Not even trying to bait here

Not even trying to bait here
Someone seriously tell me why satanism is bad?
I mean for fucks sake everything fun these days is considered satanism to devote chrisfags
>Astral projections
>Rock music / goth culture

Other urls found in this thread:



Not an arguement

There are different degrees what constitutes Satanism or satan worship in general.

There are Theist Satanists who believe in the Judeo-Christian worldview where there is a God and there is a Satan, as some anti-thesis of God. These people probably are aware they will end up in Hell if they accept the Judeo-Christian worldciew.

Then there is Laveyan Satanism, which is basically Atheism with Satanic imagery.

There there is Lucfierianism which is basically gnostic, where the Devil or Satan is not understood as evil force but as a gnostic figure of redemption that through trial & error advances mankind as a necessary evil

not a thread

Sage hasn't worked in like 2/3 years now dude

it works very well actually.

notice how your threads haven't been going to well since about 45 minutes ago?

also kys

So becoming a werewolf is a doorway to demonic possession?

>notice how your threads haven't been going to well since about 45 minutes ago?
Sup Forums always dodges hard questions

Satanists are actually doing pretty good work in the US. They even have After School Satan clubs, teaching schoolkids critical thinking skills (as opposed to Good New Clubs which cucks kids in cucktianity)

satan is gay as fuck. Go to /x. He hangs out there. Go ask if he can help you summon a Gaycubbus.
Trolled him a few times after I BTFO-d him.

It's fucking disguting larp.

It's pagan faggot
It's Hinduism faggot
>Astral projection
It's CIA and /x/ larping faggot
>Rock music / goth culture
It's larp + thanks to media degenerates actually took it seriously (thanks for ruining it also, yeah).

In other words, kys

There's truth to your OP though, according to Christians everything they don't like is satanism

Who decided that Satanism is bad?

What are you, 14yo?

> video games
> cyberpunk


Satanism is for people who didn't find atheism edgy enough

But the Satanic Bible isn't a religious book, its just life advise, so of course idiots will hate it because they don't want to be told what to do unless big sky guy tells them.

What is satanism but a le cool name for youtube atheists?

So, satanists are literally degenerate cucks who will do anything to please MUHWOMAN? Lol, I always knew it.

>Then there is Laveyan Satanism, which is basically Atheism with Satanic imagery.

It's just judaism. His real name was fucking Howard (((Levey))).

Made up jewish cult

>It was only a joke and props you massive burger faggots, but oy vey, let's make a cult out of it

That's french though you dumb cunt, his jewish part was from his mother, hence the ((())) since it's not obvious he's one of them name wise.
Also his bullshit philosophy or whatever is all ripped off other stuff and authors but apart for that there is literally nothing wrong with it.

It's almost as if the universal ablation of Humanity held in common between Christianity and Communism is linked to them being founded by the same group of people.

They are men of the left handed path, however they are evil.
Their symbol is the Star of Asteroth. A pagan symbol for the elements of nature. Flipped upside down. The lower spirit. The wizards of Europe used to use the one in pic related. When the Catholics came they flipped the star as a way to symbolize that they were at war with the Catholics.

Satan, Saturn, Satyr, Pan, The Goat God.
The Nature God. His names are many.
Morning Star.

Gay as fuck.

Yup, satanists are not only cucks, but fags as well

For every evil there is a good. Even among the Wizards. After the inquisition the remnants left into hiding. The Catholics when they went to war with them killed even the good wizards. The star was made heresy. Many suffered from losses. Priests and wizards and people alike. The greatest irony being that Jupiter was disguising himself as the Church to eradicate Chronos once more. It worked, but at a price.

now that's just written by either a retard or someone trying to make christians look bad

Former agnostic Satanist here (turned Christian).


Satanism is basically pic related.

Apparently God is pleased I have turned away from the works of darkness.

Christ is Lord.

Tolkien was very very catholic and faithful

Did the bible tell you that or some guy in a building?



>Someone seriously tell me why satanism is bad?
For me, it you want to worship Satan and go to Hell... knock yourself out.

Just keep it to yourself and honestly why live? You are worshiping Satan so why not just KYS now and go to Hell now?! Why waste your time here?

And if you don't believe me, I still have my old folder

>Someone seriously tell me why satanism is bad?

Edgy, narcissists who all have Daddy issues.

The chicks are fucked in the head. but easy to bang though.

And came along Sup Forums
Wielding the power of the void. You smashed into the battle that was raging on for millenniums... and brought a third party to the battle of the Gods.

The eight pointed sigil of the primordial one.
Kek. Eris. Discordia. Chaos. Now the war is triple sided.

>LaVey was a Jewish faggot who secretly supplied arms to Israel, the only reason he founded """Satanism""" was to drive you gullible goyim out of the path of God.

t. Former LaVeyan

Why should we not tell Satanist to KYS so as they do not lead other unwitting souls into Satanism?

I would rather a Satanist KYS and go to Hell than drag others down with them.

I'm probably a rare case as not many satanists will find Christ.

I can answer questions if you'd like.

We eventually grew out of the phase. It's dogma is basically "fuck everyone and do what you want, humans are animals and should behave as such". It was appealing to me when i was a rebellious edgy teenager, but then you grow up and realize how stupid it all sounds.

On the other hand the concept of Psychic vampire was a rather good one.

>On the other hand the concept of Psychic vampire was a rather good one.

It's not a specifically satanic concept. Alex Jones even uses that.

The Bible itself has a similar lesson ("pearls before swine").

I should've posted here.

Politics and religion are inseparable. Styx can help you convert to Satanism:

BECAUSE satan is the god of knowledge...we dont need more knowledge we need more wisdom. btw everything u said has nothing to do with satan

Styx is an idiot who never grew out of the "I hate God" phase. Even today he still equals the Islamic problem to Christianity.

You can't be red-pilled with Christianity, tho. At the very least, one should be into Gnosticism and avoid most of the crowd-manipulation bullshit.

>You can't be red-pilled with Christianity

Are you 15?

Satanism is ultimately all about self indulgent hedonism with elements of moral relativity, it's basically "Degeneracy: The Religion" and as such is a destructive force in any society.

>with elements of moral relativity

There are no morals in satanism.

use the real star next time

Almost. Why? You don't have to wait until you're 15. I grew out of Christianity at 12. You're better off looking into Gnosticism, Christian calaba, that kind of thing -- if you insist on not straying too far from your comfort zone.

>Almost. Why? You don't have to wait until you're 15. I grew out of Christianity at 12

I rest my case.

>Remote viewing
I guess that confirms my fears about CIA

You're better off resting your blue pill. Christianity, man, c'mon. It's a laughing stock. Explore the other options.


What's great about watching Sup Forums arguments is the blatant ignorance and general hypocrisy. Neither side really knows what the other is talking about, and neither side really cares despite what respective dogmas might tell them to do. Although this level of scummy degeneracy is funny at the surface level, it hurts to think that there are real people who believe in jewish desert cults and big sky guys who watch your every moral decision.


There are secrets wanting to be opened.

Stay blind.


>The Demiurge made many foolish laws, while Satan only has one law, which is total lawlessness. A Satanist spits at the laws of the Demiurge and the laws of men. He is above such things.

>While there are no strict laws a Satanist must follow, there are some guidelines that will lead to a better life on Earth. They are as follows:

>1. Do unto others as they do unto you. If a man strikes you on the cheek, destroy him. If a person shows you love, show them love.

>2. Mercy is for the weak masses. Show no mercy towards your enemies. May your hatred towards them burn as bright as a thousand suns.

>3. Practice indulgence, but not compulsion. Abstinence leads to misery, but so does over-indulgence.

>4. The strong must use terror to make themselves heard over the waling of the inferior majority.

>5. Make war for the sake of war, for combat separates the sheep from the wolves.

>6. Know thyself. Self knowledge is the key to perfection.

>7. The weak masses are trapped by morality. The Satanist is beyond such constructs.

>8. The Satanist should strive to create a fascist society in which the strong rule over the weak. Communism and Socialism must be fought, as they seek to have everyone wallow in mediocrity. Might is right.

>9. The Satanist should be prepared to sacrifice his own life if necessary to hasten the return of the dark gods.

>10. Weakness must never be tolerated. Annihilate the weak!

>11. In order to have chaos, there first must be order.

>12. Honor the anti-cosmic gods.

>13. If someone is bothering you, ask them to stop. If they persist, annihilate them.

>14. Pursue undefiled wisdom, and flee from self-deceit. Be one that will receive the burning rays of gnosis.

holy fuck you are retarded kid. trust me, back when I was an edgey 14 year old I thought I knew everything.

christianity is extremely complex and deep, it just appears shallow because it's easy to grasp for stupid people as well. look up st thomas aquinas or augustine if you still think it's something you 'grow out of'

what the fuck is this shit?
satanism is worshipping yourself like satan did

In reality Satanism is nothing more than people praising the ideals of selfishness, it's a pretty gay and sad belief. On the contrary I have met two demons in my travels, evil exists.

>satanism is worshipping yourself
That only applies to cuck pop satanism created by Anton LaJew to make some shekels of the humanist and rock n roll movements of the late 60's.


may I remind everyone that Loki calls odin out on that shit and he gets really fucking embarrassed.

I'm no expert, so correct me if I'm wrong, but Satanism, and/or
>The church of Satan
has very little to do with Luciferianism, of which you seem to be speaking.

>extremely deep and complex

Not really.
Stoicism combined with declaring gods of the old as "demons" and sex only for procreation as a way to increase soldiers to defend the surrounding tribes.

premise 1 : you are satan
premise 2 : every single person on the planet is satan
premise 3 : by self worshipping you are collectively worshipping and empowering all of humanity
premise 4 : when satan practices these 3 tenants humanity has reached the end of its evolution and become god

no it doesnt you fucking idiot. it is simply an interpretation of the bible. many arrive at without even knowing who the fuck lavey is.

It's the Devils fiction user.

I never said that, I said praising ideals selfishness, very different.

There just something about raping children and sacrificing infants that puts people off. I dont know man, people are fucked up,.

I got one more hand symbol for you

> his jewish part was from his mother

So, he was a Jew? You are ofcourse aware that Jewish lineage is established ONLY through maternal side, so by saying "his jewish part was from his mother" you mean he was a 100% kosher Jew

Every single person contains the ability to be evil, Satan's merely a natural force, not something inside all of us.

>caring about some irrelevant fringe music scene 20 years ago

Look, son, I'm willing to bet that only the two or three Christians ITT seriously think I'm 14. This may have something to do with the fact that Christianity rots the brain. You can become something more. Pursue an esoteric path. Many have a Christian flavor.

The bible does not say satan worshiped himself.
He is the "adversary". He tries to lead people astray from Gods teachings.
He wanted to be worshiped and followed.

female orgasms are the root of all evil

pride is self worship and is satans cardinal sin
educate yourself

>Look, son, I'm willing to bet that only the two or three Christians ITT seriously think I'm 14

It doesn't matter if you actually are or not. You are mentally 14. You are an immature, rebellious little moron who has likely never even read the Bible, thus know nothing about the belief system you criticize.

It's okay. Most young people go through the same edgy anti religious phase as a result of your cultural marxist indoctrination.

nah dude, 14 year old is right. You should spend your mid-twenties enjoying women, drugs and life. Don't waste it with your religious gf talking about how much you love each other.

You might not be 14, but you sure sound like one. You're like one atheist remark away from being a full-blown fedora.

And I'm not even a Christian.
>protip: using the term Christian as if it had a derogatory connotation is to be the ultimate good goy

None of those things are even remotely "satanic"
And that's a big problem since these fucktards associate spirituality with "satanism" which in turn scares people away(such as christian, kikes, mudslimes etc) from the truth.
Satanism as a religion and practices is a bullshit mishmash of crap that's been given a paintjob to look "negative" or "evil" while in reality it's just manchildren who fucked up in life and don't know how to properly make sense of everything, so they go full edge mode muh "satonik curse you slaughter goat praise" etc..
Also psychic vampires are teens that slit their wrist and should fuck off and grow up otherwise they'll just keep getting more and more negative karma/luck + influence same with unironic "satanists".

>a britbong advocating degeneracy
Surely activated my almonds

God also has pride
Does that mean Christianity is about worshiping yourself?

Get woke

He's being sarcastic.

I hope.

Satanism is the path, church of satan was founded by a JEW, so beware, the Jews got there hands in everything, even the occult. Anything promoting pure atheism or christianity you will ALWAYS find a Jew, always.

If I were the Devil, I would've written the Bible for people like you. Think about it.

And you lack self-control. You said you flagged me. Your religion breeds weakness.

Because some satanists there think god is the devil. By that thinking the devil must be god. To themselves they're good guys and I dont care what they do as long as its not oldschool Satanism where its just hedonism + rituals.

it's hot topic humanism

The only way to truly reach the highest highs and lowest lows to become a well rounded and aware individual is to disregard religion. You don't seem like a lot of fun :'(

The Church of Satan is pretty much dead. People need edgier stuff these days.