Starts at 5:20
Islam has nothing to do with Islam. Liberals on Bill Maher show go full retard
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As if they've not reached that destination and built their fantasy world there.
They've passed retard and gone to full potato.
At this point,
If liberalism comes to grips with islam like how conservatives do...
I'll be very happy. That is just a glimmer of hope for the west. Sam Harris and Bill Maher are the only liberals that are trying to show other liberals.
If those two fail then western Europe is fucked. A lot of Europeans see far right politicians and aren't convinced, it will take liberals to convince liberals muslim immigration is no bueno.
Bill Maher smokes cock
>would you ask that question about jews
No, he is one and he'd be in the know.
there is a philosophical concept 'attribute not to malice what may be the result of stupidity'
but this has to be malice. i think liberals are practicing taqqiya and are abiding and abetting the holy war being fought against our civilization.
at this point it isnt turning a blind eye to terrorism but wanting more of it to happen
>do you know about the Westboro Baptist Church?
liberalism is a mental illness
Sorry, should have replied to:
>They've passed retard and gone to full potato.
They're pushing that retard slut Louise Mensch
Strange seeing feminists transition from "all men are rapists" to "force me to cover my head".
i cant even.
Look at this man. He doesn't know what a toilet is and even he can see how bad liberals are.
>see that woman there from Britain saying she was for Brexit
>at last!, I think
>she starts shilling hard for Islam and how Britain is diverse
>says that Islam taking over is no different to Catholics or Jews taking over
>asks Bill if he would mind Catholics or Jews taking over and whether it would be the same country if they took over (as a counter to Bill saying that if Muslims took over it wouldn't be the same country anymore).
Women were a mistake.
I'd be fine if they never did. They deserve to see the fruits of their ideology
stop believing in stupid quotes from random retards from centuries ago. Their crap isnt smarter because thousands of idiots kept repeating it.
stupidity is equivalent with malice, 99% of the time. What difference does it make to an ant if you kill it because you didnt know any better?
51% muslim Western country? Next day liberal homosexuals are stripped of human rights and can be lynched in public.
It would be sad but at the same time a lot of liberals aren't gay so they won't be punished. Liberals would convert to islam and become conservative religious nutts.
Liberalism is just follow what's trendy and not whats correct for nation.
I love this timeline.
Libs are full blown retarded and proud of it.
Why the fuck do they need to defend Islam so badly? I really don't fucking understand it. "Liberals" should absolutely hate everything Islam stands for and Islamic nations practice. It goes against almost every single one of their values, so why do they so vehemently defend it? It makes absolutely pants on head shit on face NO fucking sense.
It is smart though.
Someone who does something harmful because the didn't know is better than someone who chooses to do the same thing while knowing the harm it will cause.
What the fuck was the woman even talking about?
What was her point?
>She supports brexit
I'm scared that a lot of them would go along with it. Finally destroy Western Civilization and control everyone's life, the leftists' dream.
>but muh westboro baptist church
I can't believe somebody is that stupid
If muslims are so great, why don't they just move to a muslim country, rather than enduring the oppression of the Westboro Baptist Church while waiting for them to trickle in?
Libruls aim to destroy the foundations of our civilisation, Islam is just a useful tool to them - until they have their throats slit by the same people they had ever so vigorously defended, that is
she's a crazy bitch who is lying and flippin sides. he was against it before and has been saying shit like putin paid the muslim immigrates to riot and sponsor terrorism in europe. he's a totally wacko bitch. she said trump colluded with putin and would be impeached a couple days ago
whats wrong with her chin?
Why destroy their own civilization? Are they really suffering from that much 1st world guilt? Where do they want to live?
because leftist ideology is based on the simple equation that
>non white people=good
>white people = bad
Islam is brown (traditionally) therefore it is good
Would you ask that about catholics?
Well, Sup Forums, would you?
protip; you won't
That WBC comparison may be the dumbest thing I've ever fucking heard. There's no way this actually makes sense in their heads, right? There's no way anyone can be this voluntarily retarded.
Muslims tend to be brown and asian.
That's why they have no problem with China dominating US in trade or with brown muslim terrorists killing people.
For some weird reason if you are non-white it's okay to rape your wife and shit. They are a weird folk.
Most of the UBER INTERNET ATHEIST SKEPTERINOS have been shitting on Islam from the start.
>Why destroy their own civilization?
Because they have been lead to believe that by destroying the societies they live in will lead to liberation. People are retarded like that, I guess
Catholics might ban dem free abortions, though
t. Poland and Croatia
>Bill Maher is a liberal and torally opposed to Islam
>mindlessly group all liberals into one amorphous mass
You are all as ideologically blind as the fucking "liberals" on this show. Real loberals who actually value freedom of speech and the pillars of western civilization have nothing to do with these people.
Im glad I dont visit this faggot hugbox board anymore.
because they think that white civilization is the cause of everything bad ever
That is what you are taught in academia/consume any media
>that bit where the cuck brings up Indonesia thinking he's so smart and Maher drops the two-finger test redpill
absolutely rekt
only .0001% of modern leftists criticize Islam
You have Bill Maher, Sargon of Akkad, Sam Harris, and no one else.
No, you see, liberalism is about pretending to be a hero while not having to do anything significant.
It won't stop until the chance to play pretend stops. When you get a 51% Muslim western country and everybody realizes their actions actually have consequences, that's when it stops.
People don't learn until they live it, specially white western countries who were raised thinking we're all equal and that everybody is actually a nice person.
if abortions are to be done it shouldn't be "free" anyway because it's not "free" when it's "free"
Sweetie, I wouldn't ask it about catholics because my gender identity is with Christ.
You must refer to me with the pronouns
Christim, Christhe, and Christer
>an Ashkenazi Jew hates white people
Sup Forums has gone to shit. If anyone had read Ted Kaczynski's manifesto, this wouldn't suprise anyone
Real liberals would support kicking out illegal immigrants and forcing immigrants to assimilate in to American culture.
If you believe this today, don't call yourself a liberal. You're a fucking conservative. Liberals believe in the idea that everything about Western society needs to be challenged and destroyed. They unironically think that making the West multicultural, i.e. anti-Western, would make it better and is a source of strength. They WANT the West to be conquered and destroyed because that is what multi-culturalism is.
>They are a peculiar folk
You are supposed to say peculiar, because narrative is that Jews are accountable to their own rule, and only their own rule, that's what being peculiar means by definition
Except he hates white people with a passion
he did get btfo hardcore with that.
>yeah! they're so good and liberal like us xD
>they need to stick two fingers into their vagina if they want to be police
these fucks are so fake and don't have any decency or real values.
She blames Russia for every Islamic terrorist attack, she's fucking insane
I'll adress you as bucko, bucko
The left are the enablers. If it weren't for them, we would only have to worry about islam about 5% as much as we do now.
WTF? I love Bill Maher now?
I mean it, she's insane, look at her Twitter, she blames Russia for EVERYTHING
I wonder (((who))) could be telling them what to think.
The cognitive dissonance induced by liberal indoctrination is absolutely astounding. Way to go Jews. That's some nice work.
user it's the same everywhere god damn cucks that here too it's just that more people are Redpilled about the Islam thing here libs think they are using Islam to further their agenda but in reality Islam is using the to further their agenda it's a the classic story of the golem
>a lot of liberals aren't gay
I never new Max Brooks was such a fucking cuck.
>Why destroy their own civilization?
Jews (pic related is a quick rundown)
>She also commented that taking hard drugs in the 1990s "messed with [her] brain and had long-term mental health effects."
Its not really as simple as put it.
Liberals generally have a lot of self esteem issues. The weak, ugly, fat. The kids that grew up in upper middle class homes suffer from identity issues and a general feeling of worthlessness. These people try to escape their problems with drugs and alcohol.
So subconsciously, they start looking at the world as the problem. Whether they know it or not, they support things that are obviously ludicrous, in an attempt to change the world. Change the world until it fits around them, which it never does.
This is why arguing their beliefs triggers them so much. The last thing a liberal wants is to reflect on how poor a decision taking $100,000's on a liberal arts degree was.
>Why destroy their own civilization?
They genuinely believe that once they do this, something better will replace it. But that won't be their job. The job of Marxists and Critical Theory proponents is to constantly criticize and attack, always striving for the next best thing that will never arrive.
They're so busy trying to be philanthropic that they don't even think past their nose.
damn that bitch is fucking crazy
In the UK you only need about 30% of the population to be Muslims, then if an Islamic party was running for parliament it would probably win and then they can force sharia law over the 70%, all the while retards still call the UK diverse because Muslims are still the minority
I don't think that's quite right, there are quite a few who don't like islam but support other leftist garbage so can't support the right, it may be a case of the retards are just the only ones in power like how America was pre-Trump with the illegals problem.
They're without a doubt a large chunk of leftists though, 50%? 75%?
It'd be interesting seeing how a vote for banning muslims/muslim immigration would go, we had a survey done here a few months back and there was like a 83% yes for banning all muslim immigration. Of course the PM came out the next day saying it's not his job to listen to the people but to be """"moral"""".
The only way to deal with people like this is violence and brutality.
Liberals who defend islam should be viewed as threats to the stability of the nation they live in. Such people deserve to have their rights stripped away and ostracized from the rest of society. Hell, I'd even recommend some state-sanctioned pogroms against these vermin.
>damn that bitch is fucking crazy
Listen all you leaves. Your days of insulting the Prophet are over!!!
Report all leaf Islamaphobia to the RCMP.
In theory you could outvote them all the time though because FPTP would let the other 70% of the electorate crush them after they saw how crazy Islam really is.
In practice though you'd get a bunch of Labour supporters voting for them because of diversity and probably muh nhs.
Ted is right, but I think the that 2 people you're replying to are correct.
It's a cognitive dissonance on the left that they can't seem to resolve.
that's completely wrong though. you mention Sargon, every other "skeptic" on youtube does the same thing.
There are 86 Sharia courts in the UK today.
Would the queen allow that?
>B-but Westboro!
>Under 100 people belong to that church
>They supposedly account for 77% of the US
>ISIS has an estimated 200,000 soldiers
>ISIS isn't the only faction that kills in the name of their religion (Jihad)
>Libtards still citing Westboro as an excuse but claiming terror attacks have nothing to do with Islam
>Islamic terrorists ALWAYS shout "Allahu Ackbar"
>Still supposedly has nothing to do with Islam
I praise Kek every day for an exceptional harvest of hearty laughs. Thanks for this, OP. What a bunch of mush-brains.
Any leftist that objects to basic Islamic practices from incest to pedophilia is an extreme minority in the media
>An inbred family that make up about 100 people or so (if even that) stand around shouting offensive shit with picket signs
>Millions of inbred muslims who want to take over the world and are not afraid to die in the process as long as they take you with them
Talk about a false equivalence. Libs have been grasping for straws for years but this is probably the weakest one they have.
>in the media
No shit, the (((media))) is extremely left wing and basically exists to push an (((anti-white agenda))).
It's almost as if they want to be oppressed, so they can feel historically important, like their fore-mothers. You know, the REAL feminists that actually accomplished something?
I know you're only saying that because you're tired of caring so much. It'd be easier just to be rid of them, right? Don't be like that. Don't be like them. You'd be no better than the Feminists that push for a male genocide.
Because modern western narratives paint Islam as the losing side. And libs love losers.
Ted talked about why liberals are that way though. I don't feel sorry for them
Ana Sophie Dee. Do not want
Progs hate themselves and want to see their civilization burn, I stopped caring about them a long time ago
>Sophie Dee
I thought indulgences were abolished and church was separated from state long ago. What the fuck is this gay pigshit?
Dis nigga knows.
It's called "Intersectionality". It more or less divides the world into two camps, Oppressors and the Oppressed. By default any white person is an oppressor (regardless of wealth or social class) and any non-white person is oppressed regardless of creed, class or wealth (and should therefore be helped). What the non-white creed stands for is unimportant. they're not white so they're automatically victims. It's a Sartrean and post-modern idea and is a fucking cancer since it effectively reduces non-whites to the level of children, where any outburst can be rationalised like that of a toddler breaking a vase.
>To shoot down a European is to kill two birds with one stone, to destroy an oppressor and the man he oppresses at the same time: there remains a dead man and a free man - Jean-Paul Sartre
This is the embodiment of modern leftist belief.
Negan? Is that you?
I mean you're right but... I'm a former libshit greenleaf. I know I went through a lot to come this far and finally make the leap to Libertarianism but ... idk maybe I'm still naive. I want to believe that I can save my friends. I lost so many, during the election. It was because of them calling me a nazi and Sup Forums being there for me, saying what's really going on, that I figured out as much as I have.
Again, might just be naivety but I've been trying my hardest to give my friends and family the benefit of a doubt that they're exceptions.
My mother told me she's a socialist. She laughed. She thought it was a funny thing to say - considering how conservative her background was, growing up. Silly southern liberal thinks she's a real progressive... She has no idea.
Also the Westboro Baptist Church doesn't kill anyone ever.
so brexit means less polish catholic whites and more brown muslim commonwealth workers to fill the job positions in the uk ?
If the Westboro Baptist Church were the majority in America, with a majority of political power, then fuck yes it wouldn't be the same. They believe in things that are in some ways similar, but much much different than American life. They WOULD force their religion to be reflected upon policy, and dictate with only their bibles instead of rule of law.
Why can't people say the same of muslims?
Do people actually believe that if Muslims were the majority, nothing would change at all? How delusional must people be?
I keep saying this and it feels like no one is listening. It makes a lot of sense when you consider what this user said It's like they want REAL oppressors, so they can be REAL underdogs, instead of pretending. So they can feel important or make amends for all the shame they feel and shaming they've done. They're guilt-ridden as fuck.
You will never see someone so panicked as a liberal going through a moral crisis. It's as if their very souls depended on them finding immediate answers that make them feel less shitty about themselves.
>saying mean things is just as bad as committing terror attacks across the globe, which have claimed hundreds of thousands of innocent lives since 9/11
really make think
>basic Islamic practices
Found the storm fag
I hate Westboro. They fucked with our town fair once. They're obnoxious as hell.
But they're don't shoot people or blow them up.