Bill Mayer drops Red Pills in some Cucks

Did Bill just become /ourguy/ tonight?

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He's been that way regarding Kebab Law, But he's not /ourguy/ IMO.

it is fucking incredible the lengths that these people will go to in order to not see reality.

Fuck that fucking kike.

Can agree with him here

Did you see how sick he looked after those cucks continued to defend Islam?

Him and sam harris just hate all religion, theyre still cucked to the max.

It's not the first time I've seen that look on his face. Also, digits checked.

Nah Harris is chill. He's into unlocking the power of the mind. Dude dies legit Dr. Strange type training. He talks about it in the JRE.

Bill's a cuck but at least he's willing to be sensible on one issue.

I disagree with him about almost everything but I'm glad he's around. He legitimately cares about western civilization in his own jewy way.

That would make them uncucked.

Bill Maher gave shit to Ben Affleck for defending muslims and literally turned around to be a muslim lover when that Shiar or whatever the fuck his name was on.

fuck Bill.

Agreed. He's an influential kike, though. Very influential. If he comes to support what Trump is trying to do, at least vis-a-vis Europe and Islam, it could be hugely important. We need all the help we can get at this point. The future of our race, our society, our values, is hanging in the balance. If Maher sees the light and decides to fight on our side, fine. If not, fry him, I don't care.

He is also against the Antifa Scum who riot and are against free speech. He gave Milo a 5 min interview on Friday and by Monday Milo was fired. He is taking Hitchens' place as one of the Four Horsemen. The Mayans and 2012, the Meme War of 2016. It's all related.

>Bill (((Mayer)))
>/our guy/

he has some points right but he's still playing by the rules

That guy on the left has a huge fucking mouth. I don't mean figuratively either he has a big fucking mouth.

I also don't trust anyone whose teeth are that white.

That's what makes him a perfect asset to our cause. He can Red Pill birdies like the video game youtubers have been lately. Seriously how is what Bill said tonight any different than what Jon Trin said about Muslims.

He's Mel Brooks's son and he's the reason for pic related since he released some comic book about the importance of niggers in WW1

Bill is /ourguy/ since forever regarding the western kebab problem

I'm getting tired of listening to Bill Maher and his Islamophobic rants. He is crass and disrespectful to guests that have views other than his own. It's his show and he makes this quite clear. Yes there are radical elements within Islam but there are radical elements within the United States and the Christian movement, which include the Ku Klux Klan (white supremacist, anti-immigration and white nationalist hate agenda) Neo-Nazi groups that seek to revive Nazism or similar ideologies, white nationalist groups that seek a separate white state and are vehemently opposed to multiculturalism, civil rights and racial integration and of course numerous Christian Identity and Radical Traditional Catholicism groups.

The point being that extremism and violence are found throughout many ideologies. I think Maher has to take a deep breath and start behaving like an adult and the liberal/progressive he claims to be. Meegwetch!

>It's a "Bill Maher's broken clock is right" episode

Not /ourguy/.


he hates islam, but insulted the only presidential candidate who was going to do something about islam

he's a typical ineffective jew

He's /r/atheism incarnate. He hates all religions and will put his fedora on anytime the topic is brought up.

another cuck who hates Trump for stupid reasons

him and Mahr think they can talk muslims into not being muslims anymore

Harris is an atheist faggot. Promotes hedonist and nihilist lifestyle.
I like Jordan Peterson. Definitely different outlooks on life.

He even considers himself a New Atheist.
You can't be a bigger faggot than that.

He is completely unhinged with maher about Trump.

This. This is why sam and bill are cucked.

I post occasionally on another forum, and the cucks there disowned him about around the time he started criticizing the Dems strategy for the election and admitting that (at times here and there) they were wrong.

Wouldn't be surprised if this continues that trend.

fuck off u drone

Holy shit, he actually brought up demographics fundamentally changing a country as a negative.

Are these people just stupid? They've had since 2014 to pull up the 2013 Pew poll research and become fully informed, including reading the stats on both Turkey and Indonesia (and concluding they are rare examples of more moderate muslim countries).

maher can never be ourguy

Id hate fuck lousie mensch so hard
tell her that trump is russians puppet while i choke her , and she cant do nothing about it

He also took credit for Milo being obliterated too to save himself. Fuck the jew rat

I actually like Maher on the Islam issue. He's basically the only liberal who is not a complete hypocrite fuckwit when it comes to religion. You can tell he's getting so fucking angry that other liberal keep defending this bullshit.

>even traditional athiestic neoliberals and Christian neocons are getting sick of SJW's who have no concept of their own virtue signalling unlike what the contemporaray left right dichotomy at least has

Wow what a shock.

Crypto Jews discussing islamification of uk, sad

>mfw it's just as annoying watching Maher shut it down when you actually agree with his points.
>mfw I think I hate Maher more than any of the other leftist talkshow hosts.
Fucking hell this guy sucks balls.

Be an hero.

Him and Sam Harris are both kikes who attack all religions except Judaism


so are you being ironic posting fedora quotes on a Christian or what

because while Linkara is retarded, so are you if you're being serious.

HAHA jokes on those bigots!!!

Honestly fuck all these people. I want an islamic bus of peace to ride over each and every one of them.

I'm done fighting, let the muslims in already so I can get a little bit of joy from seeing these faggots and whores get what they deserve.


He's Catholic tho




>he doesnt understand the deeper meanings of christianity
Heh nothin personnel bucko

He's not /ourguy/ just because he aggrees with us on one issue. He's mearly ahead of the leftist curve and sees Muzzies as a threat to his liberal utopian visions.

He's halfway there on Muslim's.
It's just his delusional thinking about the "moderates" wich kinda kicks him back in the libshit zone. He doesn't really seem to understand that the "silent peaceful majority" is the soil for everything else.
Want to get rid of Islamic terrorism ? Get rid of brown Muslim's, it's brutal but really that simple.

>when you btfo a liberal's entire world view and instead of changing their opinions they just try to reword their argument.

They are so fucking stupid, a country is land + people. If the land is inhabited by people who wave a different flag, you no longer have a country

chris hayes is one of the worst

I tried to use Mahar to red pill a liberal friend of mine, didn't work, he hates him too. Not /ourguy/ but let him rant on maybe some people will redpill.

However, look at it from a controlled opposition way, maybe his handlers tell him to be anti-islam to push the pendulum so far to the right, as far as islam goes, that it has an opposite effect on normies. They see him chimp out his bigotry and hatred and shut down any disent to the contrary and they think, I don't want to be like Bill Mahar. Refugees Welcome!

Bill Maher is a zionist, he doesn't give a shit about you.

It's amazing how the /r/The_Donald invasion has inverted reality.

>his handlers tell him to be anti-islam to push the pendulum so far to the right, as far as islam goes, that it has an opposite effect on normies
That's the whole point of the operation but Sup Forums swallows it up.

They're malignantly stupid people and a threat to every sane person in the west. If we want to deal with any immigration issue these fuckwits need to be taken out first,

always kill a traitor before an enemy jimjam