombed those pieces of shit.

Pic related is what we need.

>he doesn't get it
user, I...


Frederic Bastiat,user.

Yep a lite national socialism is what you need ya dumb frog....

Fuck off nigger lover.

You faggots will bend the knee to the God Emperor when all is said and done.

Leftist in rhetoric only. She is trying to steal votes from socialists, you idiot.

You deserve to burn along with France if you keep electing the muslim addicts.

Marine Le Pen is a nothing but a parasite fed by the EU. She won't destroy it. EU is the origin of the loss of the power of France. Without EU, we can work on our internal and external problems.
We need Frexit.

>Quit the EU with Marine Le Pen

>being this retarded
Did you just get here or something? Sup Forums is not for libertarian civic nationalist cucks. This is a National Socialist board.

>Implying Politicians are honest
>Implying Le Pen doesn't makes lots of money thanks to the EU.
I think that Jean-Marie Le Pen would have the guts to shutdown this fucking communist mess.
His daughter is corrupt.

Le Pen wants to remove Kebab.
Nobody else wants to remove Kebab.
The biggest problem for France is Kebab.
Its pretty cut and dry.

its either her or sharia for you frog. choose wisely.

France best elect le pen, we've set you up perfectly with brexit and trump to knock the EU out the park with le pen.. Can't believe it all comes down to the French.

You're a fucking idiot. Her father ran into a wall, he could never steal votes from other parties.

Only someone who is diplomatic and proper in rhetoric can achieve this.

François Fillon is the true, right-wing, capitalist

>This is a National Socialist board
Good goy. The jews thrive off of your divisive rhetoric and impotent hate.

You must not be paying attention. Ride the tiger and stop LARPing with this silly national socialist faggot dogma. You seriously think some shitty outdated German ideology is going to supersede hard American power? Didn't work then and won't work now. You need to adapt brother. and go with the flow - and right now it's clear as fuck that if you aren't about MAGA, your shits about to get pushed in.

Sorry for not trusting thiefs and liars anymore. If Marine Lepen is honest she wouldn't propose a refererundum about FREXIT. She would propose to do FREXIT.

What are you talking about? America is the biggest welfare state in the world.

You wanted "america first"
And now your politicians want Obama care.

America is NatSocs.

>she will destroy france

and you still ask why lmao

>If Marine Lepen is honest she would scare away all the voters, instead trying to attract them
You deserve your country burning down to the ground if Le Pen fails because of people like you.

Enjoy Macron, I mean Hollande 2.0.

>babies first attempt at political analysis
You really think there was ever any thought that Ryan's bill would pass? This was a calculated move to humiliate Ryan and appease the "speaker". This will merely pave a way for Rand's bill to pass uncontested. Remember, it was the NEW GOP who shut down the vanguard GOP.

And saying "America is NatSoc" is literally one of the most retarded things I've seen this year. We literally burned those faggots alive and laughed about it.

>Was part of Sarkozy's administration
>he's a good guy les mecs!!

Yes, well now they converted your youngsters.

Half of them want to be communists, the other half are NatSocs.

I admit, hope was fading, but then Nov. 8th happened and it's been a regular occurrence now for Antifa faggots to get the shit kicked out of them in the streets. Trump supporters are literally throwing events just to set traps. It's fucking glorious. Of course...you don't see this shit on the news.

Give us time - we will show you the way.

Dude, no need to bitch like that.
Le Pen won't win the election, because the regular parties will do the same retarded shit as in 2002.
All the retards will be affraid of Lepen and will vote for Macron on the second round.
We're fucked anyway. We need to prepare for the Fall of France.

>implying france hasnt been commie since 1799

>stop hating the Jews even though they're the only real problem behind all the other problems
>don't adhere to the economically shrewd and successful ideology that also happens to be the only one which places expulsion of the Jews high on the priority list

You have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums.

First off, you're completely missing the big picture. The (((globalists))) are the ones getting fucked by Trump. Re-evaluate your position.
Secondly, capitalism is always a more successful model than socialism - especially when their entire currency was based on labor - there's no country in the world that could do that these days except North Korea. Be realistic. It would absolutely destroy our trade agreements and buttfuck our economy. Our petrodollar is the dominant currency, only a retard would abandon it.

Top kek

>She's a socialist.

Yes, like Adolf. She's a NatSoc and I see nothing wrong here.

She won't do anything because she won't get a majority at the legislative

Ty user, that's what i tried to explain.
Or she won't be elected because of stuff like in 2002.

daily reminder that Sup Forums is a national socialist board and you can fuck right off

Marechal Pétain

>She's a socialist.

All French people are socialist. That's what we hate about you. You're the only country I can think of where people riot because they have a maximum 35 hour working week being infringed.

Sadly, Pétain was aged when he was put in place by Socialists to try to fix their shit.
He failed, and he is seen as a traitor. I actually need to read a couple of books about him. But they are underground hard to find books.
Pinochet saw the shit that socialism is and took control.

Anyway her immigration program is shit. She will get the net migration balance to 10 000 but 190 000 ppl are leaving France so with her program we have to take 200 000 immigrant.
Le Pen BTFO.

More and more of the youns are going conservative.
I was born in the late 80's. With the shit going on i took the red pill and went full Libertarian Right.

This is why lolbertarianism will always be nothing more than a joke.
Just because you're economically more rightwing doesn't mean you're not a leftie too.

>inb4 statist and bootlicker
Thanks for proving my point you fucking pinko.

All you cheese eating surrender monkeys are socialists.

One that might leave the EU help keep what is left of France white then she is the best choice.

Frankly that's more important than economics at the moment.


Every French politician is a socialist, so no, nothing is going to change economically. The only things that will change are stuff like reducing immigration and kicking out more illegals, and that's why the "progressists" get their panties in a bunch. Otherwise nothing in her program is different from Fillon or Macron.
I'll vote for her regardless, less of several evils.

What France really needs is a libertarian party, however they wouldn't get any representation in the (((media))) and wouldn't get more than a few thousands votes, because people here have been raised into socialism since birth and can't imagine life without the state controlling every single part of their lives.

Why don't you just tell them to fuck off and increase immigration controls.

Black, yellow and gadsen flags everywhere.

>falling for the nazi meme
You know,the modern commies are smarter than you in one thing. At least they pretend to be librarls and they slowly start to cook the libral frog.
You "nazi" guys are extremly noisy and turn everyone into an enemy who doesn't aggree 100% with you. That's not how you win the game.

Commies are subversive liars

Nazi's are obsessed with truth and hate subversion.

There is your problem mate.

Fuck off you memer, I knew you were the "classical liberal" kind of twat
Bastiat would have spread his asscheeck for muslims and wrote ironic pamphlets against those opposing muslim immigrants and Islam in France

Regular parties don't exist anymore, have you been asleep for a year?

There's nothing wrong with socialism as long as you provide for you people and your people only. Not for niggers who come for gibs. You're just a rich crypto-kike who's mad that he can't move to jizzrael to keep all his jew gold for himself, get fucked muzzielover.

Nazi are obssed with truth? They had a fucking minister of propaganda.

And i don't think they need to lie,they just shouldn't fight on multiple fronts. You can still take on the civil nationalist after you took down the commies.

The danger is, if you fix the problem then you get rid of the people who want to go further.

Get rid of Muslims, Africans and other violent non-Whites are the West still drowns in non-whites.
The end is still the same.

OK let me rephrase it. I was talking on the eco side.
On the population side. France is fucked, we're full of leftists, cucks, hillybillies, retards and blind people who think that more statism will fix this shit. Ok, so there's what to do in my book :
-Leave the EU
-Expell every fucking illegal
-Liberalize the economy
-Reduce the state to Justice, Security and Military.
-Make the fucking border rules on immigration applied.
When these mongrels won't have free money we pay for falling from the sky, and get their asses kicked off our country they won't come back.



like this guy won't destroy France: