
Let's just say, hypothetically, right or wrongfully, at some point The Sgt at arms of the US Senate arrests Trump, drags him screaming from the White House at the behest of the FBI.

What does the GOP do?
I'm guessing POTUS status passes to Pence, or if he's compromised, Ryan. What does the GOP do?
Do they
>Play dumb, try to stay calm and carry on and let the FBI do their thing
>Refute the FBI as compromised by tHe mighty Obama regime, and continue the assault on American Intelligence
>Apologize to the US for "unknowingly" backing a complete traitor and try and reach out to the other side for sympathy
>Completely splinter, scatter, and every man for himself

I know you all are big trump fans, but just indulge me in this part of the fantasy. What do you think the party would do in damage control mode?

>implying you're not a shill trying to taste the air for your analytics

fuck off

It's pure fantasy for me, but I am seriously curious. The republican range of reaction to the AHCA gave me hope that it's not as homeogenous a monster as I'd feared. There is a spectrum of thought there, which I suppose could only be brought about by Health Care. It seems to be one issue that they're so divided on

only democrats, the half of the population without guns, would tolerate it. the people who voted for trump would certainly be unhappy.

Mattis would order a coup on the spot and implement martial law

None of your scenarios would happen. Vladimir Putin would personally and along side Russian intelligence agents, oversee Trump's immediate release and together with all of the traitors in government and military under Trump would institute a swift takeover of the nation under strict martial law.

What I have suggested is the ONLY POSSIBLE thing that can happen. Period.

We all go to DC and hold it under siege.
You really think that's not going to start a civil war?
I want an excuse to kill these faggots and we have the numbers, firepower, and know how to fuck you politician faggots to death.
You don't have a military to stop us with because they are with us.
You have a bunch of prissy politicians and the rich boys in intelligence. We'll flatten you and throw a party.

Military would rise up and take control. Pence will not be made president in this stead. Mad Dog will see to that. Military backs trump 100%.

Hypothetically, we could go right down the chain of command. impeaching everyone until we get to Mad Dog Mattis. You OK with that? I'd sure as fuck love to see a President Mad Dog Mattis!

Don't go thinking politicians reflect us.
There's those who want to support Trump no matter what he does because fuck you, and there are those who actually know and understand what they are talking about.
Impeachment would mean civil war. We've been looking for an excuse for years.

You're gonna piss off some trumpypoos

GOP in the surrounding states activates all national guard units from Army to Air Force to take positions and arrest all members of the Justice Department.

All who resist will be id'd as Domestic Terrorist and in the act of committing high treason.

Then a full on hot war everywhere is initiated as far left and far right groups go one on one and often times mass killings are initiated.

By the peak of summer every street in the US runs red with blood.

civil war boys

and it will be the shortest civil war in history because in 1 day all liberals will be dead. their all very weak, hate guns, have allergies, are against conflict, and they expect other to do their battles for them

Do you "intelligence community" sympathizers realize that if you go FULL TRAITOR and unlawfully imprison the duly elected President of the United States, it will not end well for you?

Armageddon will finally arrive

Clearly, Hillary becomes president. Isn't that what you want, you fucking shill? Shut the fuck up with this shit. Your post is cancerous.

I know you think this is what you libs want to happen. Believe me it's not...

We are armed to the teeth, more masculine, and have stronger convictions. We would put all liberals in concentration camps and deport them. Civil war isn't even the word to describe the wrath that dems would feel.

I'm completely serious


>guy with no authority to arrest the president, arrests the president
I'm pretty sure the secret service would shoot him if he tried.

Year 2073. Hillary is dead. Trump is dead. Bernie is dead...

Some CTR retard will still be posting on Sup Forums that Trump will be impeached and Hillary can still be President.

Hopefully by then, molecular teleportation will be a reality, and we can reach through our monitor and bitchslap said retard.

The thing is Trump is EXTREMELY popular with the base, often times MORE popular with constituents than their own person Representative or Senator is.

I don't think they could remove him from office and not suffer huge losses in the next election because Trump is extremely vindictive and would hold rallies for Primary challengers or even opposing Democrats in races for those that didn't remain loyal to him.

>Mattis would order a coup on the spot and implement martial law

Mattis would think it was funny. Mattis secretly thinks Trump is a douchenozzle.

>You really think that's not going to start a civil war?

Then you will die.

Chillax, that's an hypothesis

>We are armed to the teeth, more masculine, and have stronger convictions. We would put all liberals in concentration camps and deport them. Civil war isn't even the word to describe the wrath that dems would feel.

You are a delusional cuck.

When Justice arrests Trump. it will happen with the complete blessing of the GOP, you retarded sycophant.

Keep deluding yourself.
lol, sure thing buddy.

Military, mercs, and militias are all ready to go.
I know who my friends are and I know what they're up to. There are too many to try to take down.

>I'm pretty sure the secret service would shoot him if he tried.

The same Secret Service that had a hard time convincing agents to work for him Lulz.

If Justice arrests POTUS, Secret Service will fall in line because they have no jurisdiction, and their only task is protecting the President's LIFE, not his OFFICE, or else they'd have done the same for Nixon.

>I know you all are big trump fans, but just indulge me in this part of the fantasy. What do you think the party would do in damage control mode?

They won't have the time to plan or do anything before armed citizen militias and executive-loyal military divisions start taking over entire state governments and rounding up anti-Trumpers into camps under threat of summary execution. Basically Civil War II.

>Military, mercs, and militias are all ready to go.
>I know who my friends are and I know what they're up to. There are too many to try to take down.

That's what the Taliban said, cuckboi.

Why don't you go "take" another unoccupied department of the interior campsite, and have a couple of Russian whores piss on you while you sell out your country?

>sell out your country
Lmfao, look who's talking you hungarian fuckslut.

> (You)
>>sell out your country
>Lmfao, look who's talking you hungarian fuckslut.


Mellaril. Take some.

>Sergeant of Fuck All
>having the power to kill the entire USSS-UD
>implying the USSS would ever let anyone arrest the President for anything, since that's explicitly something that can't even be done if the President murders someone in broad daylight

.300 WinMag leaves a mighty big hole in a man-sized target, user.

>telling people to take pipes
Wtf is wrong with you faggot?
Go choke down some strychnine.

That leftist power fantasy lmao.

You retard, they're sworn to protect the office of the President. And the USSS isn't Justice, it's Homeland Security, which means Justice can't do shit for dicks. Nixon wasn't ever arrested, in case you forgot. That's because you literally can't arrest the President for *anything*. Rape, murder, bestiality- you name it. You can't bring charges against him for anything until he's out of office. The ONLY WAY that he can be legally touched is impeachment.

Mattis would be the first one to pop a bottle of champagne, he thinks Trump is a retard

>>implying the USSS would ever let anyone arrest the President for anything, since that's explicitly something that can't even be done if the President murders someone in broad daylight

As a practical matter, arresting someone under the protection of the Secret Service would only require a Federal Court order, issued by FISA at the behest of the U.S Congress.

But it could happen.

And if the legislature, Judiciary, and Executive Federal Law Enforcement is all on board, it's a done deal. Notice how many fans Trump has made among this demographic, lol.

>they're sworn to protect the office of the President.

The OFFICE, not the MAN doofus.

>40 terms of Trumps run America as it conquers the stars
>shareblue becomes an apocalyptic cult claiming that the current Trump is finally done shedding supporters every time it's predictions prove false, yet the remnants become even more devout
>entire religion based on chanting "drumpf btfo"
>everyone except the dumbest of humans and most devout cultists leave Earth for space colonies.
>earth becomes a complete shithole, a backwater in the great American empire
>radical cultists take over the earth dubbing it ShareBlue for Earth's distinctive oceans.
>all communications to Earth are lost and no one gives a damn to fix it.
>40,000 years later a man crash lands
>he sets out to search for locals that can help him
>he hears rustling in the bushes
>appears to be a man squatting and side-stepping towards him
>yells even louder every time
>more of them side-step out of the bushes
>surrounded by them screeching this chorus
>Please have mercy the unfortunate man cries
>the man is eaten alive
>such is life on ShareBlue

In honnesty id love to see the outcome of this, the leftist are an ideoligy "army" who thinks words
hurt more then guns xD

no, that's an attempt to get us to realize the vision.
fuck off, shill. kek is far more powerful that your pitiful mind magic.
the shill is trying to get us to picture it so it can become a reality they may incorporate into later programming. resist it.

instead we should envision mr. obama, birth certificate exposed as a fraud, being arrested for treason and hung next to clinton for sedition, the first two of hundreds as the chinese plot to destroy the united states is exposed, adn the world launches a war on china that destroys their civilization completely and replaces their popoulations with south asians and africans.
what a grand vision that is to behold, eh shill?
just indulge me, that part of my fantasy: your whole belief system exposed as a fraud, how would the green party, the new defacto party of the left, react?

A sitting president cannot be charged for things he has done while not in office. In addition to this, the president can only be charged with things he does while in office if he is impeached by the House and removed from office/convicted by the Senate, both of which are Republican controlled.

>he won't win the nomination!
>he won't win the election!
>he won't win the electoral college!
>he won't get inaugurated!
>m-m-maybe he'll just get arrested or something?

>Let's just say, hypothetically, right or wrongfully, at some point The Sgt at arms of the US Senate arrests Trump, drags him screaming from the White House at the behest of the FBI.
I fail to see how this well get you back the house, the senate or all those governorships and state legislatures you've lost as well.

Just for your information gathering..it really would mean civil war..as much as you idiots scream rural and suburban retards you need to realize that's where the guns, farms and manpower exists

Wait does that mean no obama arrested? WTF! /pol lied to me

>The ONLY WAY that he can be legally touched is impeachment.

Keep telling yourself that, The Secret Service will fall in line once they are shown the evidence of the Russian compromise.

It is good to dream

just watched trey gowdy destroy comey and rogers. both fbi and nsa admitted there was no Russian interference in election. you people are scum, for hating trump so much, you would piss all over this country. you godless scum will pay with horrible diseases, as evil finds its way home. comey admits the only way that MSM got info on Flynn was through illegal leaks to the press. A fucking 10 year felony, and then he says he is not planning on investigating the source. he needs to be hung for treason.
