North Carolina School System Pulls Book About a Boy in a Dress

North Carolina School System Pulls Book About a Boy in a Dress


The author wrote in an email, “If a white kid reads a book about Martin Luther King, is that kid going to become black?” he continued. “If a ballerina reads a book about football, is that going to make her try out for the N.F.L.?”

What the actual fuck

>“If a white kid reads a book about Martin Luther King, is that kid going to become black?”

Use the same argument to bring mein kampf into the curriculum

Will he turn into a nazi?

He clearly styled himself after early malcolm x, not MLK. There's a reason for his nickname



>"is that kid going to become black?”

Do I need to get some crayolas to spell the rest of the joke out for you?

I'm saying your joke is crap because it misses the mark completely you dumb burger

It's not my fault that you can't comprehend it, not-Australia.

It's okay user, I had a chuckle because that retard instantly popped into my head when I read what the OP said.

If you think comprehension is the problem here then all the more reason to weep for your education system

Can't be pushing a political agenda if you're being paid through tax payers. There's no academic value in the book that was pulled and is 100% a political tool to push acceptance of trans/gays/retards.

Yep, him and Rachel whatsername.

Don't you have some petrol you need to be sniffing right now?

Malcolm favoured segregation

Doesn't that make Shawn King our guy?

kek, I forgot about her ever since her "Career" went up in flames. No idea why this retard is still "relevant"

Because he signed on with The Young Turks recently. It's funny as hell watching him now. They always broadcast him in rooms with mood lighting so he seems darker. The fake swagger he adds to his voice is even better, you can hear it crack from time to time if you're careful.

Do you ever get hit with a surreal feeling that makes you go "Wow, this is actually a thing in the world" because I keep getting it the more I interact with the left. This is just so ridiculous and it's only possible for this to happen in the modern era. Can't wait for the next plague.

Based rednecks.

Fuck the zog and their faggot children's programing.

No both of them were wrong, MLK's ideas would have worked if the left didn't come up with the welfare state to interfere with natural selection

>The author wrote in an email, “If a white kid reads a book about Martin Luther King, is that kid going to become black?” he continued. “If a ballerina reads a book about football, is that going to make her try out for the N.F.L.?”


I thought the entire fucking argument the left had was that books about MLK and black heroes were needed BECAUSE that would influence the kids reading them to aspire to be them?

This is what they say everytime there's a project like this. They want books about women heros so the girls who read the books become heroes.

In every other fucking context they'll argue for a linear function in these matters. Hell, when they argue to ban other books for being too "fascist" or "racist" or "misogynist" they're again alleging that fiction has some kind of transformative power.

But now the same logic would mean their pro-tranny bullshit books could actively fuck up small kids.. and then it's SWITCH TACTICS time?

So fucking exasperating.

>But raw version without any cuts

>Do you ever get hit with a surreal feeling that makes you go "Wow, this is actually a thing in the world"

All the fucking time. I was shit-posting the other day on the side of King to some leftist normalfags and managed to convince them they needed to accept King as black because if transgender is a thing that we know exists and can accept, then transracial is also a thing and must also be accepted. You can logically extend that shit into infinity from there. Transspecies, transmolecular, transdimensional, etc. No one would have given this shit the time of day twenty years ago.

I think this is how nations typically end up falling. They become to prosperous and their people end up having too much free time so you end up with who can simply push their ideology all day. This was usually reserved for very wealthy and powerful people but now every person has a platform to speak to anyone who glances towards them. I do not envy those who are being born or are going to be born because we're going to be living in interesting times for the foreseeable future.

We've known decadence for far too long, and not in the faggy marxist sense. We've spent too long at the top of Maslow's hierarchy. No one worried whether they were transgender or non-binary during the great depression. Things get that bad again, and all this ideological shit will stop overnight. I'm not saying that's what we need to happen, but it would sure as shit solve some things.