
Democrats complaining that Obamacare remains a weight around their neck.

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>Democrats complaining that Obamacare remains
what did he mean by this?

You're a shill for noticing though.
I wonder how many of the trump supporters on here are real and how many are Russian operatives.

Obamacare cost Dems at every election since Obama sign it into law in 2010.

Democrats were planning on calling Obamacare Trumpcare as soon as Ryancare passed.

Democrats were going to run against Trumpcare in 2018 and 2020.

Obamacare still exist and Dems still have to defend it. Defending Obamacare as the CBO report forecast massive rate hikes in 2017 and 2018. Insurance companies have all but jumped ship except to meet the bare minimum to comply with the law.

Trump and Republicans dodged a political bullet when they pulled Ryancare.

Now all Trump and Republicans have to do is wait until rates are too high for anyone to pay or Dems come crawling back to get relief from the burden of Obamacares collapse.

He means that Obama and Clinton said it needs to be fixed. Rather than fix it republicans are going to try and sabotage it. They by let it fail they will be some kind of heroes

>Muh Russia
If this is all we have to deal with is unsubstantiated claims of collusions from the likes of CNN and what remains of Dems Trump and Republicans are going to have it easy.

1. This doesn't change that drumpf got caugt lying yet again
2. You're basically calling trump retarded for pushing such a bad bill

how does it feel to be a nerd-virgin, ShariaBlue?

>try and sabotage it
Try again, faggot.

Obamacare is a sabotage of the American health care system. Now that Dems and Obama are out of power they can't keep propping up Obamacare every few months.

that low tier damage control
Sup Forums BTFO'd by Drumpf
Drumpfcucks on suicide watch


Who is still president?

What party controls both houses of Congress?

What party won 1000 seats across the country while Obama was president?

Get rekted faggot!!!

Ran against Obamacare and WON!!!
Lets Obamacare collapse and take Obama's legacy down with it!!!

Your black bull Obama is eternally BTFO!!!!!!!!! HAHAHHAHAHA

Yeah you think a failed healthcare system only affects dems? Never mind that the great deal maker said he would fix it all. He campaigned that he had the answers and would fix it all. Nobody noticed that the freedom caucus was that one who destroyed his bill, he's so very clever to blame the dems. Well at least they are not talking about Russia for a few hours.

you may want to up your dosage

>Who is still president?
The guy you called retarded yourself?

Fake News!!!!!

His exact quote was
>I did not say I would repeal Obama care in 62 days, I still have a long time.

Which is correct he never did say that.

Quickly is a matter of perception, their use of the word "quickly" is intentionally dishonest.



Sounds like lots of out of power butthurt to me!!! HAHAHHAHA

Where is Hillary anyways?! Still wondering around in the woods!!! HAHAHHAHA

Why is Obama taking long vacations without his tranny wife?!?! Obama marriage falling apart just like Obamacare?!?! HAHHAHA

Obama is proof liberals are complete losers!!!!! HAHAHHAHAHA


>backed into a corner and cant defend trumps shit anymore

>"H-he won get o-over it"

Wow u sure showed him!

Butthurt much?! HAHAHHAHA

I hate white people

>RINOs won't come up with something sensible
>push real hard for Ryan's useless plan
>Surprise! Nobody likes it!
>now people are even more angry at Obamacare than before

You hit the nail on the head mate. :)
Out of power both legislative and executive branches. This is the god emperors problem now. He promised to fix it quickly and bigly. Now he wants to run away from it and claim his failure was big league victory.

Still not over the fact that EMAILS destroyed your candidate!!!! HAHAHAHHA

Bernie was ripped off and cucked to Hillary and still lost!!!! HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA

Dems are upset Trump did not kill the toxic Obamacare!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHHA

Obamacare will die and so will Obama's legacy!!!!! HAHAHHAHA

You libs are so butthurt!!!!! HAHHAHAHAHHA

>literally too retarded to read a half page article

>Out of power both legislative and executive branches.
You can say that again!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAH

>I did not say I would repeal Obamacare in 62 days, I still have a long time.
Wait, is that actually the quote they generated this headline from? Jesus fucking Christ.

Wonder if this piece of news would be banned in Germany? Somehow I doubt it.
>n-no. We just mean news that WE say is fake.

You know he said he'd repeal and replace.

I think he's trying to 7D chess our country into single payer, tbhfamalam.

>Jan 20
>First thing Trump does in office is sign executive order to begin taking down Obamacare
>Rest of the government is being slow and shitty on doing what he told them to do as usual
Trump did exactly what he said he would do, he immediately acted to repeal and replace.
He did not say that Obamacare would be replaced immediately, he can't simply sign it away and stick a new one in overnight on his own, there's a lot of shit to take care of first.


LMAO I think I broke a nigga.
Trumpet can't handle being outside his safe space.


Yeah I'll say it again trump doesn't appear to be capable to fix the problem he said he could. It seems like all he's good for is photo ops in big boy truck.
I hope he can fix it for my countries sake but he's not up to the job he out of his league

Sweden you are not even trying now.

Hillary won.


Yeah anyone could sign paper declaring what they want. He said he could make deals. Where's the art of the deal

>fix the problem
>Dems lost all power

You really think we are going to fix Obamacare for you faggots?!!! Hell no!!! Obamacare is either fully repealed or is dies!!!

Obamacare was a mistake the day Obama signed it and it will hang around his and Democrats necks until it dies!!!!

Stay butthurt faggot!!!!! HAHHAHHAHAHA

>when you're so tribal that you criticize your "opponent" when they fail to repeal the thing you support

You will never be allowed here you trash tier wetback!!! America voted for Trump to kick your worthless people out and build a wall to keep you out!!!! America hates spics!!!!

>Where's the art of the deal
He got elected. That was the deal. It will also be his only accomplishment.

I don't care about Obama care I care that he said he would fix healthcare and he can't even get his own party to back his plan. He has a majority if he had real skill he could get a lot done.



They had seven years to plan a replacement that their own party could agree on and failed spectacularly when they should have been, you know, governing and working across the bench in order to compromise and work toward improving our existing healthcare system.

They were too busy crying "Repeal!" to think up even a mediocre replacement.

That isn't tribalism. It's a matter of fact.

Did you even read his original statement?
"I never said I was going to repeal and replace in the first 51 days".

1. Proof of media spinning the truth

2. Proof you fuckin gopping idiots dont read beyond the headlines or seek out sources

>his plan
>not knowing that congress creates the bills
Ryancare was a "fix" to Obamacare and would have forced Trump and Republicans to own it. Dems and the MSM would have run against "Trumpcare" in 2018 and 2020 but now they are stuck with the dieing Obamacare.

Ryan should have pushed for complete and total repeal but he did not and he done fucked up.

Obamacare is destined to die a death of CBO estimated double and even triple digit rate hikes and more insurance companies dropping all Obamacare packages but what is required to comply with the bare minimum the law requires.

Dems can not say Trump took Americans healthcare away but they will be FORCED to watch the Obamacare collapse and their plan and Obama's legacy collapse and take health insurance with it.

Good news!!! Trumpcare does not exist!!! Obamcare is still the law of the land!!! Know lets watch it die!!!!

Correction 61 days



Art of the Deal....oh my god, my sides...

What a flop.

Here's a quote from the article you didn't read:

>“It will be repeal and replace,” Trump said. “It will be essentially simultaneously. It will be various segments, you understand, but will most likely be on the same day or the same week, but probably the same day. Could be the same hour.”

The Democrats had been trying to tweak Obamacare for years but couldn't do it because the House went into Republican control. The House Republicans said they wouldn't tweak it, only repeal. They wanted it to fail so they could use it for campaign purposes which worked well.

Now, Republicans own it. If there are problems they should have the solutions. They've been saying it for 7 years.

Obamcare is still the law of the land!!!!


Trump is a fucking loser. I can't believe this place still defends him

Watch your tone leaf if I hear you say one thing bad about Islam I will report you to the RCMP.



>Now, Republicans own it.

Obamacare is still the law of the land!!!


>Republicans voting for single payer

>Obamacare was a mistake
>The bill proposed by Rs had a 17% approval rating
>"It's hard to go from the opposition party to one that governs"-Paul Ryan


Republicans could have repealed it. Why didn't they? They chose to keep it, therefore, they own it.

Fuck you nigger

>>Obamacare was a mistake
You can say that again!!!

Why should Trump and the Republicans try and "fix" Obamacare when everyone knows Dems and the MSM are going to label it "Trumpcare" and using it to run against in 2018 and 2020?!

Either full repeal or let it die. Obamacare will not be "fixed" by Republicans to save Democrats or Obama's legacy!!!


>They chose to keep it, therefore, they own it.


Also, please dear God in heaven let the Dems take your advice and run against an unmodified Obamacare!!! The Dem lib base will eat them alive!!!!!!

Why aren't those pussies repealing it now? They voted to do it before when Obama was president.

Those where stunts, they knew it would never be repealed while Obama was in charge. Now they don't have no one to blame when healthcare in America goes tits up due to their own incompetence.

>All this winning
>All this power
>All the promises
>Great deal maker/closer
>Can't pass anything, can't get anything done
>No political experience
>Blames everyone else for not performing

Why can't Sup Forums see that Trump is the equivalent of a Dindu?

>inb4 muh 7D underwater backgammon

The cunt has no idea what he is doing

They did it because they knew the repeal wouldn't pass. That way they could look like they were trying and still not be responsible for any backlash from the repeal.
>I wanted them to repeal it and they tried!
>I luvs muh obamacare and still gots my gibs!
Nothing changes, but everybody is happy. RINO logic.

Obamacare can not be partially repealed or whatever get voted on will be Obamacare Lite.

Obamacare is such a huge mess of a law that repeal is not just a pen stroke. Almost every person in the country is tied up in Obamacare, health insurance, or some parts that might be effected by Obamacare repeal. Obamacare was terribly implemented and as Dems said a few years ago it was designed to not be easily repealed without a huge undertaking.

Letting Obamacare collapse under its own weight solves this problem. A failed Obamacare can and will be defunded by Republicans in congress and repeal is much easier when it is completely dead. The good news is that Obamacare is already in advanced stages of collapse. Rate hikes are forecasted by the CBO for 2017 and 2018 which will drive more people off Obamacare, insurance companies are jumping ship which makes it easier for them to abandon Obamacare, and Dems will have to face a dead Obamacare and tell the American voter that the law died on its own... Trump never touched it!!!!

>trumplet tries an argument

>Letting it finally implode
If it need to be "fixed" then king nigger should have done so rather than going on vacation every 3 months.

Wow you sound super butthurt!!!!

Dems lost running in favor of the unpopular Obamacare and Republicans will add insult to injury by forcing Obamacare to collapse under its own weight!!!!

Dems and Obama's legacy get rekted!!!!!!!! HAHAHHA

probably because they mentioned that if it wasn't repealed before 2012 they wouldn't be able to get rid of it completely. People become accustomed to free stuff when they have it for a while so they get angry when you try to take it away. It would be suicide for some of them to take it completely away even if medicaid still covers the majority of people who would supposedly loose insurance if it was repealed. They would likely loose a lot of the constituents they would need for later elections not like it matters at this point.

but muh golf handicap

Lousiana had 400,000 adults in their red states getting free healthcare under the expansion and Arkansas has 250,000. Ohio last year enrolled 550,000 adults into Obamacare.
That law and the subsidies arent going anywhere.
In b4 collapsing Obamacare
You all know full well if it starts to fail they will just prop it up to avoid respnsibility for a collapse which is par for politicoans

It is like Obamacare was designed to be a giant monstrosity that hooks people into a system that has rising rates and limited everything!!! Like keep your plan and doctor was just a big lie!!!

That is fine... let it continue to be a burden until Dems admit Obamacare has to be fully repealed for health care to ever be fixed!!!

I don't understand how no one in the 7 years of running against ACA came up with a plan that all Republicans would love. It's been 7 fucking years.

But it doesn't have to be. It never did. The GOP could have easily cooperated and improved the ACA at any given time, but instead chose not to because they're beholden to big business and insurance lobbyists funding their campaigns and a base of voters too stupid to understand that they never had their voters' best interests in mind.

I'm sure you're right, though. And people will blame Obama for right wing ineptitude, per usual.

They don't want to have a healthcare plan. That gets in the way of profit.

Lol Obama allowed health industry lobbyists to write his bill because he was a weak politician but don't let that stop you from somehow blaming republicans... If anything should make you realise the left/right dichotomy is bullshit then its Obamacare everyone at the time knew it was a stimulus package to health insurance companies

Something doesn't add up. I mean, the ACA is failing, right? It's in its death spiral. Insurance companies are pulling out of the marketplace in droves, and many major providers were in support of the (now dead) replacement plan.

If insurance lobbyists wrote the ACA, why then would major providers support its replacement?